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    The now-famous Blog of the worst kind observes racketeering of Connecticut family court, a den of thieves, in conspiracy to defraud a father, by denial of justice, deprivation of rights, and plundering of bank, while raping six childhoods. The FrankReport is running a series of articles to expose the ‘craft of plunder‘ exhibited by judges, lawyers, therapists, state actors in the DiRubba divorce, where over $3M is extracted by the racketeers in full public view. The machinery of State government works to veil grand larceny in ‘best interests of children’, a jewish delicacy of trickery and deceit, while preying on children. Even the Cheshire Police conspire to execute false arrests… Read More »Racketeering

    Psycho GAL

      The now-famous Blog spotlights psycho guardian ad litem Sue Cousineau of Middletown, Connecticut for needing heavy duty psychotropic medication to keep her mental derangement in check, allowing her to properly function in fucking over families as appointed by jewdicial authorities in rape of childhood and plunder of family bank. Sue is so mentally deranged, she cannot properly rape and plunder absent heavy medication designed to make her appear normal to unsuspecting parents and children. The jewdiciary is well aware of Sue’s mental disability, major depressive disorder, preventing her from acting with empathy in respect of parent-child bonds. The monsters in black robes personally approve all miscreants on the statewide GAL… Read More »Psycho GAL

      Idiot Albis

        The now-famous Blog of the worst kind calls out Michael Albis for being a complete idiot, unfit to sit on the bench; a danger to children, an enemy of the Constitution, child predator, domestic terrorist, satan’s foot soldier, all rolled into the Chief Judge of Family Court, in cesspool Connecticut. Albis has amazing inability to recognize the cesspool’s own supreme case law on family matters, just making it up, blithering away in verbose opinions; lacking strict scrutiny required to protect fundamental liberties, purposefully inflaming conflict, familial discord, for the sole purpose of protracted litigation, attorney enrichment, and childhood rape, all while concealing his jewish roots and demonic appendage. This clown… Read More »Idiot Albis

        Crook Nancy Aldrich

          Blog star Attorney Nancy Aldrich, sleazy jewish lawyer out of Westport, Connecticut left a scented trail in the Ambrose case, picked up by sniffing legal beagles of now-famous Blog’s pedigree hound pound. Nancy did not expect public scrutiny in a public forum, exposing her conspiracy to commit fraud on the court, defeating judicial machinery designed to ensure equitable outcomes, exposing synagogue pals Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. The deceit is simple, but obvious. No-fault divorce is an administrative service provided by a secular state court to end a meaningless matrimonial bond derived from Church origins. The court holds statutory obligation to divide marital assets, disclosure by filing a sworn financial… Read More »Crook Nancy Aldrich

          Randall Hale

            Another horror story out of the Connecticut cesspool, where the criminal justice system plays along with family court to abuse mothers, feeding mentally defective mind of Randall Hale of Haddam, satisfying insatiable need to malign mother of his children, destroy childhood, play victim, while his man card expires, hating his own mother, caging kids, promoting perverse masculinity, conditioning son and daughter in demonic mother hatred; satan’s psychosis grips another mad man and his lawyers Robert Tukey and Paige Quilliam. The judicial destruction of the Hale family is orchestrated by usual judicial monsters:  Albis, Adelman, Diana, Armata, Moukawsher, and GAL Victoria Lanier. A case running for 1735 days; 1500 days post… Read More »Randall Hale


              Panic grips Kristen Macinni, attorney trying to save Bloomfield Puppy Cop Brendan Danaher who falsely arrested Matthew Couloute’s baby mamma in conspiracy with Ryan McGuigan, Daddy Judge Danaher, Chief Paul Hammick, State’s Attorney Danielle O’Connell and Judge Omar Williams. Brendan faces a federal jury of his peers who will not believe battered mother, in safehaven protecting sexually abused child is worthy of arrest by Connecticut on complaint of a resident of Georgia. Brendan is going down, everyone knows it, especially Kristen who knows where all the dogs are buried. Kristen’s latest legal trickery is to demand the State’s Attorney file on baby momma’s false interstate felony arrest, desperately hoping to… Read More »Panic!

              Miyares Hoax

                Virginia Attorney General, self-proclaimed Cuban, moron with a law degree, betrays a sovereign people becoming a jew puppet of the Holohoax variety. In the political wasteland of Richmond, Virginia, where history is re-written to abolish mention of the War of Northern Aggression, monuments to the fallen eradicated in name of black lives that never picked cotton, white people vilified for never owning slaves, now comes ‘spic boy Miyares promoting the greatest lie ever told: The HOLOHOAX. Elected to be Virginia’s lawyer, Miyares abuses office, betrays oath, spits on ‘we the people’, strung to jew puppet strings he is a propagandist, promoting the lies of six million exterminated jews in showers,… Read More »Miyares Hoax

                Jew Hate

                  The jews are at it again! The holohoax is not enough, lies of showers, death camps, fire pits faded into the realm of bad fiction, so a new propaganda campaign of the oppressed hated kikes is unleashed upon America, assaulting constitutionally protected goy right to hate. Oi vey! The new blue square is the colorful hashtag to call attention to the fact that 2.4% of the population is hated more than any other group in the history of ‘murika. Jews have rolled out disinformation that goy hate them more now than ever before, that their parasitic ways, deviant culture, chosen beliefs are actually hated, for which the chosen, oppressed, hated… Read More »Jew Hate

                  Mouk Appearance

                    The now-famous Blog notes Judge Thomas Moukawsher of Connecticut Inferior Court refuses to appear in federal suit for his Fourteenth Amendment violations in denial of due process under color of practice rule for instantly disbarring a zealous advocate for being a zealous advocate. Moukawsher places himself above the law, ignoring the properly issued federal summons, the court empowered by Congress to enforce protections of the Fourteenth Amendment. Mouk proves again that nutmeg justice is mere tyranny in black. Mouk’s drama is tiresome, a retard, gifted with a judgeship because daddy did dirty deeds, gets dumped in family court for being a judicial fuck up, where he turns a simple review… Read More »Mouk Appearance

                    Malicious Prosecution

                      The now-famous Blog legal department reviews Second Circuit ruling on malicious prosecution, predicting that rookie puppy cop Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield Predatory Police will go down before a jury on the arrest of Matthew Couloute’s baby momma. Place your bets, millions on the table as Brendan is the tip of the iceberg, the small cog in the wheel of Connecticut criminal justice machinery that Couloute and his paedo pal Ryan McGuigan put into illegal motion to steal a child for deviant usage. Spotlight obnoxious Attorney Kristen Maccini who has been lying to the world for four years that her puppy cop client did nothing wrong by penning an affidavit of… Read More »Malicious Prosecution