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Routinely Threatened!

    The now-famous Blog is accused of making threats against the commie chink, subversive Willy Tong, puppet Attorney General of gulag Connecticut. Oi vey, what the jews will do to attack the First Amendment in effort to subdue the goy’s pesky rights. Nice to see Tong can claim his ‘routine threats’ with a straight face and slanted eyes. A commie chink acting as the state’s lawyer should brush up on definitions of threats and harassment. Opining the little yellow bastard would serve the Tree of Liberty well by going feet first thru an industrial woodchipper is protected speech in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Tong… Read More »Routinely Threatened!

    Big Nigger

      This is a public service warning that the big nigger running the Connecticut judiciary engages in fraud on the public by utilizing Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD as an expert in parental rights in family court. The big nigger relies on Caverly’s training in bulimia, weight loss, autism to provide his judges ‘expert advice’ on matters of constitutionally protected parent-child bonds. Big Nigger Robinson has done nothing to vette the suitability of Caverly to the application of dissolution law, other than to obey his jewish masters. Robinson conspires to provide charlatans to traffic children on the ‘broad discretion’ of the rabbinical court. Nigger Robinson has no state recognized standards for… Read More »Big Nigger

      Michael Volpe Investigates

        Michael Volpe Investigates Podcast The Impromptu: Episode 33 an Interview with Karen Riordan, Rory Doyle and Leann Carey All three are survivors of the Connecticut court system: particularly Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly Listen to Volpe’s podcast here. Today, I had three guests on the podcast: Rory Doyle, Karen Riordan and Leann Carey.  All three have had to survive the Connecticut court systems and they each ran into Jessica Biren Caverly.  Two- Rory and Karen- have recently been featured in Wayne Dolcefino videos which are below.  Rory Karen Dr. Biren Caverly, who did not respond to my email for comment, is a prolific court appointee inside Connecticut courtrooms. Both Karen and… Read More »Michael Volpe Investigates

        GALs Rape Childhood

          Experts: CT Court Guardians ad Litem; Serving the Children’s or Their Own ‘Best Interest’? March 11, 2022 A Guardian ad Litem [GAL] is an attorney appointed by the court to investigate a divorce and custody case, report their findings, and make recommendations supposedly based on the child’s “best interests.”It doesn’t always work that way. Family Court Reform Advocate Peter Szymonik Excerpts from a CT Law Tribune article by a long-time advocate for CT Family Court reform. By Peter Szymonik Thousands of parents and families have been financially devastated and unfairly denied access to their children solely due the problems in our family courts. Children are arbitrarily separated from their parents,… Read More »GALs Rape Childhood

          Absolute Immunity!

            Discrimination is protected litigation practice in Connecticut Family Court!!! Mentally impaired Judge John David Moore, presiding judge of Litchfield Judicial District rules that court whores appointed by jew judges to malign mothers and rape childhood hold ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY by privilege created of jewdicial discretion by a doctrine not codified in law. Judge Moore claims that it is public policy to shield court whores from any form of accountability!!! Federally prohibited discriminatory conduct is protected in Connecticut’s rabbinical courts. Strange how the construction of such jew immunity is not by due process, conferred by the legislature by the will of a sovereign people, but just comes from jew judges protecting their… Read More »Absolute Immunity!

            Word Salad

              The now-famous Blog highlights the incompetence of Judge Jane Grossman in her recent order which can only be described as tossed word salad of federal trespass. It is time to recognize Connecticut Family Court is staffed with idiots unable to administer the law. A serious issue for a responsible people to take up in protection of children. Background of the case is classic Connecticut pedo. Daddy is a minor attracted drug addicted alcoholic who enjoys heroin, vodka, young latina hookers, along with deviant pleasures involving children. First wife split with the daughter to end the abuse. Second wife filed for divorce on same discovery. Usual suspects of pedo protection showed… Read More »Word Salad

              Happy .308 Day!

                Happy Day of 8th of March. Happy .308 day! More justice can be dispensed in one bullet than by all of Family Court. Celebrate the Second Amendment as protection from the pedophiles who run family court. Judicial discretion falls to the report of a rifle.


                  The now-famous Blog notes the free expression of American Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina calling for the assassination of Vlad The Invader for world good. If children are the future of the world, then their protection is good. Applying the same logical principles of good to Connecticut Family Court’s tyrannical conduct, d’Blog calls for the ASSASSINATION of Chief Judge Richard Robinson, Chief Family Judge Michael Albis; senior tyrants: Adelman, Wetstone, Ficeto, Heller, Grossman, Moukawsher, Gould, Bozzuto along with GALs Hurwitz, Laliberte and Fay … for starters. Call it a purge. Senator Graham alludes to Brutus, public hero eviscerating tyranny on the steps of the Roman senate. Spilling black guts… Read More »Assassination?


                    FrankReport provides a primer to expose the truth behind the conduct of Connecticut Family Court. Pretty much reveals the jewish ideology of the sovereign nutmegers. A people who cannot protect children from state monsters and evil jewish lawyers. If there was truth in advertising required of the judiciary in Connecticut, notice would be required to be displayed prominently, like it was said Dante displayed at the gates of Hell: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate Tribunale di famiglia di Connecticut. [Abandon all hope ye who enter CT Family Court.] Likewise, CT attorneys should be required to advise clients about the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem, an attorney who will be… Read More »Primer

                    Perv Herzog

                      Connecticut protected pervert child predator Geoff Herzog threatens FrankReport with defamation lawsuit for exposing perversion. The silliness of Connecticut pedos manifests its chosen protection in Herzog’s rants against publicity of his true self. Nutmeg pedophiles feel so entitled that anyone who discusses their deviancy is defaming their good name and character with malicious lies, for which a jury will render proper pedo relief. Right!!! A jury of parents will hang Geoff Herzog alongside Judge Gould and GAL Jill Plancher. Read FRANKREPORT articles here and here. Role-Playing Pervy Papa Threatens Frank Report for Exposing CT Family Court Corruption On January 30, 2022, I wrote a story about Geoff Herzog, of Stamford… Read More »Perv Herzog