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Adelman Unglued!

    The Dark Lord has come unglued! Judge Gerard Adelman appeared more than distraught in yesterday’s Ambrose hearing. It appears that he is in trouble with the state pedo ring for failing to deliver on Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, while drawing too much public attention to the jewish efforts of draining the family bank. Adelman ranted about the publicity and berated mom’s lawyer in a nonsensical barrage for no legal purpose. To the casual observer, Adelman is scared. He cancelled all pending trial dates, issued a flurry of temporary orders, keeping the kids isolated from mom, then ended the session in a huff. The now-famous blog speculates that the Ambrose case… Read More »Adelman Unglued!

    True Threat?

      The donut sheriffs of Lake County, Illinois did not get the memo on a .50 cal to the head from the federal courts. Big fat uneducated Deputy makes claim that a ranting victim of family court is making a ‘true threat’ to two judges who are not on the call. Here we go again!!! Nigger boy Sheriff John Idleburg and white judicial cocksucker prosecutor Eric Rinehart apply for an arrest warrant for Kash Jackson because he threatened to kill a judge to whom he never spoke, as interpreted by a donut whore with hemorrhoids. Of course another Lake County jew in a black robe issued the warrant, set bail at… Read More »True Threat?

      Chris Ambrose: Part 8

        The blog editors applaud the FrankReport on its continuing series exposing homosexual, pedophile Chris Ambrose and the doting jewish pedo players of the Connecticut Family Court who are victimizing Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, while sucking the family bank dry. Read directly at FrankReport, see the latest art-work depicting the jews of family court and their evil terror played out on innocent children. Satan is alive and well in the Connecticut judiciary. When headless bodies of child predators float down the Connecticut River, will anyone be surprised? Anyone think that Judges Rodriguez, Grossman, Adelman, and Albis not getting a cut of all this money? Anyone still fooled into believing the jews… Read More »Chris Ambrose: Part 8

        Smith’s Immunity Denial

          In the jewdicial cesspool of Connecticut family court, the constant overreach of jewish games gets sickening. The vultures of the court feel empowered to take up the cloak of IMMUNITY while raping children and family bank. Blog star and pedophile Dr. Linda Smith, PhD got spanked by an Irish-Catholic judge for claiming IMMUNITY to rape Odin Sakon in a family matter. No immunity for a jewish psychobabblist peddling snake oil to traffic kids for the pedophile mob of Corrupticut. Read Judge Sue Quinn-Cobb’s decision here. Court whore and pedo protector Linda Smith entered into a contract to perform her voo doo on Odin Sakon’s family for a forensic psychological opinion… Read More »Smith’s Immunity Denial

          Spot The Pedos!

            The now-famous blog takes time to highlight the pedo players in the Harris case out of Waterbury JD. Just another pedo play where two seven year old twin girls, Scarlett and Skye, are daddy Dana Harris’ deviant play toys. Same old pedo play, daddy abuses daughters, mom cries foul, pedo court maligns mother, sole custody to pedo dad, no visitation for mom, no hugs for kids, not even a child support order as pedo Dana charges his pals to play. Oi vey, Judge Schofield just cranks out the pedo orders, like no one is watching. Let’s examine the pedo players on the lawyer side. First there is pedo daddy lawyer,… Read More »Spot The Pedos!

            Chris Ambrose: Part 7

              No shortage of cringe-able drama from Christopher Ambrose of Madison, Connecticut. Part 7 of the series by the FrankReport is published, it is frightening! Big fat pedo daddy continues to keep Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer prisoner at 381 Horse Pond Road, under gestapo protection of the thin blue pedophile police commanded by chief child rapist Jack Dunn and doting piggalo First Selectwoman Peggy Lyons. Pedophilia is alive and well protected in Madison!! _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #7: Forensic Examiner Investigating Image of Ambrose’s Hard Drive – Charges May Be Coming for Father Who Allegedly Abuses Children October 16, 2021 {Portrait of a monster? Or is that Chris Ambrose?  What kind… Read More »Chris Ambrose: Part 7

              Call To Arms!

                The sovereign people of Connecticut are called to arms by tyranny of their own government. Mothers seeking redress of grievances for the protection of their children are to be barred from the court by claim of Reneé Deichert’s deviant husband Robert. Pedo daddy Robert filed the State’s claim that mothers should not be able to use the court to plead for relief against unscrupulous state actors who rape children for profit. The court being the alternative to violence, the State of Connecticut wants violence! A call to arms! Crosses burn in the Highlands. The government has thrown the gauntlet, there will be no civilized court review of the abuse of… Read More »Call To Arms!

                Issue Focused Evaluation

                  Time for tossing some jewdicial word salad from the bowels of the Connecticut Judiciary. The big dumb nigger in the black robe, CJ Richard Robinson funds a secretive society of child predators to provide ‘family services’ under the guise of justice. The third branch of government, holding no standards of family or cause to service a family, pretends that its ‘counselors’ have some magic sauce to interfere with parent-child bonds. Any excuse the communists can imagine justifies their ideological (jewish) purpose to invade and break up Christian families. Blog star nigger boy Judge Eric Coleman referred a matter to the sloths of family services in the armpit of Waterbury, JD.… Read More »Issue Focused Evaluation

                  Foul Ball!

                    The expert counsel of FreedMarcroft’s sloth attorneys plays out on the little league baseball diamond in Manchester. Not even the American childhood pastime of baseball escapes theatrics of Francelia Sevin’s insane drama of abusing her son Odin, under color of divorce law. After two separate incidents of Fancelia and her pedo boyfriend Dennis O’Toole dragging little Odin, kicking and screaming, off the field, exercising abusive parental right to assault a child, witnessed by players in the dugouts and the parents in the bleachers, the umpires call foul! Last week nut job mom appears at the baseball game to save her son from playing ball with his teammates, but is detained… Read More »Foul Ball!

                    FrankReport #6

                      The FrankReport has published its SIXTH installment of public scrutiny into the pedophile affairs of the Connecticut Family Court in the matter of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. The Chief Family Judge Michael Albis remains hidden in his Middletown chambers, hoping no one notices his complacency to child abuse under the color of state dissolution law, while hoping he does not become a headless floater in the nearby river. The now-famous blog compliments Frank’s creative artwork provided in the Ambrose series.