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Mad Mad Man!

    In the spectrum of mental disorders there are manifestations of madness which provide entertainment for the now-famous Blog. The editors would like to thank the head-demons of pedo daddy Christopher Ambrose for bloglicious content. The Mad Man holds sexual preferences for latino boys with short haircuts, enjoys caging children, enjoys hurting children, likes to spite his soon to be ex-wife, he showers attorneys with family savings, to stoke his deflated ego, then giggles when his own child cries, senselessly complains that the internet exists, while suffering grand delusions that anybody gives a shit about his opinion. The Mad Man has filed an appearance in his own divorce matter to put… Read More »Mad Mad Man!

    It Takes A Conspiracy

      Remember the cute saying ‘it takes a village’, a feel good sense of community being required to properly raise children? Well the now-famous Blog spotlights the fact that ‘it takes a conspiracy’ to rape childhoods in Connecticut family court. Blog Star Judge Thomas Moukawsher finds a claim of a JEWISH CONSPIRACY makes his skin crawl and his conscience clatter, but in reality the inhumanity of the family court cannot be achieved without the jewish conspiracy. Nasty outcomes are a product of a nasty system, designed by nasty people, for a nasty objective, which points directly to the JEWS of the Bar and on the bench, the practice going back five… Read More »It Takes A Conspiracy

      Jewish Forensics

        The Orwellian utopia is alive and well in the realm of kikes in the Empire of Evil State. A jewish agenda of anti-human behaviour disguised as a BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION, a play on the goy belief that blue ribbons are special to four legged animals at the county fair. The kikes conspire to promote the jewish agenda of familial destruction through the application of the jewish junk science of ‘forensic psychology’. The enlightened goy knows that ‘psychology’ is a mere study of the human condition, an observational discipline, no value to the predictive question of what is best for a child in the event of dissolution of marriage. But concealing… Read More »Jewish Forensics

        A Dream

          I have a dream that Jewette Katz has a heart attack! A stroke! An overdose of fentanayl! A run in with a state snow plow! A fall into a woodchipper! On this fabricated day of race baiting in celebration of communist ideology that supports a black puppet from Atlanta having a fake name related to a 16th century monk with an attitude, the now-famous Blog spotlights the rape of childhood by jewish ideology in the Connecticut family courts. The barbaric contrast between slave owners and jew family court judges is that the white slave owners cared more about the children of slaves than the jews of family court care about… Read More »A Dream

          Shred Moukawsher

            Time for the now-famous Blog to dismantle the jewdicial dicta opined by Judge Thomas Moukawsher in his drivel that Judge Adelman should not be kicked off the Ambrose case. A clown like Moukawsher should not be allowed to decide matters involving children. The interested Blog aficionado can refer to the Memo of Decision of 10 December. It is poorly written, lacks legal purpose, and is replete with viewpoint discrimination, in violation of Canon. Moukawsher is handed a sua sponte action by Judge Adelman on the subject of recusal in the Ambrose case. It is a PB §1-22(b) procedure to address Adleman’s need for recusal given an injunctive suit filed in… Read More »Shred Moukawsher


              Blog Star Jewette Katz takes to the jewish bully pulpit of the CT Law Tribune to ask When is Enough Enough? Dumb cunt whines over the essence of self-government, complaining that her personal butt-hurt defines unprotected speech. What a jew!! Jewette claims that she is the target of free expression, a protected right under the First Amendment. She falsely states that Nazis killed a million people with insecticide Zyklon B in the Holohoax. She complains that jew family court players are just doing their public service jobs, raping childhood and draining family bank. She next claims that the now-famous Blog has gone beyond free speech and constitutional protections. Then quotes… Read More »Enuff!


                The jew will be the downfall of humanity and today Judge Thomas Moukawsher of Connecticut family court showed the world what happens to those who call out parasites who rape childhood in worship of the talmudic money god. The judiciary shreds the redress clause of the First Amendment in demanding disbarment of a lawyer for stating the obvious jew racketeering in the simple, no-fault, dissolution of marriage proceedings administered by the court. Mouk tossed due process to the wind, having sat as accuser, judge, jury, and executioner, he bellowed that the accused had already been condemned to die, the hearing was just to determine the form of death. Connecticut jurisprudence… Read More »Disbarment!

                Zealous Mouk

                  Monday at 10am, Judge Moukawsher will step upon the public stage to drag Connecticut down the federal rabbit hole of liability for civil rights deprivations in betrayal of his oath of office. Everyone is invited to watch his flagrant demonstration of government tyranny, just click on the link here. Connecticut’s paedo form of government will be in splendid display. Moukawsher The Terrible is going to attack mother’s lawyer in the Ambrose case for her ZEALOUS ADVOCACY in the adversarial domain of family court. Moukawsher ignores the child abuse of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer inflicted by 626 days of forced isolation from mom ordered by jew Judge Grossman, enforced by jew… Read More »Zealous Mouk


                    The family court case where FreedMarcroft is trafficking little Odin Sakon continues its twisted drama in its 30th day of trial before the ignorant Judge Tammy Nguyen in Hartford. A rather boring slugfest of smelly tampons ganging up on dad, claiming that his very existence causes harm and trauma to his ten year old son. Same old scum lawyer game of parental character assassination that is the hallmark of the judiciary. Today Judge Tammy Viet-Cong, sua sponte, out of the blue, led the prosecution of dad, calling her own witnesses, directly questioning a so-called expert about mental defects and child abuse, fingering dad as an abuser and Odin a victim.… Read More »Stop&Shop

                    Katz Combat!

                      The hideously fugly excuse of a jew, Joette Katz, self-appointed master of the goy and shredder of law takes to the pulpit of the Connecticut Law Tribune [sic] to spray disinformation upon the four legged animals in a sleight of word salad to deceive the sheeple that the jewish rule will guide their barnyard society to a better existence. Read her shit here. Katz calls ‘we the people’ to combat the evil which preys upon children in society. Jewette Katz opines ‘domestic violence’ as a root of societal evils. Jews relish in a godless people whose culture upholds gang bangin’, drive by shootings, niggers burning cities, deviancy, racial divide, and… Read More »Katz Combat!