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    Rumours are circulating around Hartford Family Court that Attorney Jen Shukla has been fired from the firm of FreedMarcroft for her incompetent representation of nut job Francelia Sevin, wherein Shukla advised her client to violate court orders as a tactic to promote conflict involving little kid Odin Sakon. Most folks view her firing as a good thing. It is quite rare that lawyers in family court are held accountable for what is racketeering. But the now famous blog would like to point out that the more enlightened members of the public are well aware of the jew game of promoting senseless conflict involving children to generate revenue for crap law… Read More »FIRED?

    What if …

      Time for the pontificating, philosophizing, patriotic elders of the famous blog community to ask the ultimate civics question regarding the family court: What if … What if, the tyranny of child trafficking and suspension of rights is so deeply embedded in the jewdicial psyche under no fault divorce that the children are in danger, where the parents of the nation have no recourse in redress of grievances. No remedy in state court, state legislatures, federal court, nor Congress. The parents only have the Second Amendment to protect the nation’s children from harm, for the present, and future generations. So the ultimate ‘what if …’ comes before the blog for public… Read More »What if …

      Family Injustice: A Crime In Court?

        The jewish games of the Dark Lord have made it to video. On youtube. Nigger boy Robinson is so proud of his court system that he is out raping little kids this weekend with his jew pedo pal Gerard Adelman. Jews and niggers, the evil of Connecticut, funded by a sovereign flock of sheep. See what happens when niggers and jews get together to rape society?

        Communist Court

          Most Americans do not realize the underlying ideology that drives the horrors of family court in a Christian society. It is not the moral compass of an enlightened people, it is the design of communism. The concept of ‘no fault’ divorce did not spring forth from the demand of a unified society for an enlightened purpose of a benevolent people, rather it derives from a sinister element of evil within the human race to undermine thousands of years of theological evolution. The continuing battle of Good vs. Evil. The human race is built upon the concept of familial piety, bonds between husband and wife, commitment to children as the foundation… Read More »Communist Court

          Deichert d’Douche

            Assistant Attorney General and child trafficker Robert Deichert, limp-dick husband to Poor Renee and pathetic father figure to Ellie and Rose, stepped upon the public stage today on behalf of Connecticut to claim that the Superior Court does not have subject matter jurisdiction to protect children being abused by the jews of the family court system. Oi vey, Deichert is one total douche bag, a total waste of his ridiculous state salary ($132k). A terrorist in pedophile disguise. With Willy Tong’s dried cum on his lips, Deichert demanded a month delay to prepare a motion to dismiss, claiming court’s lack of subject matter jurisdiction to issue injunctive relief. He further… Read More »Deichert d’Douche

            Ficeto: Punishment By Child

              The jewish miscreant masquerading as a Catholic, wearing a black robe, concealing her spiked tail does a constitutional Eighth Amendment smack down in the Connecticut cesspool of family court. Judge Anna Ficeto spews forth her demonic wrath upon a mother, ranting on the record that just punishment is served by isolating children from mom. Punishment by child is alive and well in the jewish gulag of Connecticut. Children are used as weapons of torture against parents for the heinous crime of non-compliance with incompetent orders of jewish judges. Oi vey, will the Patriots rise up to dispatch such a domestic enemy of the Constitution or will a righteous God take… Read More »Ficeto: Punishment By Child

              Misty’s Misconduct

                FreedMarcroft, the all women, man hating, family law, assemblage of sisters of the smelly tampon put on a show of shear incompetence before Judge Constance Epstein at the Hartford Family Circus on Tuesday. Misty Simmons, demonstrated her physical dexterity to support her short, wide, obese frame upon high heels, pressing holes in the carpet as she wobbled before the bar, a truly grotesque human form; short, fat, and stupid. Her client, nut job, crazy bitch Francelia Sevin, mother of Odin Sakon had previously sworn in an ex-parte emergency pleading to Judge Robert Nastri that little Odin was in such psychological fear of dad as to cause the child to ‘poop’… Read More »Misty’s Misconduct

                Coleman Trafficking

                  Nigger boy Judge Eric Coleman displays incompetent abilities from the bench today in the continuing child trafficking case of Evie and Sofi Grohs of Watertown. A divorce case fueled by money and the demented mind of William J. Grohs that has gone on for eleven years and continues past his death. What the family court does to children in the name of lawyer feed is truly barbaric. Nigger boy Coleman gave the children and their trust funds to trailer trash Vicki Frenzel just three days before dad’s death with the help of jew lawyer Steve Levi. Poor Vicki has no income, but expenses of $3,200 a week, forced to live… Read More »Coleman Trafficking


                    The famous blog takes this solemn opportunity to close the chapter on the relationship between blog star William Grohs and his dickhead lawyer Michael Fasano. After heaping hundreds of thousands of dollars upon Attorney Fasano to drag his second ex-wife through years of post-judgment litigation to undo his own agreement to divorce, Bill Grohs spoke from beyond his grave to deride Fasano’s legal inabilities. Bill’s dying wish included a stark appraisal of his lawyer’s work. It is more than curious that a New Will executed just days before Bill’s imminent death from brain cancer would fire his lawyer, but this is Connecticut! Bills loving, gold digging, trailer trash, tramp of… Read More »Dickheads

                    Poor Renee

                      Blog condolences go out to Renee Deichert and her two daughters of Tolland, who will soon bear the public embarrassment of having hubby/daddy Robert J. Deichert appear in court to defend the child traffickers of Connecticut Family Court for state sponsored child abuse. Legal miscreant Robert Deichert is a worthless excuse of a lawyer in the employ of child predator Attorney General Willy Tong. Deichert pockets a large state paycheck ($132k) to defend the child rapists of the family court system. His poor girls and their besties will soon be in shock to learn daddy will take the public stage on 23 September in the big Hartford Courthouse before Judge… Read More »Poor Renee