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Supervised Visitation

    The now-famous Blog seeks the legal authority of liberty restriction of SUPERVISED VISITATION on divorcing parents. Where does it come from? Who invented it? Who regulates it? Is it constitutional? Who profits from it? Why is it necessary? Who accuses fit mothers needing supervision while hugging the fruits of their wombs? What are the supervisor’s duties? What are the training requirements? Is there a state license required? Vetting? The short answer is another jewish ideological element of fukking up families to the glee of the global zionists. In jewland Connecticut, there is no statute enacted by the legislature that defines SUPERVISED VISITATION. No state licensing of supervisors. No regulations governing… Read More »Supervised Visitation

    Ashley O’Connor Psycho

      Why does a licensed professional counselor treating a 15 year old girl in REUNIFICATION THERAPY hire Attorney John Sheehy to protect against disclosing ‘treatment’ records to the child’s mother? Is this Connecticut’s pedo game of exposing itself, again? Extensive ‘counseling’ paid for by a pedo father upholds child isolation over four years? Quackery? Pedophilia? Meet Ashely O’Connor, a curious excuse of a ‘counselor’ who conceals her documentation of voodoo from a patient’s mother. Red Flag? The now-famous Blog takes note that Gabby Rookasin has been isolated from her mother for over four years by malicious conduct of father David Rookasin of Monroe. Daddy Dave is a minor attracted person with… Read More »Ashley O’Connor Psycho

      Kike Konspiracy

        The now-famous Blog exposes the kike konspiracy of the Connecticut Jewdiciary hiding the dirty work of jew judges from a curious sovereign public, in violation of the First Amendment. But in jewland the Bill of Rights means nothing to the chosen ruling class who do not recognize rights of four-legged barnyard animals mislabeled as citizens. Little kike Eric Levine is employed by the Branch with the title of REPORTER OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. He is an attorney, subject to the rules of professional conduct, paid $150k a year to perform a clerical job of shoveling papers. Eric acts like a toddler when the public asks to obtain copies of all family… Read More »Kike Konspiracy

        Public Interest!

          The shit show of Connecticut jurisprudence has appointed little dweebee, ball-less wonder Brian Staines, Esq. to protect the PUBLIC INTEREST when a rogue judge like Moukawsher disbars a zealous advocate for the rabbinical sin of arguing in protection of childhood against the jewish ideology spewed from the Talmudic bench by kikes in black robes. Moukawsher issued his order on Wednesday in his fabricated disbarment proceeding of Nickola Cunha. Blog famous Moukawsher, suffering from intellectual impairment, requiring medication and a disability pension, spewed drivel, assigning protection of public interest to incompetent judicial office employees: Brian Staines ($131k), Leanne Larson ($127k), Marie-Louise Villar($117k), Karen Oliver Damboise ($113k), Nancy Pulito ($74k) and a… Read More »Public Interest!

          Michael Volpe Investigates

            Michael Volpe investigates the child trafficking in the Ambrose case. Conduct of Connecticut jewish players gets the investigative journalist spotlight: Judge Jane Grossman, Judge Gerard Adelman, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz, Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD, Dr. Robert Horowitz, PhD, Dr. Debra Gruen, PhD. Jews raping childhood for the reward of shekels and destruction of the American family institution. Read investigative report below by Michael Volpe. His podcast interview with Nickola Cunha here. REPORT: Nickola Cunha is the latest guest to join me on the podcast. She is a veteran attorney who is involved in what has turned into a high profile divorce and custody case in Connecticut. That… Read More »Michael Volpe Investigates

            Ringer: Debra Marino

              It is easy for the now-famous Blog to spot the ringers in the Connecticut family court who pretend to represent a mother, but throw her under the bus, under the veil of legal advice, then slither away with a few shekels, leaving her set up for the pedo smackdown and ultimate loss of her child. Meet one such ringer: Attorney Debra B. Marino. Why would the zealously advocacy of protection of client rights allow a mother to submit to deprivation of liberty, senseless government intervention, by the undefined SUPERVISED VISITATION used in family court? Debra Marino specializes in ‘family law’. Is she retarded or playing for the dark side? Why… Read More »Ringer: Debra Marino

              Jew Grossman

                The now-famous Blog highlights the reappointment of jewish communist judge of the family court, Jane Grossman. Jewish ideology aims to destroy the concept of family, eliminate traditional roles of mother, father, church, culture, or societal beliefs. Crushing every element of white identity out of life is what jews live for. A singular jewish construction promotes this belief for goyim. Jews on the Connecticut family court are a necessary element of the destruction of a white Christian society. Children become creatures of the chosen state, to be raped at will satisfying the grotesque pleasures of an evil tribe. Jane Grossman runs a rabbinical court served by Satan’s foot soldiers, ignoring law,… Read More »Jew Grossman

                Expert Lies

                  In the fabricated reality of modern society, duped peasants are to believe a dumb kid with a gun, badge, and attitude, and a puppy on a leash, is omnipotent in matters of law, where mere suspicion of probable cause grants authority to void the power of New York State courts, in denial of the full, faith, and credit clause. Truly an amazing claim by Officer Brandon Danaher, a K9 officer of the thin blue donut whores of Bloomfield Police. Puppy cop is so stupid that his actions betray the obvious direction by Attorney Ryan McGuigan to arrest mom, forcing the surrender of Matthew Couloute’s abused daughter. McGuigan held cause to… Read More »Expert Lies

                  Motherless Birthdays

                    What is more jewish than to destroy a goy child’s birthday by prohibiting mom from attending the party? Judge Grossman and her predator pal Judge Gerard Adelman two evil monsters of the Superior Court, ensure Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer Ambrose don’t have cake and ice cream with mom, it is in their best interests, the talmud sez so! Here is a post from the FrankReport highlighting the brutal, inhumane jewish conduct of Connecticut family court. Birthdays Without Mothers Courtesy of CT Family Court February 20, 2022 Happy Birthday Matthew.You are 15 today. It’s been almost two years since you’ve been with your mother, the woman who raised you.I’m writing to… Read More »Motherless Birthdays


                      The big nigger in the black robe being the sworn chief jurist of Connecticut ruled today that the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply to family court, that liberties of pathetic citizens and their four-legged calves are under the complete control of the whim of a jew in a black robe. Welcome to the gulag, shut up, get in the box car, you need a shower. Denied appeal here. A jew dyke like Jane Grossman and kike pal Gerard Adelman conspire to isolate mother from three kids, on singular opinion of a court whore selling quack opinions to create conflict generating lucrative billable hours for lawyers. No state investigation, no claim… Read More »Absolute!