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Den of Thieves

    Great article in the FRANKREPORT on the thieves of Connecticut Family Court, includes an interview with journalist Michael Volpe. The side story that is not mentioned is why does Chief Justice Robinson allow these thieves to inflict so much pain and suffering on children? He holds complete and singular control over all licensed lawyers and all judges. One can only conclude that the Den of Thieves is sanctioned, approved, and protected by this nigger-in-charge. Perhaps it is time for a well regulated militia, being necessary for the preservation of a free state, in protection of children, bare arms, hunt down the nigger, swing him from a tree, sending a message… Read More »Den of Thieves

    Chris Ambrose unglued!

      Blog provides an insight into the dysfunctional brain of Christopher Ambrose by sharing his requested relief in the dissolution of his marriage before Judge Gerard Adelman. His proposed orders, absent his attorney’s endorsement can be read here. Blog highlights the delusions of Chris Ambrose and his desire to use the children, Mia, Matthew, Sawyer as weapons to satisfy his personal vendetta of hatred towards a mother. Christopher Ambrose is a sick and twisted individual of great Blog interest. Psycho man demands sole physical and legal custody of three children which he has no income to support, for the pleasure of keeping the kids caged, isolated from friends and family and… Read More »Chris Ambrose unglued!

      Jew Questions

        The jewdiciary of Connecticut employs word salad in the administration of justice to obscure matters to the extent of being unrecognizable in a civilized society for the sole purpose of raping childhood and draining family savings. Here is a list of ‘questions’ created by a jew judge which a jew psychologist is supposed to answer. Describe the overall psychological functioning of the child. Anyone want to define ‘psychological functioning’? Is this just jew speak to provide a barnyard description of the four legged calf of the parents? Won’t find this anywhere in case law, or the study of humanity. A jew game. What mental health treatment is recommended for the… Read More »Jew Questions

        Maria McKeon, Esq.

          One of the reasons that divorce in Connecticut is so fucked up is the idiot lawyers who prey on family savings to pay for lifestyles they cannot afford. Blog aficionados are aware that every divorce is ninety minutes worth of work, which most is typing. No one cares why someone wants out of a marriage. The state does not give a shit about kids. The morons who work at the family court don’t care about anything other than lunch, quitting time, and days to retirement. The fuck barrel of a Connecticut divorce is traced directly to the family section of the Bar Association, a cesspool of bottom of the barrel… Read More »Maria McKeon, Esq.

          Tammy Meltdown!

            The now-famous Blog notes that the misplaced southeast Asian rice paddy peasant, Judge of the Connecticut Superior Court, Tammy Nguyen-O’Dowd has had her moment of meltdown, demonstrating her inability to be a judge. Tammy’s black robe obscures the fact that she does not have a brain, that she is not an American, does not understand the founding principles of the country, holds no respect for the Constitution, acts like a viet-cong guerrilla fighter with a vendetta against the land of the free and the home of the brave, who is also off her medications. Tammy’s altered perception of reality impairs her judgement by ignoring the court order issued by Judge… Read More »Tammy Meltdown!

            David Rookasin

              The now-famous Blog enjoys a good pedo daddy story, like nut job David Rookasin of Monroe, Connecticut a new blog star. The repetition of classic abusive narcissistic behaviour towards mothers is striking. David is a societal parasite, selling financial products to old folks, bagging ridiculous commissions, a euphemism for the common term ‘fleecing’. He is so pathetic, he got caught and fined for taking a $50k commission under the table from another parasite. He calls himself a Financial Advisor, his advice will be your loss. Rookasin, a pervert, paedophile, mean nasty person, a child abuser under federal law, is on the public stage in Connecticut Superior Court, in New Haven,… Read More »David Rookasin

              Lisa Kerin Snake Oil

                The now-famous Blog highlights the jew family fleecing scam under the fabricated doctrine of ‘best interest’ of money for court whores like Lisa Kerin, a state licensed social worker who is chosen by Judge Elizabeth Stewart having skills of invading the privacy of parent-child bonds by directing state licensed snake oil vendor to perform undefined voo-doo on a goy family with chosen privilege. Oi vey, the global zionists work at the lowest levels to destroy constitutional protections and Christian concept of family. May the wrath of a holy hell befall jew Judge Elizabeth Stewart and her snake oil prescriptions. Judge Stewart, of Hamden, studied undergrad and law skool at Thomas… Read More »Lisa Kerin Snake Oil


                  It is now DISINGENUOUS to suggest that jewish divorce lawyer Edward ‘huckster’ Nusbaum may not be worth $750/hr for his putrid abilities in fleecing families in the name of professional legal services. Jew boy Nusbaum hired fat geezer Alex Trembicki to further fleece a mother for calling bullshit on Nusbaum’s racketeering scam with Nancy Aldrich and Jocelyn Hurwitz, fellow jew Bar sisters of collaborative thievery under the guise of ‘no-fault’ divorce. Attorney Alex Trembicki, so fat that he has not seen is limp dick in years, so old and senile he can’t speel l-a-w, pleads to the Superior Court not to take up the question of ‘reasonable’ attorney fees in… Read More »Disingenuous

                  Line of Fire

                    The now-famous blog notes that the little dick-head, yellow commie chink William Tong, Attorney General of Gulag Connecticut has stepped into the “line of fire” by appearing in the appeal of a disbarred lawyer who calls out family court for being a child trafficking racketeering operation run by jews. Does Tong beg a .50 cal to the head? The jewdicial monsters of family court, operating from the Star Chamber of Regional Family Trial Docket conspired to disbar a zealous advocate of the people for the heinous crime of not playing along with child trafficking, deprivation of rights, in the cesspool run by the retarded Judge Thomas Moukawsher and jew pal… Read More »Line of Fire

                    $600 Reasonable

                      The jews of Connecticut family court work over the goy from both sides of the bench. Jewish lawyers charge ridiculous fees for pathetic legal cause in a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce, where the jew on the bench declares the fee REASONABLE! The game of family court is simply money. The true god of the jew. A wink and a nod, one jew promotes the other jew’s fleecing of goy. Attorney Nancy Aldrich, the legal whore of rich folks in Westport charges $600/hr to drain the Ambrose family bank. A ridiculous fee for an attorney who drags out litigation for the sole purpose of fattening her purse. Her doting jewdicial pal… Read More »$600 Reasonable