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Christopher Ambrose

Escort Services

    Need police muscle to hunt down estranged children, intimidate the ex-spouse, just call Chief Jack Drumm of Madison, Connecticut Police Department where a cruiser with lights will escort a private citizen around town, hunting his abused children, demanding they return to his loving care. Blog can’t make this shit up! The public witnessed Chris Ambrose waiting in ambush of his daughter Mia outside Robert’s grocery store, a stealthy trap, armed with loving hugs and police muscle, complete with a nine millimeter, extra clips, and handcuffs. A bloglicious drama played out with full paedo protection, witnessed by an overly trusting public, who unwittingly fund Jack Drumm’s perverted concept of police protection,… Read More »Escort Services

    Mad Man Anthony Wallace

      The now-famous Blog of the worst kind observes that blog star Madman Christopher Ambrose has a lawyer who is also a madman. Man is this getting weird! Meet Anthony Wallace, a pathetic excuse of a human slithering the streets of New Haven, fleecing shekels from the unsuspecting, under guise of legal representation. A full service lawyer who literally fucked his client in a divorce case. Wallace’s practice is so bad that he had to take on Christopher Ambrose in a juvey matter where Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer brought abuse petition against dad for his Blog-famous antics over the last four years in family court. Wallace’s instant demonstration of legal incompetence… Read More »Mad Man Anthony Wallace

      Immediate and Present

        The now-famous Blog cheers the jewdicial word-salad promoting deceit by the mentally infirm Judge Eddie Rodriguez of the armpit of Bridgeport Family Court, undermining public confidence in the jewdiciary, exposing the child trafficking game abhorred by society. The tragedy of Christopher Ambrose continues, in tireless effort to abuse three gifts from God, tormenting childhood under guise of jew Judge Adelman’s ‘best interest’ orders cutting mom out of their lives. Ambrose files ‘ex parte‘ motion in family court demanding runaway children be seized by police, cuffed, chained, dragged kicking and screaming back to his loving care. The fallacy of family court is when the kids don’t play along with jewdicial discretion,… Read More »Immediate and Present

        Ambrose Trifecta

          The now-famous Blog congratulates mad man Christopher Ambrose of Madison, Connecticut for abusing Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer to the point they all ran away, filed abuse petitions against him in juvenile court, and sought safe haven with mother, a trifecta! The third and youngest child, Sawyer ran away from Ambrose in celebration of Independence Day, abused, neglected, emotionally spent, the little kid had enough, now reunited with his older siblings, all protected from abuse by a loving mother. A happy ending for four years of emotional torture by jewdicial discretion of Judges Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. But now Chief of Madison Police Jack Drumm dispatches his donut whores to… Read More »Ambrose Trifecta

          No Sympathy

            Judge Robin Wilson of Connecticut’s Superior Court states she has NO SYMPATHY for Blog star Christopher Ambrose in his meritless, frivolous, vexatious defamation action against Auntie Easter Baskets, in today’s court hearing of toddler ranting by Ambrose, abusing the legal system in manifestation of his mental defect that he is a victim of public scrutiny for public behavior in abuse of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, three gifts of God, denied jelly beans and chocolate bunnies in celebration of the Resurrection. Concerned citizens, exercising First Amendment rights of scrutiny of matters in the public forum of family court, horrified by jewdicial abuse of children, discussing governmental malfeasance, the essence of self-governance,… Read More »No Sympathy

            Toxic Ambrose

              Now-famous Blog reports that mad man Christopher Ambrose cannot find an attorney to represent him in suit against Auntie Easterbaskets. Mad man Ambrose brought the defamation suit a year ago against a free citizen exercising First Amendment rights talking about mad man’s antics on the public stage of family court, now he asks for a continuance as he cannot find a lecherous legal lizard to represent him in pursuit of meritless, frivolous, vexatious abuse of the legal system. Mad man has represented himself for the last year, over 85 docket entries, pointless pleadings, insane arguments, exposing his mad mind to the world, all on the record. Why does mad man… Read More »Toxic Ambrose


                The now-famous Blog of the worst kind notes that the Mad Man of Madison, Christopher Ambrose, disgraced script writer, sexually deviant, minor attracted person, claims that Connecticut gossip over events on a public stage is DEFAMATION, for which he has suffered great personal, professional, psychological, emotional harm for which only Auntie Easter Baskets is responsible. His Hollywood firing for plagiarism is Auntie’s fault. His suicidal ideations communicated to the media is solely Auntie’s fault. His attraction to Barbershops featuring latino boys is simply his version of diversity. Abuse of his children, causing two of them to flee to safe haven is all a result of Connecticut gossip of a public… Read More »Vomit


                  The Brigeport resident jewdicial ‘spic in a black robe denies First Amendment redress rights to peasants by applying the new jewdicial ruling of REJECTED to pleadings in rights, a true talmadic ideology dealt by Judge Eddie Rodriguez, a senior judge, exemplifying nigger boy Robinson’s commitment to fucking over a sovereign people for the pleasure of childhood rape! The now-famous Blog of the ‘worst‘ kind provides standard disclaimer: ain’t makin’ this shit up! The family court is wrestling with draconian orders by Dark Lord Gerard Adelman and Jew Jane Grossman, which isolated children from mother for three years in the Ambrose case, the kids had enough, ran away from Mad Man… Read More »Rejectez


                    Attorney Chris Goulden of Milford, bottom of the barrel lawyerly scum of the Connecticut Bar, steps into Blog spotlight, representing blog star Christopher Ambrose in the ongoing drama of childhood rape, emotional pain, and overall misery of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, prisoners of a mad man who lives in an altered reality of script writing and make believe. Get popcorn! Four weeks ago, Mia voids jewdicial orders of child abuse, runs away from prison at 381 Horse Pond Road in Madison, knocking dad out of the running for father of the year award, exposing his pedo deviancy to the world by filing a sexual abuse complaint against him in juvenile… Read More »Goulden!


                      The now-famous Blog of the worst kind happily reports Judge Gerard Adelman’s jewdicial discretion in the Ambrose case, which isolated children from mother, imprisoned by mad man Christopher Ambrose, resulted in Mia running away from the abusive situation, now in the loving care of her mother … all is well! Saturday afternoon saw a flurry of police activity at 381 Horse Pond Road, where five squad cars convened to hear mad mad man Chris Ambrose complain that his daughter is gone, texting him that she is running away, tired of the court induced physical, mental, psychological, emotional abuse that destroyed the last five years of her childhood. The donut whores… Read More »Runaway!

                      Crook Nancy Aldrich

                        Blog star Attorney Nancy Aldrich, sleazy jewish lawyer out of Westport, Connecticut left a scented trail in the Ambrose case, picked up by sniffing legal beagles of now-famous Blog’s pedigree hound pound. Nancy did not expect public scrutiny in a public forum, exposing her conspiracy to commit fraud on the court, defeating judicial machinery designed to ensure equitable outcomes, exposing synagogue pals Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. The deceit is simple, but obvious. No-fault divorce is an administrative service provided by a secular state court to end a meaningless matrimonial bond derived from Church origins. The court holds statutory obligation to divide marital assets, disclosure by filing a sworn financial… Read More »Crook Nancy Aldrich

                        Ambrose Fails

                          The now-famous Blog shares another FrankReport piece on the drama of Christopher Ambrose of Madision, Connecticut. A mad man and Blog star, now flailing in federal court, District Connecticut, where his frivolous, meritless, vexatious defamation suit against Frank Parlato is before USDJ Micheal J. Shea. Delusional Ambrose, applying his demented perception to alter reality, relying on his profound lack of legal skills, he misapplies Nutmeg judicial machinery, imagining he could reach a resident of Florida with a long arm statute that does not apply to defamation, thinking his state judiciary loves him for being the victim of a free press. Instead, Ambrose ended up in federal court, where his baseless… Read More »Ambrose Fails

                          Ambrose Denied

                            The now-famous Blog notes that Christopher Ambrose has an unhealthy obsession with hearing himself whine in court about living in a free society, with an internet, with public right of scrutiny of Christopher’s antics in a public forum. This time it was four days of nauseating screeching of the Mad Man without a lawyer, entertained by retarded ‘spic Judge Eddie Rodriguez, in the judicial armpit of Bridgeport for a motion to void the First Amendment, where family court betrays its abusive ways, dragging mom to the courthouse on four different days to hear paedo dad’s complaints against reality, pleading for relief the court could not provide. In the end, Judge… Read More »Ambrose Denied


                              Family court litigant Christopher Ambrose demands PRIVACY protection for Mia, Matthew, Sawyer, kids suffering from lack of maternal affection by malicious, inhumane conduct of Mad Man and his lawyer, isolation supported by two jew judges and a jewish expert fucking over goy kids. Judge Eddie Rodriguez, constitutionally infirm jurist, moron in black, entertains Mad Man’s complaint, a drawn out screenplay of spending a million dollars over three years to obtain a simple administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce is emotionally harmful to children, who have not had a mom hug in years, no auntie Easter Baskets either. Christopher’s deluded mind cannot comprehend public forums, a court stage upon which he plays drama victim… Read More »Privacy!

                              CATHERINE AKIKO ITAYA

                                The now-famous Blog, ‘virulently racist/antisemitic website solely dedicated to maligning Connecticut family court’, takes pleasure highlighting legal incompetence of Attorney Cat Itaya of New Haven’s Legal Assistance Association who leads the Federal Pro Se Legal Assistance Program, providing legal advice to child abuser, blog star Christopher Ambrose. Blog is not makin’ this shit up! Cat Itaya provides legal services to Mad Man Ambrose arguing against First Amendment before nutjob USDJ Michael Shea, claiming public scrutiny of a public forum is a violation of his personal space, defaming his good name, for which Connecticut Superior Court holds ‘long arm’ jurisdiction to punish authors of the, for exercise of constitutionally protected… Read More »CATHERINE AKIKO ITAYA


                                  The mad man of Madison has fizzled, his irrational barking gone quiet, pathetic victim pleadings of character assassination have stopped, legal attacks on Auntie Easter Baskets is abandoned. Now-famous Blog psycho department looks deep into the tormented mind of Christopher Ambrose, trapped in altered reality of his own script writing. A twisted mind, obsessed with victimhood, pleadings to a mythical superior legal authority, he attacks, feeding a minor ego, that vindication of a pathetic life will come from a court ruling against Auntie Easter Baskets, that violent, malicious, attempts to deliver jelly beans and chocolate bunnies to three gifts from God, destroyed his life. Blog psychiatry department identifies need for… Read More »Fizzle

                                  Police Advice!

                                    Mad man Christopher Ambrose of Madison, Connecticut, child abuser, mental case, homo, psycho nutjob, pleads again for an EMERGENCY HEARING on advice of police.  The homo, minor attracted miscreant, compulsive liar, now pleads that POLICE advise him to seek protective orders because the internet exists, his children suffer from lack of mom hugs, he is a wretched human, whose treatment of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer is legally equivalent to ‘animal abuse’. Ambrose pleads the following: The police advised filing the emergency request. Plaintiff(Ambrose) has permanent sole physical and legal custody of the three minor children. The defendant(mother) has been interfering with custody by publishing confidential information about the children as… Read More »Police Advice!

                                    The Internet Exists!

                                      The now-famous Blog points out to the unknowing that the internet exists, court is a public forum, society is a chatty bunch, sovereign people hold right to scrutiny of monsters raping childhoods, under the color of state no-fault divorce laws. Blog star and child abuser Christopher Ambrose of 281 Horsepond Road in Madison has a problem living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, he does not like public scrutiny of mental disorders that rape childhoods of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, but his jewish lawyer pals Nancy Aldrich and Jocelyn Hurwitz enjoy plundering family bank, ensuring no college funds for kids. Oi vey, what damage… Read More »The Internet Exists!


                                        The now-famous Blog, participating in the marketplace of ideas, protected under the First Amendment, sez SORRY to blog star Christopher Ambrose of 381 Horsepond Road, Madision, Connecticut, where he cages Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer to satisfy his severe, undiagnosed, untreated, mental disorder, subliminal woman hatred, and lack of manliness. Sorry he is such a miserable person, blog copy staff are so sorry they lit Church candles for redemption of his miserable, blackened soul, so coveted by Satan. Blog legal department reviewed Mad Man’s civil lawsuits against EasterBasket Auntie and Frank Parlato; trite does not begin to describe the complaint.  Mad Man ‘prays’ for relief by asking the court to issue… Read More »Sorry!

                                        Shining Ambrose!

                                          Advanced dementia and psychosis grips the insane mind of Christopher Ambrose of 381 Horse Pond Rd in Madison, where three gifts of God are held captive by purchased handywork of jew Judge Adelman and his synagogue pals, Grossman, Aldrich, Hurwitz, Caverly, in common ideological worship of faceless money god.  Having no other purpose in life than to abuse children, play drama victim, Chris spends all day at the kitchen table gazing into his laptop, a portal to altered reality, dancing demons, wrapped in delusional scripts, plots, make believe; mad man sues Easter Basket aunt and the FrankReport for hurting his feelings. The frivolous, meritless, vexatious lawsuits can be viewed here… Read More »Shining Ambrose!