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Crook Nancy Aldrich

Blog star Attorney Nancy Aldrich, sleazy jewish lawyer out of Westport, Connecticut left a scented trail in the Ambrose case, picked up by sniffing legal beagles of now-famous Blog’s pedigree hound pound. Nancy did not expect public scrutiny in a public forum, exposing her conspiracy to commit fraud on the court, defeating judicial machinery designed to ensure equitable outcomes, exposing synagogue pals Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. The deceit is simple, but obvious.

No-fault divorce is an administrative service provided by a secular state court to end a meaningless matrimonial bond derived from Church origins. The court holds statutory obligation to divide marital assets, disclosure by filing a sworn financial affidavit; what will be divided, must be declared. Nancy’s slick trick is to not declare assets held at commencement of proceedings. She delays filing Chris Ambrose’s financial affidavit until 22 months into protracted litigation. The court never knows the original assets, just what is left two years on, while Aldrich, Callahan, Caverly, Hurwitz plundered the family bank. The court could only divide the remnants of the looted bank, not knowing what Chris Ambrose and his attorney stole. Pretty slick, but the scam only works with judicial blessing.

The action is filed in July ’19, parties appear before Rodriguez,J in August, a flurry of financial related motions, appointment of GAL Jocelyn Hurwitz, all requiring declaration of incomes and marital assets, which Aldrich is ordered to file, mother having no access to financial records. Mother’s lawyer, Richard Callahan, does not pursue discovery of assets, just follows Nancy’s fraudulent lead; on September 6th, the trio files a continuance for purposeful delay, forcing proceedings to lapse a month, being magically reassigned to Judge Jane Grossman, without further mention of required disclosure. The affidavit, ordered by Rodriguez,J in August ’19 is not submitted until April ’21, while Grossman and Adelman turn blind eyes to intentional concealment by Nancy Aldrich. See how judges work to defeat rule of law, commit fraud, enable plundering of familial assets? Note that Aldrich, Hurwitz, Grossman, Adelman, Caverly are all jewish.

Procedural due process errors abound, as family court cannot issue orders  appointing a GAL without evidence of ability to pay, but strangely, appointment made absent financial disclosure, a fact obvious to Rodriguez, Aldrich, Callahan, and Hurwitz … best interest of thieving jews in concealing truth from a court of law. Wonder how much Grossman pocketed? The jew court thumbs its nose at goy sovereign law, requiring particular financial orders controlling the GAL, §46b-12(c), deliberately ignored by Grossman and then again by Adelman, who gave the remnants of marital assets to Chris Ambrose, never knowing how much disappeared. The family court of Connecticut reveals true talmudic nature, when chosen judges choose kosher law, Constitution be damned, shekels reign supreme. Jewish arrogance blinds conspiring kikes from realizing now-famous Blog sees all!

Editor’s Note:  The issue of unknown marital assets, lack of disclosure,  financial fraud, Aldrich’s defiance of court order was all raised by mother’s counsel, ignored by Grossman, Adelman, Moukawsher, who disbarred counsel in jewish effort to protect the rabbinical court. A court cannot fulfill its duty when material facts are intentionally concealed by attorneys.


Conspiracy of judges and lawyers to conceal marital assets from the court, criminal conduct in deprivation of procedural due process, fraud on the court and by the court, kike effort in defeating rule of law.

Brian Staines, ($142k/yr) chief disciplinary counsel of jewdicial branch, ignores fraud of Nancy Aldrich, Jane Grossman, Gerard Adelman.