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Lisa Knopf, Esq.

    The now-famous Blog spotlights the pedo protection pleadings of Attorney Lisa Knopf, a public service alert revealing the absolute discretion of a jew judge acts to protect child rapists and silence mothers who recognize the evil of a predator father. Read here the insane pleading of a licensed attorney, asking the court to conspire in silencing the screams of raped children. Blog legal staff breaks down the pleading, exposing pedo protection, which jew judge Jane Grossman is paid to deliver. Pedo daddy gets sole custody, mom barred from school, medical records, and doctor’s visits with child. Can’t have mom taking Leo to the pediatrician on complaint of butthurt. Mandatory reports… Read More »Lisa Knopf, Esq.

    Debench Grossman!

      The evil jewish monster in black appears before the judiciary committee this Friday for the democratic process of ‘reappointment’. The commie governor of gulag corrupticut has nominated this chosen dyke to another eight years of constitutional slaughter and rape of childhood, what jews do best. Click the link for the invitation to view the pleading of a monster to continue being a monster in the name of the state. No enlightened society of a free people would put Grossman back on the bench. Her expulsion is required to protect the children and the Constitution. A little fodder for those who wish to address the clowns of the committee who have… Read More »Debench Grossman!

      Critical Marketplace

        The now-famous Blog, participates in the marketplace of ideas, acting under the expression clause of the First Amendment, scrutinizing public forums involving abuse of children, denial of rights, and jewish subversion of law. Blog speciality is criticism. Unfortunately, Shawna Hamilton Doster slept thru lectures on Bill of Rights at Houston Law. Poor saddle-sore Texas cowgirl now lives in Greenwich, selling incompetent legal services to an unsuspecting public. Shawna is a drunken fool who can’t hold her wine nor read law. Her confused brain combined with inflated ego sense of self-importance cannot comprehend that stepping upon the public stage, representing parents, conspiring with others, barking for bark sake, draws critical public… Read More »Critical Marketplace

        Protected Fraud

          The now-famous all-seeing Blog spotlights the incompetent Judge Tammy Nguyen-O’Dowd for fraud upon the people by granting a protective order to hide where Attorney Dennis O’Toole got $400k in cash to fund FreedMarcroft’s meritless, vexatious litigation for nut job Francelia Sevin to argue for sole custody and isolation of little Odin Sakon from his father. Like Tammy did not realize Blog is watching? Dumb cunt. State case law requires full, fair, frank disclosure in family matters so that the court knows all the information in order to fashion proper orders in best interest of kids. Case law goes back 35 years: Reville, Billington, Gelinas. TAMMY! now conspires with Stop&Shop, Francelia… Read More »Protected Fraud

          Absolute Adelman

            Absolute discretion is ruthless, the greatest danger to liberty ever created by man. In Connecticut, childhood is senselessly raped by unbridled discretion wielded by the jew in black, the Dark Lord of evil, Judge Gerard I. Adelman. The mentally defective monster begs Blog spotlight for inhumane conduct in violation of American constitutional principles, but the kike is not American, he is jewish. Having kept Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer isolated from mother for over 666 days, Adelman now stops mom from filing ‘too many’ motions in protection of her children. Judge Kike issues an amazing order which even Hitler disapproves. Unlike Adelman, the Nazis held high regard for their mothers. Adelman… Read More »Absolute Adelman

            Katz Challenge

              The now-famous Blog challenges queen jew of the rabbinical cesspool of Corrupticut Courts to an evidentiary showdown! To put an end to her whining about pro-gentile commentary, she is hereby challenged to apply the Connecticut Code of Evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that SIX MILLION of her cousins were exterminated by order of Adolf Hitler in eight death camps between 1939-1945. d’Blog calls HOLOHOAX on Jewette Katz and her old testament clingons. Katz can show the world her chosen superior intellect, her chosen expert legal skills, chosen knowledge of evidence, yada yada yada … to prove her pathetic claim to jewish persecution, as opposed to the reality that… Read More »Katz Challenge


                The evil jew Gerard Adelman of Connecticut’s rabbinical family court goes in for the slaughter of childhood, draining kids’ blood to make his matzah. The dickhead jew of Regional Family Trial Dungeon reconvenes the Ambrose case after elimination of mother’s lawyer. Three childhoods slaughtered in sacrifice to the jewish god of money. Blood drained to make matzah. Devoid of human compassion, Adelman’s worship of the money god drives his insane abuse of mothers and children. Destruction of the Ambrose family is a jewish delicacy. Jew game is back on! From the FrankReport: Corrupt CT Family Court: Ambrose Case Set Again for Trial Before Judge Adelman After Money-Driven Results Lead to… Read More »Adelmonster

                Ignorant Ellen Peters

                  The now-famous Blog further incites Jewette Katz to pop a blood vessel in her twisted brain by slaughtering the legacy of the ignorant jew Justice Ellen Ash Peters for exempting prisoners of the Connecticut concentration camp from protections of the Fourteenth Amendment. It is a jew world, where the chosen suspend the Constitution in sole purpose of trafficking children, draining Christian baby blood to bake matzah, while pocketing family savings. The chosen betray their unconstitutional control of family court in the singular boast by Jew Justice Peters that jewdicial discretion rules over the goy. All constitutional protections fall to the power of jewdicial discretion.   It is a rare case… Read More »Ignorant Ellen Peters

                  Suspicious Activity!

                    The money laundering, child trafficking tricks of the state pedo ring spilled out before Judge Tammy Viet-Cong in Hartford family court this week. The ignorant misplaced rice-paddy peasant came face to face with the sinister financing game of child rape, but did nothing. Tammy! plays for the dark side. The marathon case of Sakon v Sakon dragged on for another week of pointless testimony in the court’s fabricated drama of deciding the best interest for a little kid named Odin Sakon. Over 1,980 days before the court, over 850 docket entries, over 200 orders, touched by 12 different judges, eight different attorneys, running up legal fees by FreedMarcroft exceeding $400k.… Read More »Suspicious Activity!


                      The now-famous Blog announces the labeling of a specialty division of the Connecticut Bar Association that focuses solely on separating children for mothers where daddy has big bucks. This group operates under a secret section of the secret family court benchbook which lays out the strategy to employ the children as tools to promote conflict, drain family savings, raping childhood, while enriching lawyers and judges along the way. The new name: JEWISH CUNT CLUB. Head of the CLUB is the evil, hideous, retired supreme court justice, and child trafficker commissioner Jewette Katz; partner at the lecherous law firm of SHIPMAN & GOODWIN. From her opinionated perch the CT Law Tribune,… Read More »JCC