Just when you thought it could not get any worse. Family Court drama queen Matthew Couloute, Esq. is at it again. This time he is telling off the California court.
Couloute’s first baby momma has filed for sole custody of her son. Like all good moms, she is planning for his future and feels that living in a stable environment, having a permanent home, having a parent there all the time, not changing schools every year would be in the child’s best interests. Well folks, Couloute had a lot to say about that. He recently filed a rambling rant disguised as a motion to dismiss against the California court’s involvement. A glimpse into the mind of a madman to say the least.
The tale is worth a read. A copy of this blog’s article on Judge Sybil Richard is even included in the filing. The underlying theme is that Couloute claims only Connecticut family court can address matters with his kid while he lives in Georgia. He claims to be an expert on the UCCJEA, but he is just a bit clueless. In this new drama scene, it is California vs. Georgia, but he claims the long arm of his pals in Connecticut protects him from scrutiny by other courts. He lives in an abode in Cumming, Georgia, holds state’s driver’s license, issued only to residents, surrendered his Connecticut license, has a local job selling cars as a lawyer, drives a caddy with Georgia plates, his son went to school there last year. But he claims he is a resident of Connecticut!
Of great strangeness is the reliance on the opinions of Connecticut Judge Sybil Richards, who failed to require Couloute to disclose his financials for a support matter. Very very strange, but he put it squarely before the California court that there is no proper child support calculation. He glosses over the fact that the material change in circumstances is that Couloute moved out of Connecticut and has not kept the kid in school, nor adhered to the parenting plan; not to mention NY seized his daughter on evidence of sexual abuse. There is a great read about the theft of his daughter, which he also blames the son’s mother. A conspiracy theory that his two baby mammas are plotting against him. It is a great read, if not difficult to follow, but Couloute can explain it to the judge along with why he has not filed the requisite financial disclosures. Guess he is just a protected player who is exempt from court rules.