Ebony & Ivory
Skin color does not matter while trafficking a child for billable hours and judicial kickbacks.
Skin color does not matter while trafficking a child for billable hours and judicial kickbacks.
Connecticut Pedo Utopia prosecutes battered mother for protecting her child from pedo predators.
How the Talmud is reshaping access to the courts.
Money buys court time. Proof families don’t matter.
The insiders of insiders rigging family court to plunder, loot, traffick kids for billable hours.
Connecticut Family Court Judges have financial interest in the legal fees, they get a cut.
Federally funded obese gender confused constitutional nut job terrorizing citizens.
Slapping mothers around demonstrates lack of manhood and makes for fun killing.
No prosecution for threatening to kill mom while slashing her tires as she freaks out in the locked car.
Jew devil of the family court.
Hiding GAL fees from the taxman
Chief of Redding Police Pedo Mother Hunter Douglas Fuchs sells arrest services to divorce lawyers.
In Connecticut, no one can hear the kids scream.
Connect the black dots of child trafficking in Connecticut
Child traffickers of Connecticut
Kids in North Korea are protected under UN Child Rights, but not Americans ruled by the Talmud
The white knights of Connecticut Family Court
Scum lawyer, GAL child predator ascends to family court bench by order of pedo Gov. Malloy
Judicial monster, child terrorist, enemy of Constitution.