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Judge Elliott Solomon

Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

    The now-famous worst blog calls out Ed Mahoney of the nation’s oldest continuously published newspaper for being a hapless shill to the jewdicial mafia of Connecticut, spinning a judicial corruption story into a heinous anti-semtic drama to shame the goy. Oi vey, only executive editor Helen Bennett could be proud of such journalistic hypocrisy, fictional writing played on the goy as ‘reporting’. Blog elders frown upon a newspaper dating to 1764 which today advocates censorship by ridiculing citizens for exercising First Amendment rights. Ed Mahoney plays the jew game of ‘hate speech’ being speech the jews hate. Poor Ed, a demented old man, detached from reality, promoting trickery on his… Read More »Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

    Jooish Family Court

      The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

      Target: Heller

        Time for the women of Connecticut to stand in solidarity for Jennifer Dulos, the murdered mother of five, abused by the family court for the singular fault of having money. The family court seeks money from litigants to reward court vultures. Family savings accounts fund the entire cadre of divorce lawyers in the state. These parasites operate to make money, not to obtain justice. Judge Donna Heller is a ring leader of the birds of prey. Judge Heller is the proximate cause of the death of Jen Dulos. The proof of the premise that family court is singularly focused on the assets of the parties is shown by comparing Baby… Read More »Target: Heller

        Christmas Visit?

          Here is a shout out to all those divorced parents in Connecticut who will not be seeing their children this Christmas, courtesy of the Grinch-in-Chief of the Family Court, the jew Elliott Solomon. Remember, he trained all the family court judges in the Cesspool. The jewish legal theory of visitation subsequent to ‘no fault’ divorce is of course jewdicial discretion. Whatever the jew in the black robe feels like, that is what you get for visitation. No law, no standards, no equal protection, just whim which will vary from judge to judge depending on the foul mood of the moron in black. The zionists love this part because they can… Read More »Christmas Visit?

          Target Solomon

            The System is broken! The family court system is broken! The propaganda machine is in overdrive. The Connecticut family court system is operating perfectly as designed by its chief architect, the very non-Christian and most inhumane Judge Elliot N. Solomon, and he is proud of it, as are all the recipients who gorge on the fat revenue streams cast off the bench. Solomon was high fiving with the Family Bar Association and the family court judges as pathetic victim after victim cried to the legislature how they have been raped financially by his ‘perfect system’. Tuesday saw another parade of tears before representatives of the sovereign people of Connecticut. A… Read More »Target Solomon

            Target: Judge Patrick L. Carroll

              The New Year is off to a great start. The Connecticut legislature is back in the Capitol and it is time again to play ‘whack a judge’! The greatest civic purpose of ‘we the people’ is to tidy up the government from time to time. No better place to look for dirt than the judiciary. There are some new faces on the Judiciary Committee. Gone is the ugly chinachink William Tong, along with deviant side kick Paul Doyle. They have been replaced by Steven Stafstrom and Gary Winfield. Note that the previous chairs, chink and cracker, both lawyers have been replaced with sambo and cracker, where only cracker boy Stafstrom… Read More »Target: Judge Patrick L. Carroll

              Jew Judge Albis

                Well, if it was unclear what team Judge Michael Albis is playing for, he has removed all doubt in his recent zionist decision in the Taupier case. Nothing like some good old New Haven jewery to toss the kids, Gabriel and Sara in the middle of litigation, then call it ‘best interest’ of the child. Jew Judge Albis is on the receiving end of the puppet strings from Tanya Taupier’s money grubbing sleeze of a jew lawyer, the infamous, grande dame, pedo battle axe, Judge Annie Dranginis. Albis knows his dick and balls will end up down his throat if he disobeys Dranginis and the state pedo ring. A brief… Read More »Jew Judge Albis

                A Tale of Two Courts

                  We take notice of two different court systems in two different states under the same Constitution in the republic affectionately known as the United States of America.  A tale of two incompetent family court judges, one white, one black, both females of significant mental defect as to require their removal from the bench for cause. The black female miscreant family court judge is Lyris F. Younge, who after only 31 months on the bench had proven to the people of Philadelphia that she needed to be removed to uphold the integrity of the court.  Stepping up to the plate, senior judicial management, head judge Sheila Woods-Skipper, of Common Pleas court,… Read More »A Tale of Two Courts

                  Sen. John Kissel: Hater

                    The state of Corrupticut put on a most unconstitutional display of malfeasance by the actions of the Zionist leadership of the Judiciary Committee  on Friday.  The guest of honor was the notorious jewish mistake of a judge, the billboard famous Jane B. Emons, a heartless family court clown with the brains of a newt and the vengeance of Kundry.   A vile and evil aged sloth who acts solely to destroy the American and Christian concept of family.  A professional thief, a racketeer, a true scoundrel who uses the court to destroy families and plunder college savings accounts.  A true jew exercising Kundry’s revenge on the followers of Christ. The jew… Read More »Sen. John Kissel: Hater

                    Two Faced Corrupticut

                      The reputation of the State of Connecticut as the second most corrupt territory in the United States of America is legendary.  The runner up to Illinois may be making a run for the gold medal of governmental malfeasance.  This week the gay boy governor Danny Malloy and pedo Senator Richie Blumenthal out did themselves for violation of due process and equal protection.  Gay Gov and Pedo Senator have come to the public aid of a Chinaman who broke the law by entering the country illegally. The Courant is falling all over itself in puff piece leftist article by caffeine junky Jordan Otero Sisson in exalting the efforts of gender confused democrats to… Read More »Two Faced Corrupticut

                      Family Court Zionists

                        Time to focus on the Zionists of Family Court, a force so un-American and so evil that only Satan himself can promote it.  Examine the king of the jew judges of Connecticut, Elliot N. Solomon.  The self-proclaimed master of the Connecticut policy of family destruction… a.k.a. Talmud edicts.  This jew judge issues an order in violation of state law specifying that a father will have no visitation with his children.  Totally based on rule of the Talmud, not rule of the State.  It is well known that the state of Connecticut, by act of the people through the legislature requires both parents to have active and consistent involvement in the lives… Read More »Family Court Zionists

                        Strobel Pedo Orders

                          The jewdicial mafia of the Connecticut Pedo Utopia created a clever way to deny a parent access to the court in the nefarious case of Strobel v Strobel.  A constitutional violation concocted by our favorite titless jewdicial wonder and pedo puppet Judge Holly Abery Wetstone.  Claiming that a mother filing papers in court to expose the jewdicial pedo game harms a child and must be stopped!!! Below is a reprint of a well written description of how the pedo jew judges of Connecticut defeat the rule of law, destroy the Constitution and traffic little boy ass to the demons of society….all in public view.  Note Judges Elizabeth Bozzuto, Holly Wetstone,… Read More »Strobel Pedo Orders

                          GAL Steals Christmas

                            Judge Wilson J. Trombley of the Waterbury JD in Connecticut did opine that Sofi and Evie Grohs should be able to hug their mother for Christmas, that Christian holiday in celebration of the birth of a saviour with beliefs of a god, love and family. Before the old bird’s bench was the great dickhead Michael Fasano and his demented pedo client and jailer of Sofi and Evie; William J. Grohs.  The mentally deranged William Grohs uses children was weapons to inflate is delicate ego.  If he is not hurting someone he just does not feel manly and his dick goes limp.  Also in the courtroom was the notorious pedo ally… Read More »GAL Steals Christmas

                            Billboard: Judge Jane Emons

                              Outdoor marketing reveals the pedo puppets.  Connecticut motorists are being warned of the jewdicial pedo element of society.  The monster in black, Judge Jane B. Emons is getting public exposure for the sick jewish bitch she really is. Another jew alumnae of the elite state prosecutor’s club, having served in pedo protection on the state payroll, dutifully letting cases drop and prosecutions expire against friends of the ruling elite, she was appointed to the bench at age 60 by Gov. Jodi Rell in 2010.  Why she is even up for reappointment is questionable, she should be flushed down the jewdicial toilet and banished from the law forever. A pathetic lawyer… Read More »Billboard: Judge Jane Emons

                              Watertown Speech Police

                                The thin blue thugs of the Watertown Police Department in rural Connecticut are executing the will of the state pedophile ring in hunting down free speech that brings light to the child trafficking game of Sophia and Evie Grohs. Our civilized society gives the people the First Amendment privilege of scrutinizing the corrupt activities of Judge Anna Ficeto, a puppet of the pedophile mafia of Corrupticut.  A family court judge who rips children from mothers so unscrupulous penis players like William J. Grohs can use two little girls for demented pleasures.  But the pedo muscle wears a badge, carries a gun, has an attitude and is mentally retarded.  Jerkoff Detective… Read More »Watertown Speech Police

                                Connecticut RFTD: Star Chamber

                                  How does the third branch of government create a special star chamber without judicial purpose?  In Connecticut, the state is divided into judicial districts, each with a courthouse replete with judges, magistrates and additional senior judges known as judge trial referees who are semi-retired judges on staff to handle caseload.  For the family division of the Superior Court, each district has a family relations division, staffed with ‘family relations officers’ who evaluate cases and make recommendations to the court.  On top of all this publicly funded infrastructure, guardians ad litem, lecherous attorneys are appointed by judges at the expense of the parents to provide more opinions.  By statute, a divorce… Read More »Connecticut RFTD: Star Chamber

                                  Express Yourself

                                    Are you American?  Have an opinion?  Hate family court?  Hate the judges?  Well, you have a right to express yourself; First Amendment.  Here is an example of how a free citizen in the land of the free and the home of the brave can express himself under the protections framed in the First Amendment. First, identify a judge to hate, say Elizabeth Bozzuto of the Connecticut Family Court.  A privileged dyke from a rich republican family whose appointment to the bench was purchased in the back room of political favouritism.  It is quite American to hate an individual for ascending to a position of responsibility on privilege of being in… Read More »Express Yourself

                                    AFCC – The Anti Christ

                                      Time to explain the structure of Family Court in America.  First off, it is not a court created by the federal Constitution.  State courts are of criminal and civil distinction.  The concept of a separate ‘family’ court was put forth by the AFCC long ago.  The AFCC is a jewish operation designed to attack the fundamental building block of Christian society….the family.  Western civilization has been built upon Christian values which embody the teachings of the Catholic Church and its spin-off protestants, episcopal, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.  The whole purpose of the Fourth Commandment to honor thy mother and father is to uphold the family as the bedrock of society. But… Read More »AFCC – The Anti Christ

                                      Judge Ernest Green, Jr. Speech Nazi

                                        Again we turn our attention to the terrorists of the Connecticut judiciary; Judge Ernest Green, Jr. doctor of deviant sexual behaviour.  The ruling elite of the sovereign people is the dark hand of the chosen in black robes who masquerade as judges in the Superior Court where political criticism is silenced with shackles, denial of bail and jail.  Our newest terrorist is of the negro homo sexual kind.  Married to his fellow sodomite and upheld by the chosen of the Connecticut Pedophile Utopia, this mentally deranged and intellectually challenged nigger is wiping the lube off his swollen rectal orifice with the Constitution. A free people have the protected right to… Read More »Judge Ernest Green, Jr. Speech Nazi

                                        The Attorney Curse

                                          Just when the Connecticut Bar Association thought it was safe to go back to their normal ways of trafficking children for profit, the Connecticut Family Court Attorney Curse rises up from the shadows in the battle of good vs. evil. The notorious family court sloth Attorney Geraldine Ficarro of Essex fell victim to the ‘court curse’.  The sloth did file in Bozzuto’s court for contempt against a father for the heinous charge of child cavities being the sole fault of the father; claiming such legal tactics before the dyke on the byke is normal practice of family law; designed to inflame and enrage, while using children as weapons of legal… Read More »The Attorney Curse