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Chief Paul Hammick

Danaher Sacrificed

    The jig is up, the word is out, Officer Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield PD, is being sacrificed for his conspiracy participation with Matthew Couloute and Attorney Ryan McGuigan for the illegal interstate felony arrest of Couloute’s baby mama.  The long drawn out paedo saga is coming to conclusion, the old story of manly Couloute using his pal McGuigan and friend Judge John A. Danaher to have Judge Omar Williams issue an interstate arrest warrant, on application sworn by K9 officer Danaher, endorsed by prosecutor Danielle O’Connell to retrieve child sex toy from Buffalo. Drama Recap:  Couloute abandons ex-wife and daughter, moves to Georgia with son Xavier to attend a weird,… Read More »Danaher Sacrificed

    Summary Bullshit

      The drama of Matthew C. Couloute and his paedo pals of Connecticut continues with the incompetent legal tricks of Kristan Maccini, the fat bottomed lawyer defending puppy cop, jew boy Brendan Danaher of the Bloomfield Blue Thug Club; guns, badges, attitudes, no brains but deviant love of children. Brendan Danaher is son of evil Judge John Danaher III, who destroyed every mother who appeared before his family court bench, the judge is not a jew, but married one. Puppy cop Danaher is the municipal clown who applied his lacking police skills to eschew the orders of a New York court in protection of a child, finding probable cause to arrest… Read More »Summary Bullshit

      Expert Lies

        In the fabricated reality of modern society, duped peasants are to believe a dumb kid with a gun, badge, and attitude, and a puppy on a leash, is omnipotent in matters of law, where mere suspicion of probable cause grants authority to void the power of New York State courts, in denial of the full, faith, and credit clause. Truly an amazing claim by Officer Brandon Danaher, a K9 officer of the thin blue donut whores of Bloomfield Police. Puppy cop is so stupid that his actions betray the obvious direction by Attorney Ryan McGuigan to arrest mom, forcing the surrender of Matthew Couloute’s abused daughter. McGuigan held cause to… Read More »Expert Lies

        Police Privacy!

          The now famous blog is even more famous, as Judge Sefan Underhill, the queer judicial authority of the federal District Court of Connecticut has ruled that police privacy needs to be protected from ravages of the First Amendment, the internet, and this blog!!! The blog takes this opportunity to thank the federal court for providing a bloglicious opinion that Bloomfield Police Officers need privacy protection, because their property records are on the internet, and Attorney Ryan McGuigan was Matthew Couloute’s escort the night of making the fabricated criminal complaint of custodial interference. Nothing like a Connecticut pedo child trafficking story to pique public interest in the criminal justice system that… Read More »Police Privacy!

          Bloomfield Police Failure

            The legal scholars of the now famous blog examine the gross errors of the Bloomfield Police and the Connecticut prosecutor’s office in their fabricated effort to retrieve a child sex toy from across state lines on the private claim of blog famous Matthew Couloute of Georgia and his private legal advisor Attorney Ryan McGuigan. The matter is presently before Judge Stefan Underhill of D. Connecticut on federal complaint of deprivation of rights. Blog aficionados know the story of how K9 puppy cop Brendan Danaher worked under the supervision of Chief Paul Hammick to get ASA Danielle O’Connell to accept an arrest application for signature by Judge Omar Williams to issue… Read More »Bloomfield Police Failure

            Litigation Context?

              Time to dissect more lawyer speak. The Orwellian word salad of Attorney Kristan Maccini of Howd&Ludorf has caught the attention of the now famous blog’s editorial staff. As medieval alchemists plied their trade of turning lead into gold for gullible kings, today’s lawyers mix meaningless words to create alien legal concepts inflicted on society thru incompetent courts ruled over by equally twisted judges. The mentally deranged Maccini, under the expert supervision of managing partner Tom Gerarde, pleads in federal court that four municipal employees of the Bloomfield Police Department need a protective order to guard against criminal conduct of the internet and the pesky requirements of the First Amendment. Maccini… Read More »Litigation Context?

              Private Claim

                Spoiler alert, this post is over the heads of most state and municipal employees. If you are a cop, forget it. The now famous blog breaks down how a pedo nigger dad from Georgia used the Connecticut criminal justice system to arrest his ex-wife in New York by his sole private claim to skirt family court jurisdiction, attempting to kidnap his sexually abused daughter, for more sexual abuse. Here is the quick synopsis of pedo dad’s dilemma. Matthew Couloute is broke, lives at his mom’s in Bloomfield, he packs his son of the other mother in the car, relocates to Cumming, Georgia, enrolls son in expensive private school, gets a… Read More »Private Claim


                  Drop the tin foil hats! A real conspiracy has been uncovered in the drama of Bloomfield Police past efforts to retrieve a child sex toy from across state lines on behalf of the infamous, abusive Matthew Couloute. The story dates back to middle of October 2016 when Couloute loaded his suitcase and son Xavier into deceased dad’s van with expired Virginia tags and drove to Cumming, Georgia to take up residence at 3210 Lakeheath Drive, an unused house owned by his mother. The purpose of the move was to enroll his son in a curiously private and expensive school in the woods known as Lyndon Academy, not that Couloute had… Read More »Conspiracy!

                  Zachary Klomberg

                    The curious absence of professional oversight betrays the conspiracy of the Bloomfield Police Department in trafficking a child sex toy for the state paedo ring of Connecticut. Meet Detective Zachary Klomberg, a child rapist in police clothing who follows direction from above to recover a sex toy on behalf of lies made by the nefarious Matthew Couloute of Georgia. Detective Klomberg’s claim to professionalism is all things bullshit. He is accountable this, manages that, critical thinker, bullshit artist, traffic cop, patrol supervisor, accreditation this, certified that, intelligence this, evidence that, he is 100% walking bullshit with a badge, a gun, and an attitude. But he is just a jew from… Read More »Zachary Klomberg

                    Probable Cause

                      Time to take a close look at how the K9 Patrol of Bloomfield Police determines probable cause to arrest a mother to force the surrender of her child to a father who is barred from any contact by order of family court. Of great curiosity is why judges and prosecutors of the State of Connecticut played along in the attempt to traffic the child across state lines, on complaint of a resident of Georgia. The first red flag is the fact that the father is the infamous Matthew Condel Couloute, who has been previously represented by battle axe, retired Judge Annie Dranginis in a family matter involving sexual abuse of… Read More »Probable Cause


                        The insanity of the Connecticut criminal justice system is exemplified by exposing the incompetence of its individual players. Meet investigator Joseph M. McSweegan, a retard with an attitude and a badge who is paid by the state to provide professional investigative services to the blog famous nigger Gail Hardy, Hartford GA State’s Attorney. McSweegan works on the felony prosecution for custodial interference in the first degree of the mother of Sofi Couloute, brought by complaint of Matthew Couloute of Georgia. McSweegan sends an official letter to Matthew Couloute on letterhead of the state’s criminal justice system, which reveals fraud by Couloute and betrays misconduct by McSweegan while documenting malicious prosecution… Read More »McSweegan

                        Paedo Detective

                          Spotlight Detective Suzanne Laiuppa of Bloomfield Police Department in the Connecticut paedophile utopia. The fact that nutmeg paedos operate so well is due to the protection they receive from the criminal justice system. The deviants of society behave in such a grotesque manner that their activities often get exposed. In a civilized society these miscreants would be stoned, beheaded, or burned at the stake. But in a jewish controlled society, the criminal deviants are protected by like minded deviant professionals of the justice system. A paedophile like Matthew Couloute will often be exposed by commentary made by his victim, like daughter Sofi, to a doctor, teacher, or family member. Abnormal… Read More »Paedo Detective

                          Brendon is fucked!

                            Last week the pathetic Kristan M. Maccini, Esq. of Howd & Ludoff out of Hartford, CT appeared before federal Judge Stefan Underhill of D. Connecticut, to make some silly excuses over discovery in the blog famous case where puppy cop Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield Police is facing federal civil rights charges for conspiring to arrest a battered mother in safe haven at the request of blog famous Mathew Condel Couloute. The story made blog headlines three years ago when Couloute used his black privilege in the corrupt prosecutor fraternity to have Connecticut issue an interstate arrest warrant for his ex-wife, for the sole purpose of returning his sexually abused daughter… Read More »Brendon is fucked!

                            Connect The Dots

                              Ok sports fans, time for a little behind the scenes analysis on the federal lawsuit against K9 police officer Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield. How did this pooper scooper boy in blue end up in the spotlight before Judge Underhill in federal court for arranging the interstate arrest of a battered mom all on his own? Simple answer: He had help! A lowly rookie cop whose partner is a retarded wolf has no training in matters of family law, visitation schedules, civil court proceedings, violence against women or the like. So how does puppy boy find probable cause to seek interstate arrest and extradition of a battered mother in New York… Read More »Connect The Dots

                              Federal Smackdown!

                                Federal judge smacks Bloomfield Police Officer for false arrest of mom. Judge Underhill, U.S. District Judge of Connecticut has allowed a civil rights suit to proceed against Bloomfield Police Officer Brendan Danaher, the puppy cop who did a favor for Matthew Couloute of Georgia in arresting his ex-wife on trumped up felony charges. Blog aficionados remember this case in previous posts: K9 Officer, Claim 25330, Publicity, Prosecutorial Fuckery, Address, Nolle and Fuckery Dismissed. All about Matthew Couloute’s manipulation of the state’s criminal justice system to abuse his x. Short recap of the drama is that deadbeat dad abandons his battered ex and daughter by moving to Georgia. Mom and child… Read More »Federal Smackdown!

                                Claim #25330

                                  The Connecticut Claims Commissioner, Christy Scott, has assigned #25330 to the claim against the state caused by the nigger pedo games of the nefarious and diseased Matthew Condel Couloute.  Remember the nigger, pedo, child trafficking games of Matthew Couloute?  Guy lives in Cumming, Georgia, but convinced fellow pedo, police officer Brandon Danaher of Bloomfield Police Department to falsely obtain an interstate felony arrest warrant for his beaten and abandoned ex-wife.  Couloute presents an expired CT State driver’s license to puppy officer Danaher which shows he lives in Fairfield.  But he makes an abduction complaint in Bloomfield.  Sound like a scam?  Looks like conspiracy to commit interstate fraud by state actors. … Read More »Claim #25330

                                  Fuckery Dismissed!

                                    Connecticut pedo players dismiss the felony charges against baby momma.

                                    Nolle prosequi

                                      Nolle prosequi …. prosecutor’s attempt to bury the obvious.

                                      Publicity: Price Of Litigation

                                        Family Court drama is a spectator sport. Litigation brings attention and judicial hanki-panki brings public scrutiny. But Matthew Couloute wants a private courtroom for his drama.