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    What does a jewish pedophile GAL call it when the State places a 72 hour protective hold on three sex toys? EMERGENCY! The now-famous Blog cannot make this shit up! The players are pedo child trafficker Christopher Ambrose, his jewish Attorney Nancy Aldrich, jewish GAL Jocelyn Hurwitz, and jew dyke pedo Judge Jane Grossman. The scenario is simple. Detective William DeGoursey of Madison Police figures out that Christopher Ambrose is up to no good with Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. Kids become subject of a restraining order for protection against pedo dad issued by Judge Boreland, end up being examined by child abuse professionals at Children’s Hospital, who don’t like what… Read More »Emergency!

    Hunt Deichert!

      Look for a small army of Connecticut mothers hunting down Robert Deichert, hubby of Reneé, father to Ellie and Rose, but soon to be raw political mince meat fed to the dogs. Attorney Deichert represented the State of Connecticut on behalf of Attorney General Willie d’chink Tong before Judge Robert Shapiro to argue against motherhood in defiance of statutes. D’chink Tong sends Deichert to throw mothers under the bus. Forget Willie’s pandering claim of protecting families is his first priority, both Deichert and Tong prefer little boys. According to Deichert, mothers are not allowed to seek lawful protection for relief from abuse, when a jew mafia of lawyers, judges, and… Read More »Hunt Deichert!

      Kill Shot

        Questioning public officials can be deadly. A properly worded question becomes an effective Kill Shot to the political target. As the Christian celebration of Christmas is upon us, the Elf is on the Shelf, the jews are making reservations at a local Chinese Restaurant, Santa arrived at the end of the Macy’s Parade, the now-famous Blog constructs the Kill Shot question for the jews of Connecticut Family Court, which also applies to the dumb niggers, pedos, dykes, heretics, and child predators shrouded in black robes. How is the State served by discretionary orders that separate children from mother? Blog kill shot Blog applies the KILL SHOT to individual judges who… Read More »Kill Shot

        Dennis O’Toole

          What is totally crazy, has no income, no brains, incompetent counsel, but gets a ton of cash from Dennis O’Toole to drag out pointless litigation before Judge Tammy Nguyen for no purpose in law? The public is aware that family court is a child trafficking and money laundering operation run by racketeers in black robes. Blog now examines the fabricated elements of litigation where Francelia, mother of little Odin, pushes her simple no-fault divorce into its sixth year claiming her perverted need for sole custody, while support, visitation, and parenting plans remain outstanding. FreedMarcroft is mother’s counsel. Six attorneys have represented Francelia since 2016, most are no longer with the… Read More »Dennis O’Toole

          Die Bozzuto!

            Blog gives a shout out to the North Carolina Supreme Court and the seven justices of intellect who recently decided State v Warren that ranting about political clowns on facebook is a necessary element of democracy protected by the First Amendment, even when calling for their heads. Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis is a state motto meaning death to Bozzuto and her deviant family court judges for fucking over kids for the sole purpose of lawyer feed. Oddly Connecticut rules the opposite with respect to what is free speech and what is a true threat. The striking difference between the Connecticut Supreme Court and the Confederate State Court is the… Read More »Die Bozzuto!


              The now-famous Blog spotlights the malfeasance of the Connecticut Family Court for its inability to conduct a simple administrative no-fault divorce proceeding without abusing due process to the point of conducting a Salem style witch trial out of public view. Judge Tammy Nguyen highlights the fact that you can take the communist out of the rice paddy, but you can’t take the communist out of the judge. Here is how she violates the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments under the color of state dissolution law. Hiding judicial proceedings is a sure way to get Blog’s attention. First Amendment bites!!! Illegal Closure Judge Tammy Viet-Cong closed the courtroom for testimony of… Read More »Mistrial!

              Jooish Family Court

                The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

                Ms. Magazine

                  The now-famous Blog spotlights the pathetic journalism that covers the evil of family court. A bizare puff piece written by Amy Polacko, a self described ‘divorce coach’ babbles on about family court without identifying the cause. More kafkaesque allusions the ‘broken system’. Newsflash: Family Court works exactly as designed, it is not broken. Goy sheeple just cannot recognize the jewish purpose to destroy families and loot their savings, while enriching the chosen. Amy’s pathetic prose starts out with a pull quote stating that it is wrong to think the court will protect children. Well no shit! The court exists to devour children. Ancient jewish parasitic practices of sacrificing Christian babies… Read More »Ms. Magazine

                  Ambrose: Part 16

                    Continuing coverage from the FrankReport of the gut wrenching State rape of childhood in the Ambrose case, where Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer continue to be victims of jewish venom from a rabbinical court, designed for the sole purpose of enriching jew lawyers and their pals. True followers of the Prophet can only pray that the evil pentagram of jews Nancy Aldrich, Jocelyn Hurwitz, Jessica Caverly, Jane Grossman and the evil dark lord himself Gerard Adelman feel his holy wrath thru righteously cast stones, hurled by true believers, in his name, by his judgement to purge the evil from this world. Inshalla, motherfuckers! Ambrose Papers #16: Judge Moukawsher ‘Lacks Evidence’ to… Read More »Ambrose: Part 16

                    Betsy Moukawsher

                      The Town Clerk of Groton, Connecticut sleeps in the same bed as Judge Thomas Moukawsher, the presiding judge of the infamous star chamber known as Regional Family Trial Docket, where parents get fleeced and children get hurt. The now famous Blog is curious to know the type woman who sleeps with a child predator, a monster so evil as to uphold a 600 day forced isolation of three children from their mother. How does Betsy Moukawsher show her face around town, knowing that the public is aghast at her husband’s predatory behavior towards Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer? Betsy’s hubby has demonstrated his pedophile protective tendencies in full public view, holding… Read More »Betsy Moukawsher