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Nusbaum $68k

    Attorney Edward Nusbaum, one of Connecticut’s most lecherous jew divorce lawyers pleads to intervene in the Ambrose case to bring contempt charges against a mother, who is a former client, for refusing to pay his fraudulent billing of $68k. Now this is funny! Eddy d’Jew is just a hustler in Westport who preys on folks with money. He is such a low life that all he can do with his law degree from Rutgers is trick fools with money to hire him as ‘counsel’ and bill them $750/hr to fund his expensive pedo habits and pay for his blow, while pretending to provide ‘exceptional legal counsel and support to families’.… Read More »Nusbaum $68k


      Oi vey! Connecticut family court must be bad if a jewish rabbi is complaining about the jewish form of divorce for the goy. Blog famous Rabbi Jon Jay Tilsen of New Haven has taken to the opinion section of the New Haven Register to whine about the jewdicial scam of ‘no fault’ divorce. He is such a jerk that he fails to recognize that the convenient destruction of the sacrament of marriage is purely a jewish invention to obliterate the family underpinnings of a Christian society. He complains of the present day family court, but fails to recognize that it is singularly a jewish construct, purposely designed to inflict maximum… Read More »Opinion


        Blog star William Tong, the chink Attorney General of Connecticut is in the spotlight, or perhaps more accurately stated, the cross-hairs. The geographically displaced chinese communist mole will soon take the pubic stage in support of state sponsored child abuse in response to a mother’s lawsuit filed against the State Mafia of pedophilia. General Tong’s own propaganda claims that protecting families is his top priority by standing up to ‘powerful’ forces that threaten all! But his own office refuses to help Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer when they sought protection, where Assistant Attorney General for Children, Steve Vitelli formally stated the state held no interest in protecting the abused kids, because… Read More »TONG!


          Mouk-who? What is going on in the child trafficking court of Connecticut? Judge Thomas Moukawsher is now assigned to the private star chamber of family court. He is the new presiding judge of the infamous pedo court known as Regional Family Trial Docket, where parents get fleeced and children are raped. But why? There is little in Moukawsher’s background to suggest he is a pedophile or a puppet of the pedophiles. Catholic upbringing, St. Bernard’s High School. College at the Citadel, where pedophiles are not appreciated. Worthless law degree from UCONN. A politico, lobbyist, part-time politician, appointed to the bench in 2013 by gay boy Dannel Malloy when his usefulness… Read More »Moukawsher?


            She is at it again! Another public example of a retarded immigrant female making it to the family bench to completely fuck up the purpose of court. Judge Tammy Tram Viet-Nguyen, is a piece of shit Vietnamese refugee from a shit-hole jungle, product of a fabricated war created by jews, whom she now serves, a token bit of diversity that every enlightened society abhors. She should have been left in the rice paddies where she could not damage American children. But now she sits in the family court of Hartford, totally incapable of performing simple judicial functions for a society who erroneously imported her stupid ass. Tammy-The-Retard continues to drag… Read More »TAMMY!

            Get Grossman!

              Get Jane Grossman off the bench! The now famous blog makes a call to arms for the people of Connecticut to purge the family court of this evil monster and child predator. Grossman is up for reappointment in April ’22, a mere eight months away. The blog throws down the gauntlet in creating a public service campaign focused on de-benching her Grossness. Think of it as a child protection campaign, protecting parents and their children from the grotesque abuses by her twisteded pedo tendendancies. Blog editors have turned on public comments to this post to collect commentary from those who have observed the judicial miscreant in action to be an… Read More »Get Grossman!


                The now famous blog highlights the jewish hijacking of American jurisprudence of family protection under the now defunct federal Constitution. Historical review of Connecticut case law shows what was once the protected foundation of society has become a punching bag of jewdicial discretion, but only for white people with money. A sad and vile subversion by the jews in black robes who masquerade as the third branch of government; domestic terrorists deserving of extinction. The basis for government intervention in the personal relationships of divorced families rests on the premise that society is built on the nuclear family. The white supremacist Christian theology of mother and father joined in the… Read More »Premise

                Nigger Law

                  The judicial cesspool of Connecticut has collapsed into the darkness of nigger law. Gone are the constitutional protections of the white radical right. White privilege of rule of law is now deemed racist and thwarted by the Black Law Matters movement championed by head spear chucker Nigger in Chief Richard Robinson. The sovereign people of Connecticut have had their statutes erased by the whim of niggers in black robes who act against white people by ignoring their racist laws designed to protect rights and ensure due process for all. When nigger boy Judge Eric Coleman sits on the bench, totally ignorant of statutes and case law, there is nigger treason… Read More »Nigger Law

                  Prick Meehan

                    The now famous blog takes this opportunity to highlight the standard of attorney lying and cheating in the cesspool of the Connecticut Bar Association. Attorney Michael Meehan has updated his website with more bullshit of his existence as an absolute prick, after doing such a wonderful job for the Dulos children in his role of Guardian Ad Litem in a simple no-fault divorce case. The blog cannot make this shit up, it is all taken from Meehan’s own website. Mikey claims he is one of Connecticut’s leading matrimonial trial lawyers. A statement equal to a prostitute boasting of a chlamydia infection. He practices family law as he says it is… Read More »Prick Meehan

                    Weaponized Kids

                      How the jews of Connecticut weaponize children for the sole benefit of jews. Ever realize that the Bar Association is a jewish invention? The invention of no-fault divorce is jewish. Custody fights are jewish. Efforts to destroy the Christian sacrament of marriage are jewish. Minimizing the importance of family as the foundation of society is jewish. Promoting sexual deviancy, pederasty and butchering of genitalia is all jewish. Jewish philosophy runs Connecticut’s family court system. Developed and administrated by a long line of jewish pedophiles, supported by low life salivating lawyers, hungry for billable hours. The present system works perfectly to devour family savings, destroy parent-child bonds, and inflict psychological harm… Read More »Weaponized Kids