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Frank Tiberi: ManCard Cancelled!

    The great filler of cavities, Dr. Frank Tiberi, DDS of Tiberi Family Dentistry has officially turned in his ManCard, admitting he is an absolute wuss. He swore to Judge Lisa Grasso-Egan of Superior Court in Bridgeport that his manliness is in FEAR of the petite mother of his son LEO. Big man is SCARED! Blog can’t make this shit up!! He pleaded that he was in IMMEDIATE AND PRESENT PHYSICAL DANGER! He requires immediate protection with a piece of paper!! He claims his 7 year old son LEO is in DANGER of being hugged by his mom, which the court must prevent!! Can’t have smiling happy kids hugging mom while… Read More »Frank Tiberi: ManCard Cancelled!

    Demented Katz!

      The great jewish American princess of inflated ego and delusional self-importance takes to the Law Tribune to vomit the tragedy of her pathetic public life involving the State’s inability to run a professional baby-sitting operation. Blog star Jewette Katz is off her meds again. Her pointless, rambling, incoherent prose gives the public concern of mental infirmity of jewdicial authorities, state commissioners, and partners at Shipman&Goodwin. Oi vey, the filth of the jewish mind! Raping kids is a jewish best interest standard, raping them for money is devotion to the jewish god. Jewette wants the feeble minded to believe that she has some magical sauce in application to the miserable governmental… Read More »Demented Katz!


        Jewish connections are amazing, crossing generations, over decades, like true blood bonds of crime families who depend on the power of vice to thrive in the land of the goy. Harvey Mallove was a wealthy jew, previous mayor of New London, power broker, head of a criminal enterprise. Christmas eve of 1973 he killed a kid changing a tire on Pequot Ave near Plant Street. Hit and run. Probably drunk. The jewish mafia instantly circles the wagons, obscures the investigation, protects the guilty jew. Of interest is the role played by the Superior Court in erasing the history of the case that was never solved. The only unsolved hit and… Read More »Mallove

        Impromtu Crazy

          Investigative journalist Mike Volpe interviews another victimized mother of the Connecticut Family Court. Joriz Tiberi has been abused by the chosen ideology of Judge Jane Grossman who falsely believes she has constitutional power to isolate a child from the birth mother. The people of Connecticut empower the Grossman and the family court mafia to ignore the Constitution, where the personal opinion of Jane Grossman overrides the rule of law to the harm of children. Grossman’s purpose is to protect Dr. Frank Tiberi, DDS of Tiberi Family Dentistry in Bridgeport from being exposed as a child predator by isolating seven year old Leo from anyone to whom he might expose his… Read More »Impromtu Crazy


            The omnipotent great grey ponytail of New England is omnipotent! Norm Pattis knows what Connecticut judges know … all of them! The fallacy arguments of tossed word-salad passing for legal arguments in the cesspool of nutmeg courts is ludicrous. Hardly unexpected given the lack of intellect of the players who make up the inbred cadre of the professional practice of law. Connecticut may just be the receptacle for all the incompetent individuals who suffer from delusional psychosis of being a lawyer. The country may be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but New Haven is a magnet for the stupid. Norm! files a ‘writ of… Read More »NORM!

            Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

              The now-famous Blog spotlights Judge Thomas J. Welch, the head judge of the Fairfield Judicial District in the armpit of Bridgeport. This nutmeg retard earned a black robe from the deviant Dannel Malloy to promote destruction of society for the agenda of the chosen. Despite being educated at Holy Cross, this devil in disguise conceals Satan’s form under his black robe of justice. The moron cannot even recognize the power of federal law in his own district. He ignores civil rights deprivations to the harm of children in obedience to his nigger master of the Judicial Branch. Thomas Welch embarrasses his mother and father, mocks the rule of law of… Read More »Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

              Dumpster Fire

                The clowns of the Connecticut Judiciary never cease to amaze in their inability to follow the simple recipe of due process set down in practice rules, ignored by the morons in black along with the brainless zombies labelled clerks. The judicial circus of Adelman and Moukawsher attempted the flaming juggling act on disbarring a zealous advocate but lit the dumpster on fire, taking due process with it. The Ambrose case continues to demonstrate that the ‘discretion’ of feeble minded trial court judges cannot uphold the law, which is often replaced by outright comedy. Remember that the Dark Lord woke up one morning in early November thinking he needed his pal… Read More »Dumpster Fire

                Alex Cuda: Racketeer

                  Time for now-famous Blog to call out the shot caller of the criminal enterprise known as Family Section of the Connecticut Bar Association, Alexander Cuda, a highly respected family law attorney, who publishes and speaks, provides leadership in the family law community, a top family lawyer in Connecticut. The Law Tribune anointed him ‘NEW LEADER”. He studied Latin at Cornell, Law at Tulane, has deviant interest in ‘sexuality and the law’, lives in Easton with his family who does not realize the evil darkness of his practice. Racketeering is organized crime where perps set up victims in coercive, extortionary schemes to repeatedly collect ill gotten profit. Racketeering is an organized… Read More »Alex Cuda: Racketeer

                  Kid’s for Cash

                    In CT Family Court Nothing’s More Conducive to Custody Disputes Than the Atmosphere of Money After reading in FrankReport,  Buying Custody of Children in the CT Family Court, a reader named Henry asked a question: “I want to buy the custody of my children. Which attorney would you recommend, and could you give me an estimate of how much it will cost?” Guest View by James Marsden   Henry, thanks for your question. In CT, there is no fixed price for custody. You simply need to outspend your wife. If you have joint accounts, transfer the money into your name as a precautionary measure.  Possession is all 10 points of the law in CT.… Read More »Kid’s for Cash


                      The now-famous Blog provides public warning about the ‘custody evaluation’ ordered in Connecticut family court. The evaluator is blessed by the jewdiciary with ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY to which unsuspecting parents and unrepresented children will fall victim. The dangers of family court are constructed by the jew of the judicial branch under the soul-less black leadership of Chief Justice Richard Robinson. Never in the history of the republic has the sovereign ever bestowed such immunity for a person to provide an opinion on constitutionally protected parent-child bonds. A construction so evil, so inhumane, so un-American that it can only be talmudic law enacted on the goy. Blog examines the wording of an… Read More »Warning!