Time to take a look at the latest rantings of a mad man who thinks he is also a lawyer. The courtroom comedy act of Matthew Condel Couloute, Jr. has a new pleading; poor Matt was abused by the State of New York and he needs $35,000 from his ex wife to soothe his butthurt….always the victim.
The story goes like this, Matt abandons kid and X in October of last year, then claims the kid and the X abandoned him, then NY State seized the kid, charged Matt with child neglect, then CPS finds the child has been abused, but that’s ok cause Judge Sharon LoVallo is protecting Matt and trafficks kids for the ring. But now Matt needs to be reimbursed for his troubles that NY State dragged him into court and is demanding $35k under the wrong statute. Boy ding dong does not realize that UCCJEA has nothing to do with the State neglect charges. Going to be a great laugh, next hearing is in Buffalo on 20 November where he will have to explain why he is behind over $10k in child support, is in contempt of court orders and is generally acting like a jerk.
Stay tuned, there is no chance that the Couloute matter will end well.