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Mary Brigham

    The big black man in the black robe sitting atop the corrupt Connecticut judiciary is cowering in his office, fearful his legacy will be nothing but a black-face puppet for jewish masters who hijacked the courts. The token person-of-color selection is a perfect choice to execute a non-American agenda, subduing a free people with their own courts. Chief Justice Richard Robinson is powerless, toothless, spineless, and can only masquerade as CJ, keeping up the appearance of law in a land of tyranny. Poor Richard fears exposure of the money trail. Purposeless conflict in lower courts, large fees, purchased decisions, crooked judges, protracted litigation, twisted clerks, deceitful attorneys, an entire system… Read More »Mary Brigham


      The now-famous Blog examines the free exercise clause of the First Amendment for the damage it can do to the monsters of Connecticut Family Court. Jewdicial discretion is limited by the sharp edge of a medieval holy sword. Judges possess varying beliefs and heresy, dykish and deviant being pronounced. The Bozzuto/Murphy style; followed by the despised jewish form, Solomon/Adelman/Wetstone/Grossman/Munro/Truglia/Dranginis/Schofield/Epstein/Aaron et al.; then the heretic Catholic diaspora, Ficeto, Agati, Albis, Moukawsher; along with pagans like Nguyen, Diana, Olear, Coleman; the stage is set for a bloody atonement for violation of the free exercise clause by followers of Prophet Mohammad. The free exercise clause prohibits the state’s little child torture chamber, mislabeled… Read More »Jihad!


        The First Amendment protects the marketplace of ideas, being the essence of a free people engaged in self-governance. The now famous-Blog proposes some ideas for the marketplace to remedy the evils of child trafficking in the Connecticut family courts. First and foremost, a mob of self-governing philosophers raid the State Supreme Court, drag all the judges out to the middle of Capitol Avenue and behead them. The brainless skulls can be placed on pikes as a form of expression of what happens to domestic enemies of the Constitution. Think of said action as public redress to the abomination of liberty scripted by Robinson in State v Taupier. What is protected… Read More »Marketplace

        FrankReport: Vicki Frenzel

          The trailer trash hair stylist from Watertown makes headlines on the FrankReport for the antics of Waterbury Family Court and what lecherous lawyers will do for money in front of a jewish judge. This ten year saga is the most expensive case of child trafficking and childhood rape by the jews of family court. The big nigger in the black robe and his side ‘ho Nancy are proud of this one. Makes the righteous of the world want to hang folks like Ficeto, Coleman, Agati, Cutsumpas, Fasano, Brigham from a tree. Read the detailed reporting of the FrankReport that show what jews and trailer trash will do for money. Richard… Read More »FrankReport: Vicki Frenzel

          Clear & Present Danger!

            The now-famous Blog takes this Holy Day to expose the CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER of the jews of Connecticut family court, where the only remaining option to protect children rests in violence and lawless action, all other avenues of redress being exhausted. Merry Christmas! The evil doers of family court will promote the Dark Lord Judge Gerard Adelman and his alien addiction to raping childhood into the new year. Children are defenseless from the witchcraft of the black robed chosen elements of evil. There only remains the power of good invested in a sovereign people by a righteous God to employ the Second Amendment in protection of children to share… Read More »Clear & Present Danger!

            Wait … whut?

              Blog star and Upstate New York woodchuck Judge Jeffrey Wait is back in the news for being the deceitful little shit that his wife Mary Lou is so proud of. Twenty-five years ago this chosen self-serving p.o.s fabricated evidence in an investigation leading to the conviction of a goy disliked by the jewish political machine of Brooklyn, he thought he got away with it, but like all good skeletons, his past has caught up with the clown in a black robe masquerading as an honorable judge in Saratoga Springs City Court. Here is the nuts and bolts of what jew Jeffey boy did for political operatives back in 1996. A… Read More »Wait … whut?


                What does a jewish pedophile GAL call it when the State places a 72 hour protective hold on three sex toys? EMERGENCY! The now-famous Blog cannot make this shit up! The players are pedo child trafficker Christopher Ambrose, his jewish Attorney Nancy Aldrich, jewish GAL Jocelyn Hurwitz, and jew dyke pedo Judge Jane Grossman. The scenario is simple. Detective William DeGoursey of Madison Police figures out that Christopher Ambrose is up to no good with Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. Kids become subject of a restraining order for protection against pedo dad issued by Judge Boreland, end up being examined by child abuse professionals at Children’s Hospital, who don’t like what… Read More »Emergency!

                Hunt Deichert!

                  Look for a small army of Connecticut mothers hunting down Robert Deichert, hubby of ReneĆ©, father to Ellie and Rose, but soon to be raw political mince meat fed to the dogs. Attorney Deichert represented the State of Connecticut on behalf of Attorney General Willie d’chink Tong before Judge Robert Shapiro to argue against motherhood in defiance of statutes. D’chink Tong sends Deichert to throw mothers under the bus. Forget Willie’s pandering claim of protecting families is his first priority, both Deichert and Tong prefer little boys. According to Deichert, mothers are not allowed to seek lawful protection for relief from abuse, when a jew mafia of lawyers, judges, and… Read More »Hunt Deichert!

                  Kill Shot

                    Questioning public officials can be deadly. A properly worded question becomes an effective Kill Shot to the political target. As the Christian celebration of Christmas is upon us, the Elf is on the Shelf, the jews are making reservations at a local Chinese Restaurant, Santa arrived at the end of the Macy’s Parade, the now-famous Blog constructs the Kill Shot question for the jews of Connecticut Family Court, which also applies to the dumb niggers, pedos, dykes, heretics, and child predators shrouded in black robes. How is the State served by discretionary orders that separate children from mother? Blog kill shot Blog applies the KILL SHOT to individual judges who… Read More »Kill Shot

                    Dennis O’Toole

                      What is totally crazy, has no income, no brains, incompetent counsel, but gets a ton of cash from Dennis O’Toole to drag out pointless litigation before Judge Tammy Nguyen for no purpose in law? The public is aware that family court is a child trafficking and money laundering operation run by racketeers in black robes. Blog now examines the fabricated elements of litigation where Francelia, mother of little Odin, pushes her simple no-fault divorce into its sixth year claiming her perverted need for sole custody, while support, visitation, and parenting plans remain outstanding. FreedMarcroft is mother’s counsel. Six attorneys have represented Francelia since 2016, most are no longer with the… Read More »Dennis O’Toole