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Evil Political Wives of Corrupticut

    The now-famous blog takes note of the horrific policy decisions of Connecticut State officials, to ask the question: who is fucking these monsters? The taxpayer forks out huge salaries for officials who wreak havoc on the lives of private citizens under the claim of some elitist pubic policy. The blog is curious as to the ‘partners’ of these monsters. Let’s start with the governor’s hose bag, Annie Lamont. Annie Lamont, part of jewish venture capital scam, hater of goy, child predator, pedophile supporter. Annie has fucked Ned for years, sucks his dick, licks his balls, even takes it up the ass to please this monster. She sleeps in the bed… Read More »Evil Political Wives of Corrupticut

    Punishment By Child: Upheld!

      The big dumb nigger of the Connecticut Supreme Court has upheld punishment by child! The cruel and unusual punishment of taking kids away from a mother to invoke the wrath of a jewish family court judge is just another day in the cesspool of state courts. Nigger boy Justice Richard Robinson will bitch about black cotton pickin’ slaves, but will let white children be used as weapons of punishment against their own mothers. Not even a plantation nigger would uphold such child abuse, but Robinson is controlled by the jewish pedophilia mafia. Anything to fuck up the lives of the goy, ruling from edicts of the Talmud, dumb nigger boy… Read More »Punishment By Child: Upheld!

      Part 3: Unspecified Disorder

        The third part in the drama of pedo dad Christopher Ambrose and the court system that abuses children, while lawyers get rich, families go broke, and pedophiles are protected. Read on Frank Report. The jewish psycobabblist Jessica Biren Caverly is cited for diagnosing mother with an ‘unspecified disorder’ for which the jew magic of family court finds cause for isolation of children from mom, as ordered by jew Judge Jane Grossman, applauded by jew GAL Jocelyn Hurwitz to the glee of daddy’s jew attorney Nancy Aldrich. Note that jew girl Jocelyn normally charges $500/hr, but gave the Ambrose family a 20% discount for her valuable ‘services’. Hurwitz retainer letter here.… Read More »Part 3: Unspecified Disorder


          The lawyers who practice the dark art form of family law, preying on children, before deviant judicial authorities, play nasty tricks on ‘we the people’ by creating fact from fiction, passed by whispers, until it is spoken to the judge to create a basis for illegal orders. Let’s examine how misinformation is created in the star chamber of Waterbury JD, the court of Judge Anna Ficeto. Early on in the life of the now famous blog, there was much angst over what is simply public information, discussed in an internet medium, having very little public attention. Embarrassed attorneys and law enforcement sought to silence blog expression, claiming criminal conduct for… Read More »Whispers


            What game does Connecticut play with the courts? On one hand the courts are open per state constitutional clause, the courts are public forums, federal Constitution provides public right to scrutiny protected in First Amendment, the nutmegers are a sovereign people, responsible for the proper functioning of the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. But there is a cadre of jewish child predators in black robes who act to hide court proceedings from the public. Why? Of more interest, why do the family court judges seek to hide their proceedings primarily in cases involving lawyers, vendors, lots of money, and child predators? Perhaps this tip… Read More »Game?

            Frank Report #2: Chris Ambrose (High Risk)

              The more that is written about Christopher Ambrose, the more the people of Connecticut realize that family court is a danger to children. Jews, Jews, and more Jews, trafficking innocent children. Why is it always the jews? Adelman, Grossman, Hurwitz, Aldrich, Caverly, team jew to rape the children. Public service message: Christopher Ambrose is abusing three children in his house at 381 Horse Pond Road in Madison. Honk when driving by. Madison Police are protecting a child abuser. If there were any real fathers in Madison they would have rescued the kids by now. It takes a village to rape kids, welcome to Madison, where the screams of children cannot… Read More »Frank Report #2: Chris Ambrose (High Risk)

              Frank Report: Chris Ambrose

                The evils of Connecticut family court are not difficult to spot. Read the first in a series of articles on the jewdicial conspiracy to protect a pedophile and traffic children: FRANK REPORT. Looks like CJ Richard Robinson and Judge Michael Albis have some explaining to do. Judges Adleman and Grossman should be in federal custody along with Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz. Law enforcement and state child protective services have betrayed the trust of a sovereign people. Connecticut: screams of children are silenced. The Ambrose Papers Part 1: ‘Secrets and Lies’: TV Writer Chris Ambrose and the Connecticut Family Court Puts Children in Danger October 3, 2021 This is part one of… Read More »Frank Report: Chris Ambrose


                  Connecticut’s jewish agenda is a gift that keeps on giving blog feed. Even the great grey ponytail, giant of the legal profession, and blog favorite, NORM PATTIS is in the fray! A nutjob Texas judge hands down a twisted decision against Alex Jones that shreds the First Amendment. Blog loves the First Amendment! The SandyHoax is a story about mass murder carried out with a powerful rifle by a skinny autistic kid who can not tie his shoes, but an excellent marksman, nerves of steel, unflinching when 144 high velocity rounds ripped thru victims at point blank range. Only 6 of his 150 rounds missed flesh during the ten minute… Read More »SandyHoax

                  Ficeto’s Dick

                    Time for the now famous blog to highlight Judge Anna Ficeto’s dick and what drives her to ram it in the ass of childhood. Ficeto lives in Wolcott, Connecticut in a big house at 13 Diamond Rock Rd. She is a miscreant of a human and a deviant child predator. She is a heretic, taking communion as a mislabeled Catholic, keeping her beastly tail tucked in, not to expose her Satanic inbreeding. Her allegiance to the dark side manifests in her legal representation of dykes who wanted to rub their tits and lips together, riding a double ended dildo, in claim of marriage. She represented two female sloths of such… Read More »Ficeto’s Dick

                    Agati rules fair!

                      The Italian jewdicial grease ball of Waterbury JD, Salvatore Agati rules that evil Judge Anna Ficeto is a fair judge!! The hypocrisy is palpable. Two jewish judges who pretend to be of the Catholic faith traffic Sofie and Evie Grohs along with their large trust funds, depriving them of hugs from mother and family for over four years. Agati rules it is all FAIR! Lock & Load! Jewdicial terrorism is on the loose, hunting season open, no tags, no limits. The now famous blog examines the heretics masquerading as Catholics, but practice the Talmud from the jewdicial bench of Connecticut. Salvatore Agati is Board Chair for Holy Cross High School… Read More »Agati rules fair!