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Matthew Couloute

Connect The Dots

    Ok sports fans, time for a little behind the scenes analysis on the federal lawsuit against K9 police officer Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield. How did this pooper scooper boy in blue end up in the spotlight before Judge Underhill in federal court for arranging the interstate arrest of a battered mom all on his own? Simple answer: He had help! A lowly rookie cop whose partner is a retarded wolf has no training in matters of family law, visitation schedules, civil court proceedings, violence against women or the like. So how does puppy boy find probable cause to seek interstate arrest and extradition of a battered mother in New York… Read More »Connect The Dots

    Federal Smackdown!

      Federal judge smacks Bloomfield Police Officer for false arrest of mom. Judge Underhill, U.S. District Judge of Connecticut has allowed a civil rights suit to proceed against Bloomfield Police Officer Brendan Danaher, the puppy cop who did a favor for Matthew Couloute of Georgia in arresting his ex-wife on trumped up felony charges. Blog aficionados remember this case in previous posts: K9 Officer, Claim 25330, Publicity, Prosecutorial Fuckery, Address, Nolle and Fuckery Dismissed. All about Matthew Couloute’s manipulation of the state’s criminal justice system to abuse his x. Short recap of the drama is that deadbeat dad abandons his battered ex and daughter by moving to Georgia. Mom and child… Read More »Federal Smackdown!

      Claim #25330

        The Connecticut Claims Commissioner, Christy Scott, has assigned #25330 to the claim against the state caused by the nigger pedo games of the nefarious and diseased Matthew Condel Couloute.  Remember the nigger, pedo, child trafficking games of Matthew Couloute?  Guy lives in Cumming, Georgia, but convinced fellow pedo, police officer Brandon Danaher of Bloomfield Police Department to falsely obtain an interstate felony arrest warrant for his beaten and abandoned ex-wife.  Couloute presents an expired CT State driver’s license to puppy officer Danaher which shows he lives in Fairfield.  But he makes an abduction complaint in Bloomfield.  Sound like a scam?  Looks like conspiracy to commit interstate fraud by state actors. … Read More »Claim #25330

        Cesspool Swirl: CT Judicial Assignments

          It is that time of year again, musical chairs in the Connecticut judiciary.  The new assignment list is out.  There are some surprises and some surprises.  Looks like the new Chief Justice, Richard Robinson is making some changes.  Let’s examine how the black man in the black robe is cleaning up the jewish stains on family court. Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, the dyke on the byke, deviant miscreant head of family court is dethroned.  No court needs such an incompetent judge, so she has been given the desk job of Deputy Administrator under Judge Carroll.  (sorry Pat, no blow jobs for you, she does not do dick). Bozzuto is displacing King… Read More »Cesspool Swirl: CT Judicial Assignments

          A Jew Judge Question

            Why are child custody evaluations ordered by judges with regularity when there is no scientific evidence or accepted protocol to validate the study? Let’s put this question directly to the jew judges of family court.  The scientific community holds standards and methods for studies, none exist for the court appointed evaluator.  There is no case law in the country that defines standards and methodology for a custody evaluation.  So how can the court order something that does not exist? Here come the jews.  Psychology is junk science.  Opinions, biases, prejudices all rolled into the meaningless term ‘psychology’.  The jews invented this tool of social engineering in their promotion of Sigmund… Read More »A Jew Judge Question

            Cuomo Child Trafficker

              The New York pedophile machine is running smoothly, a seamless state agency that ensures little five year old girls are passed across state lines for sexual exploitation, under the watchful eye of the chief state child trafficker Governor Andrew Cuomo. The State Agency known as Office of Children and Family Services is a front to move children for the perverted pleasures of the pedo friends of Andy Cuomo.  This state agency made a finding that one little Sophia Couloute, is a victim of sexual abuse at the appendage of her father, Matthew Condel Couloute, Jr. of Cumming, Georgia.  The Empire state has classified this child as a victim of sexual… Read More »Cuomo Child Trafficker

              LoVallo’s Lies

                Time to take inventory of the facts before Judge Sharon LoVallo of Erie County Family Court of the Eighth Judicial District of New York State in the Couloute case.  A simple listing of the facts before the court with a comparison to the outcome of jewdicial orders proves LoVallo is trafficking Sofi Couloute at the direction of her pedo masters. First, we have a battered mother.  Beaten by Matthew Condel Couloute, the mother is officially a victim of domestic violence with the broken bones, bruises, lacerations and Couloute’s own personal form of psychological abuse.  Such evidence requires the court to keep the victim and child in safe haven with family… Read More »LoVallo’s Lies

                Attorney Kelly L. Ball

                  How public funds are used to traffick children by Attorney Kelly Ball of Buffalo. Mom deserved her beating from abusive father.

                  Fuckery Dismissed!

                    Connecticut pedo players dismiss the felony charges against baby momma.

                    Nolle prosequi

                      Nolle prosequi …. prosecutor’s attempt to bury the obvious.

                      Publicity: Price Of Litigation

                        Family Court drama is a spectator sport. Litigation brings attention and judicial hanki-panki brings public scrutiny. But Matthew Couloute wants a private courtroom for his drama.

                        Public Scrutiny Exception

                          Good faith exception to gag order. Public scrutiny of corrupt court protects child welfare. Judge Sharon LoVallo is free speech terrorist.

                          GAG ORDER!!!

                            Judge Sharon LoVallo of NY Family Court issues a gag order! Prior Restraint?


                              Blow some smoke up the judge’s robes claiming Connecticut has jurisdiction in Buffalo. Dueling states or legal frivolity?

                              Public Forum

                                Public scrutiny of court proceedings is a fundamental right of society. Be wary of those who seek secrecy under the rule of law.

                                Call Georgia

                                  Living in Cumming, Georgia, peach plates and driver license, tells the court he lives in Fairfield, CT.

                                  Carl Ajello

                                    Prosecutorial misconduct personified, white niggah Connecticut style. Pedo rule of law.