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Sen Haskell: Pedo?

    What is the connection between the evil family court jew lawyer Nancy Aldrich and the young Senator William Haskell of the Connecticut General Assembly? Oh, the kid is the son of evil twisted mother Nancy. Blog smells a rat. Goofy young jewish kid, barely out of college does a run for state senator against incumbent Toni Boucher, with endorsement from Barack Obama? Seriously? There is a obviously a jewish connection and a pedo connection at play. William Haskell is a kid, a little shit, quite unlikeable, a moron with a hatred for Trump. In full public view, three little brown kids are raped by the zealous advocacy of Haskell’s mother… Read More »Sen Haskell: Pedo?

    Ambrose: Part 14

      More coverage of the childhood rape of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer by the FrankReport. The jewish treatment of children in the cesspool of Connecticut where jews of family court worship only one god: money. Christopher Ambrose has money, children are sacrificed. The subservient sovereign people of gulag Connecticut are powerless to protect children from the ruling jews. _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #14: History of Father’s Abuse of Children, But No One in Connecticut Family Court Will Listen November 14, 2021 This is #14 of the Ambrose Papers, a series that covers an amazing injustice, an extraordinary caper of the ruthless kind, one that’s apparently common in Connecticut Family Court.  And the… Read More »Ambrose: Part 14

      Unequal Kids

        The people of Connecticut need to examine the unequal nature of their government when it comes to kids. Public policy advocates for strong families, safe homes, good parents, and well cared for children. The utopian desire for Pleasantville is codified in nutmeg statutes at CGS 17a-101(a). The state has a massive agency called DCF, with a huge budget, large fleet of cars, copious federal funds, child welfare experts, counselors, social workers, trained managers, lawyers, everything under the sun to protect families, to assist in time of need, and to protect children. A benevolent function of government in an enlightened society. Then there is the jewish game of family court that… Read More »Unequal Kids

        Ambrose: Part 13

          More coverage by the FrankReport on rape of childhood by the jewish ideology and thieves of family court in Connecticut. What is now shocking to the public has been a well known racket over the last four decades protected by judges, lawyers, legislators, law enforcement, all at the direction of the state’s jewish pedo ring. The theme of the deceit of the poisonous mushroom lives on in the court of law designed to rape childhood and plunder family savings. Jewish. _______________________________________________________________________ Ambrose Papers #13: Connecticut Family Court’s Monstrous Case May Bring Conspirators, like Dr. Caverly, Great Fame November 12, 2021 This young woman is so good that she can meet… Read More »Ambrose: Part 13

          Tong: A jew?

            Is the chink Attorney General of Connecticut a communist jew? Blog star William Tong acts as the lawyer for the state government, that institution ‘of the people, for the people, and by the people’, but it is closer to a terrorist organization designed to operate against ‘we the people’ by raping the kids. Time to ask the obvious question: Is Tong a jew? The blog finds nothing in Tong’s conduct to indicate he is not a jew. He does not love the nation, acts to disrupt society, supports all that is deviant, twisted, and immoral, does nothing to make life better for the population. Jews operate with purposeful deceit and… Read More »Tong: A jew?

            Adelman On Trial!

              The shit has hit the fan! Judge Gerard Adelman goes on trial before Judge Moukawsher for misconduct in the Ambrose case. The private star chamber of Regional Family Trial Docket, the dungeon where kids with rich parents go to be trafficked, is having a judge war. The heinous conduct of the Dark Lord himself has annoyed the elders of the Connecticut judiciary who are calling for an end to Adelman’s barbaric behaviour and the consequential child abuse. Bring popcorn!! Hearing is 22 November at 2pm in Middletown. Adelman issued the following order yesterday, out of the blue, with no hearing or motion before the court: “Given the complaints made about… Read More »Adelman On Trial!


                The Connecticut Judiciary expends huge money paying for retarded idiots to masquerade as family relations counselors in the cesspool of family court. To embellish the jewish charade of custody fights for no state interest, the public is tricked into paying ridiculous salaries to clowns in pretense of providing SERVICES to people in family court. In reality, it is a social welfare program to employ the unemployable performing job functions with no measurable efficacy. For this, Deborah Fuller is paid over $178k/yr to prance around as DIRECTOR of a cash burning operation with no product, other than fat paychecks and fatter pensions. Here is a listing of the SERVICES that are… Read More »Efficacy?


                  Welcome to Gulag Connecticut, an open air prison, where the Constitution is suspended and the government tramples ‘we the people’. The now-famous blog highlights the specific acts of specific players who work to undermine the rights of the people, for the benefit of jews who profit from trafficking children in the mislabeled ‘family court’. Gulag Connecticut’s most powerful jew family court judge, Gerard Adelman recently flexed his talmudic muscle in the Ambrose case by issuing a GAG order to muzzle the peasants, preventing public discussion of the rape of the children: Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. Outside the Gulag, this is formally known as prior restraint which is unconstitutional, beyond the… Read More »Secrecy

                  Ambrose: Part 12

                    The FrankReport exposes the collusion among Attorneys Nancy Aldrich, Richard Callahan, and Jocelyn Hurwitz to traffic the Ambrose kids and fleece the family bank. Lawyers play for each other in Connecticut family court, protected by jew judges who work for pedophiles. There can be no public confidence in a court system that preys on children. Public warning: Stay away from the jews of Connecticut Family Court. Note that this form of free expression protected under the First Amendment is another willful violation of jew Judge Adelman’s gag order. [fuck you] __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ambrose #12: Hurwitz – the Wolf of Cohen and Wolf — ‘I’m the Guardian ad Litem; My Name Is… Read More »Ambrose: Part 12

                    Ambrose: Part 11

                      A free citizen made public comment on a blog about the Ambrose drama in direct violation of jew Judge Gerard Adelman’s gag order! Enjoy reading the defiance of the totalitarian, child trafficking family court of Connecticut! Civil disobedience comes before bullets fly, keep your powder dry! _________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #11: What Connecticut Family Court Did to the Children is a Travesty November 7, 2021 Edward Kim is Editor in Chief of He has over 30 years of experience in capital markets, corporate advisory, public policy and online media. Edward co-authored a series of studies on stock market structure that were presented to Congress and that informed The Jumpstart… Read More »Ambrose: Part 11