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    The now famous blog of the worst kind, a First Amendment thorn in the side of tyranny, highlights the ideological divide between Christians and Old Testament Types, the ancient battle of good vs. evil, where miscreants of Connecticut’s legislative judiciary committee display truly inhumane colors, twisted beliefs, barbaric dogma, misogyny, pederasty, alien doctrines, eschewing founding principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, but then, old fart named Moses would never approve such a Constitution among the several tribes; rabbinical courts and ritual animal sacrifice worked just fine to corral his minions.   Rumours abound in Hartford that Representative Matthew Blumenthal holds ideological belief that all administrative, no-fault divorces must have a… Read More »Loser!

    Trump’s Hammer

      President Trump has dropped the executive hammer on the jewdicial form of secular no-fault divorce:  Eradicating Anti-Christian Bias,  an order to rebuke past policies of shadow elites chosen desire to exterminate beliefs and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The mosaic dogma lives on in national subversion requiring dissent among tribal descendants to be crucified; eating bacon is a sin, but casting out mothers and children is just another day in the life of a nutty nutmeg jewdiciary.  Now comes the logic that will make family court vomit:  The jew designed custody fight, the prime money maker for Steven Reck’s pals of the family bar association, is a target for… Read More »Trump’s Hammer

      Anti-Family Court Vigilantes

        The Connecticut Speech Police have outdone themselves in traitorous conduct, warring against the Constitution, the First Amendment’s free speech part, whereupon orders of her masters, Detective Trooper Samantha McCord petitions Mickey Garland’s Department of Justice for federal international assistance hunting protected blog speech to demand Dutch authorities assist in the nutmeg witch hunt, as she swears in name of sovereign nutmegs, blog is a hotbed of ‘anti-family court vigilantes’.  McCord had been harassing private Dutch citizens by trans-Atlantic email bombardment, demanding information about blog’s cyber server home in the tulip gardens of Amsterdam, but without response by wise Dutchmen, the annoyed trooper dyke conspired with U.S. Attorney Vanessa Roberts-Avery and… Read More »Anti-Family Court Vigilantes

        Free Speech

          Freedom is not free, a price is paid in blood, won by ultimate sacrifice of bravehearts, warriors forged by duty, honor, country.  How quick ruling elites forget our history of life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it; the political power of sovereign people to control government tyranny, seen as inconvenience to present day self-chosen ruling elite masters, so defiled that a new President issues an executive order to restore the freedom, so callously disposed by corrupt public servants, our own fellow citizens of the more perfect union.  The now famous blog cites a few historical tidbits to remind the callous elite of their errant paths, unfaithful to… Read More »Free Speech

          Not So Bright

            The puppet governor of Nutmegland has nominated blog star William Bright to the high court, making him the seventh dwarf of the bench of legal miscreants whose claim to fame is bleeding unsuspecting taxpayers of hard earned dollars, while providing illusion of justice to the detriment of Founding Father principles.  William-not-so-Bright is best known for kicking fellow blog star Holly Abery-Wetstone out of his Rockville Courthouse after her famous act of punishing a mother by taking the kids away, a purchased ruling in the Bushey case, exemplary conduct of the hard hearted jew wielding absolute maniacal discretion from the family bench, manifesting mental incompetency, the hallmark of Connecticut jewdicial powers. … Read More »Not So Bright

            Re-Engineering Family Court

              Now famous blog passes on video of the famous dyke on the byke, blog famous Elizabeth Bozzuto, kicked off the bench for being a heartless humanoid of barbaric destructive proportions, now the Chief Court Administrator, she tells the judiciary committee of the ongoing ‘re-engineering’ of family court, which Rep. Fishbein notes is making things worse.  Senator Kissel is totally confused as to what Bozzo’s job really is or what she does everyday other than suck up a quarter of a million dollar annual salary.  Blog history department notes Bozzo hasn’t changed a bit, clueless, ignorant, ineffective, should have never been a judge, just a stain on the people of Connecticut,… Read More »Re-Engineering Family Court


                After years and years of illegal and unconstitutional federal efforts to restrict free expression, I will also sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech to America. Never again will the immense power of the state be weaponized to persecute political opponents, something I know something about. We will not allow that to happen. It will not happen again. Under my leadership, we will restore fair, equal, and impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law, and we are going to bring law and order back to our cities. President  Donald J. Trump _________________________________________________________________________________________ RESTORING FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ENDING FEDERAL CENSORSHIP EXECUTIVE… Read More »TRUMP!

                Judge Joseph Vizcarrondo

                    The now famous blog highlights the vindictiveness of Connecticut Family Courts, staffed with psychos adorned in black drapes, who are stains on humanity, fraud upon society, domestic enemies of the Constitution, proving again the court is run by evil monsters, protecting their own for the sole purpose of wreaking havoc on a once enlightened society.  Judge Joseph Vizcarrondo of Wilton was selected by Governor Ned for his skills to serve the court with INTEGRITY and tokenism, where identity politics, DEI, and life experiences serve public deception, installing idiots on the bench, unable to grasp the concept of law, claiming Vizcarrondo meets the high standards Connecticut deserves!  Blog history department… Read More »Judge Joseph Vizcarrondo

                  Berserk Ball

                    The now-famous Blog of the free speech kind spotlights the hot mess, constitutionally confused, court appointed attorney Kelly Ball of Buffalo, New York, who has lit her hair on fire, hyperventilating, having panic attacks that the public is watching her silliness ranting about existence of now-famous Blog, screaming about the word ‘nigger‘, now demanding an ’emergency’ hearing before Judge Thomas DiMillo to protest the First Amendment, all while being paid with state funds, under the management of the senile Linda Kostin, Esq. of Fourth Department’s attorney for children welfare program, which pays $75/hr to fund meritless, frivolous, vexatious arguments by ignorant lawyers, against public right to scrutiny of matters involving… Read More »Berserk Ball

                    Cruel Ruel

                      The now-famous Blog of the all seeing ‘worst‘ kind spotlights sloppy trickery skills of Jim Ruel, a sleezy two-bit family court charlatan whose legal work leaves his clients hanging out years after he cashed his paycheck for ill gotten legal fees, and he thought no one would ever figure it out, now his former client Erik L. Kuselias, the CBS sportscaster stepped in it before Judge Christopher Griffin at New Haven. Blog sees all. Judge Griffin, a newbie judge, no brains, no training, no expertise in post-judgment trickery of clowns like Jim Ruel, Lynda Munro, Richard Callahan who conspire to scam a mom out of alimony and child support, to… Read More »Cruel Ruel