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Blawie d’Trickster

    Oh, the sleight-of-hand tricks pulled by the bald goofball in a black robe are amazing! Today Judge John F. Blawie pulled a fast one, but not fast enough for the now famous blog not to spot. He ordered the State prosecutor to turn over a ‘sealed’ document to the defense in the criminal trial of horse face, Michelle Troconis da bitch, associated with Fotis Dulos and the death of the beautiful Jennifer. Something ‘sealed’ in a criminal matter? C’mon, who is going to buy that bullshit? Quick recap. Jen goes missing, New Cannan Police drop their donuts after urging from NYPD, Attorney Michael Meehan, the shiester GAL for the five… Read More »Blawie d’Trickster

    No Scrutiny Allowed!

      Sua sponte, the public right to scrutiny, in its own courts is thwarted by jewish rule of Judge Adelman! The goy are not allowed to observe the jewish pedo scam of child snatching. The family court trickery of citing jew psychobabble as ‘evidence’ in a divorce proceeding is hidden from public view by the Dark Lord himself, the dishonorable, unconstitutional, child molesting, disease ridden, moron in black, the blog famous Judge Gerard I. Adelman of Connecticut. Last Wednesday, Judge Adelman presided in his secret ‘star chamber‘ to hear the testimony of quackster Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD. The courtroom was closed to the public, as the secret testimony could not… Read More »No Scrutiny Allowed!


        Hang a noose and watch the cops go nuts!!! Spray paint a Tibetan good luck symbol and the thin blue line hyper-ventilates, but hunt down conservative white folk for being white and the jews applaud. Oh the fun of performance art!! The constitutionally confused Police Chief in Windsor Connecticut is taking sedatives to overcome his overreaction to a ‘noose’ found hanging from a rafter in a new warehouse. The more technical term is that there is a bit of dangling string, which can be interpreted to be a noose, which is further interpreted by the NAACP and other Marxist race baiters to be a racist symbol against niggers implying ‘lynching’,… Read More »Noose!!!


          Finally, a malpractice suit has been brought against a psychobabblist vulture of the Connecticut Family Court. Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD has been sued by mother and children for her expertise in destroying parent-child bonds under the guise of being a state licensed psychologist, self-appointed expert in profiting from maligning a parent to affect a discretionary jewdicial decision to strip a fit parent of custody. Bring popcorn! The family court and its protected vendors are now under attack; Albis is shitting himself. The family court operates on the jewdicial discretion of a moron in a black robe, unfit to sit on any real bench, being relegated to the bowels of… Read More »Malpractice!!!

          Bang, bang …

            Bang! Bang! Another sad story of a mother wanting out of a marriage, entangled with the drawn out family court process, ends up with a bullet instead of a decree. Oi vey, what the jews of family court will do to make a few scheckles from suffering goy. Divya Misra, a 55 year old mother from India, living in Norwalk, filed for divorce from her 56 year old husband Rajneesh in October of last year. Applying for the simple, administrative, ‘no-fault’ divorce in Connecticut can be costly, even deadly!!! News story here. Mother Divya was represented by the low life lawyer Neal Rogan out of Westport. Dad Rajneesh had the… Read More »Bang, bang …

            Fairfield Speech Police

              There is nothing more unconstitutional than using tax receipts to fund a local gestapo of uneducated, untrained thugs. Meet the Fairfield Police Department, a bunch of overpaid retards with guns, badges, and attitudes. Under the pathetic management of Chief Cracker Kalamarai, the thin blue bozos hunt down free speech and arrest speakers on probable cause that cops don’t like it. Oi vey, where has ‘murika gone, can’t even call a saltine a cracker or a black man a nigger any more. In Fairfield, the Constitution is suspended by the opinion of chief nut job to investigate and arrest protected speech, cuz he thinks it is bad. “This is something that… Read More »Fairfield Speech Police

              Pritzker’s Dissonance

                The woodchucks of Upstate New York appellate court have taken up jurisdiction over the confederate flag in defiance of the First Amendment, but in the best interest of a bastard child!!! The old craggy jew Judge Stan L. Pritzker, hailing from the inbreds of Washington County, authored today’s opinion in Christie BB v Isaiah CC which claims the stars & bars is not in the best interest of a child. Oi vey, what the jews will do to rub whitey’s face in the War of Northern Aggression. Pritzker is a jew who oversteps the jurisdictional limits of the appellate court, with the blessing of dyke Justice Elizabeth Garry. Dykes and… Read More »Pritzker’s Dissonance

                Lawyer Collusion

                  The full public view of the drama of family court reveals lawyer games which can only be equated to a drama of soap opera proportions. The now famous blog exposes the tricks of so called legal professionals who represent parents before the bench for the overly simple task of obtaining a no-fault divorce. The play along of the jewdicial authority confirms that the scam is executed for the sole enrichment of jewish lawyers engaged in artificial custody fights to traffic children. The case is Epstein v Epstein, on of the expensive side of New York City. The drama stars a mentally defective father, with money, requiring heavy doses of lithium,… Read More »Lawyer Collusion

                  The Horsemen of Evil

                    Things happen for a reason in this world. Good things occur because of good intentions and dedication of good people expending good efforts. Bad things happen because of ‘evil doers’. The now famous blog exposes the evil men who drive the evil family court of Connecticut: Solomon, Adelman, Albis, Bright and Robinson, five sons of Satan who traffic and abuse children, rob families, destroy parent-child relationships, all outside of the rule of law. Most folks have no clue as to the state limitations to invade familial relations. The power of the court to dissolve a marriage for no reason is granted by the legislature under the post ’70’s standard of… Read More »The Horsemen of Evil

                    Abu$e of Discretion

                      The jewish form of family court does not rest on the rule of law, but the ‘discretion’ of the jewdicial authority. Equal protection does not apply, every divorce is different, no standard of best interest applies, it is all cleverly arranged to allow a jew in a black robe to wreak havoc on the goy, while siphoning family savings into jewish pockets. Discretion is simply the jewdicial power to plunder and loot private funds under the color of state law to benefit a chosen group admitted to the Bar. There is no standard of ‘discretion’ in Connecticut. An appeal of a trial court order on custody, visitation, legal fees, GAL… Read More »Abu$e of Discretion