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Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto

Jewdicial Conspiracy

    A clique of self-appointed child predators inside the third branch of government of the cesspool of Connecticut conspires to create a private club of judges, lawyers, vendors of the family court to maximize familial and financial destruction of a sovereign people. The judiciary makes the ‘flesh crawl and the conscience clatter’ in betrayal of public trust. Marilou Giovannucci a benevolent idiot employed as a ‘manager’ in the judicial branch, sucking up $140k a year to cheat the public acted on behalf of the independent judiciary to use state resources to organize a chapter of the private jewish AFCC organization, a subversive operation designed to undermine integrity of the people’s courts.… Read More »Jewdicial Conspiracy

    Mary Brigham

      The big black man in the black robe sitting atop the corrupt Connecticut judiciary is cowering in his office, fearful his legacy will be nothing but a black-face puppet for jewish masters who hijacked the courts. The token person-of-color selection is a perfect choice to execute a non-American agenda, subduing a free people with their own courts. Chief Justice Richard Robinson is powerless, toothless, spineless, and can only masquerade as CJ, keeping up the appearance of law in a land of tyranny. Poor Richard fears exposure of the money trail. Purposeless conflict in lower courts, large fees, purchased decisions, crooked judges, protracted litigation, twisted clerks, deceitful attorneys, an entire system… Read More »Mary Brigham


        The First Amendment protects the marketplace of ideas, being the essence of a free people engaged in self-governance. The now famous-Blog proposes some ideas for the marketplace to remedy the evils of child trafficking in the Connecticut family courts. First and foremost, a mob of self-governing philosophers raid the State Supreme Court, drag all the judges out to the middle of Capitol Avenue and behead them. The brainless skulls can be placed on pikes as a form of expression of what happens to domestic enemies of the Constitution. Think of said action as public redress to the abomination of liberty scripted by Robinson in State v Taupier. What is protected… Read More »Marketplace

        Jooish Family Court

          The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

          Big Dumb Nigger

            The now-famous Blog notes the interesting opinion piece in the nation’s oldest newspaper about a Connecticut judge who has not been to work in two years. The opinion is by South Windsor shill Kevin Rennie who is always good for a laugh. Kevin is all worked up over the fact that the incompetent, rather retarded excuse of a judge, Alice Bruno has been paid her $180k salary for two years while never coming to work. In the commercial world this would be of concern, however it is not necessarily a bad thing when pathetic Connecticut judges stay out of the courtroom, the Constitution and ‘we the people’ are better off.… Read More »Big Dumb Nigger

            True Threat?

              What is a true threat? What is free speech? What is a rant? What is criminal speech? What is reckless speech? In Connecticut, criminal speech is speech that the judges don’t like. Talk about dead judges in a ditch in Connecticut, go to jail. Talk about dead judges in a ditch in Kansas, have a nice day, just another form of free expression. Such un-equal treatment of the same speech under the same Constitution is a troubling disparity in the land of the free and the home of the brave. The Great Grey Ponytail of New Haven, the Giant of the Profession, the last of the slash and burn trial… Read More »True Threat?

              Mohammad’s Children

                Christian societies who insult Islam tend to lose their heads, attract gunfire, have churches burned, and other unfortunate occurrences. Such are the consequences of culture clash and differing beliefs. We Americans can make fun of any religious people, other than the Jews, they are our masters and cannot be criticized. Draw a cartoon of Mohammad, but don’t dare deny that Hitler’s Holohoax exterminated six-million chosen ones. See how the game is played? Take a hard look at the American ‘Family Court’ system. A division of the state judiciary focused on terminating religious marriages and dividing up kids, while looting family savings. There is a belief system behind this secular charade… Read More »Mohammad’s Children

                Lost Birthday

                  Today would have been Jennifer’s 52nd birthday, if not for the jews of Connecticut Family Court and their rabid desire to drain her bank account under the guise of a ‘no-fault’ divorce. A painful reminder that jewish control of the Family Courts is deadly. Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would agree that the State of Connecticut discriminated against Jen, by denial of a proper and timely ‘no-fault’ divorce. Dragging Jen and her bank account through purposeless litigation over the course of two years is judicial misconduct outside statutory powers. A deprivation of rights under color of state law, as codified in federal statute. The mafioso styled family law profiteers of… Read More »Lost Birthday

                  Words That Wound/Judges Who Kill

                    The Connecticut Supreme Court is fascinated with the use of the word ‘nigger‘, as it wounds the black person. What the fuck is this shit? The judges have established a class of speech that causes wounds when spoken? Yeah, right. What about judges who kill? Connecticut Family Court is under the singular control of jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon. This court has killed a number of its victims over the years, but there is no Supreme opinion to check the damage or limit the discretion of the sloths on the bench from inflicting more harm on families. What gives? Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson is a jew in black face.… Read More »Words That Wound/Judges Who Kill

                    Federal Clarification

                      Time for some federal clarification of free speech under the First Amendment, despite what the jews of family court want you to believe. Not even Judge Bozzuto is above the law, but her paedophile protectors will twist it to all extents possible in retaliation against Christian critics. In the battle of good vs. evil there will be casualties on both sides, but the children of the light hold constitutional right to criticize the dark side with horrific prose that can terrify a monster like Elizabeth Bozzuto of Connecticut. Non-Satan worshipers will take note of rulings by the Second, Sixth, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuit Courts along with the opinion of seven… Read More »Federal Clarification

                      Negligent John Hughes

                        The conspirators of family court work under the color of state law to deprive citizens of rights protected under the Constitution. Everyone knows that. It is obvious to the most casual observer, but it continues unchallenged with the blessing of federal overseers. In Connecticut, the overseer is John B. Hughes, head of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut. Connecticut Family Court is a racketeering operation run by a conspiracy of unscrupulous state actors and private lawyers to fleece families where one parent seeks a simple ‘no-fault’ divorce. The application for the divorce is purely administrative, the court cannot deny any request to… Read More »Negligent John Hughes

                        Oh, Jen!

                          Let’s have an accountability discussion about the cesspool known as Connecticut Family Court and five kids who lost their mother. Recently Nigger Boy Robinson, the Chief Justice of the Cesspool sent an email to all the overpaid twits of the judiciary, making obscure claim that the department and its judges had to do a better job. What the fuck? Like can they perform their jobs any more incompetently? Let’s examine the simple divorce function of the family division of Superior Court and how it failed Jen Dulos, costing five kids their mother. Having had it with being married, Jen applied to the State to dissolve the union. All states issue… Read More »Oh, Jen!

                          Victim Robinson

                            Nigger Boy Robinson comes out whining about race, lynching, and injustice while he sits on top of the most unjust state court system in America. Playing the role of ‘victim’, Robinson pens a letter to employees of the judicial branch about ‘racial upheaval’, whatever the fuck that means. Robinson is using his position as Chief Justice of Connecticut to fan the flames of racial tensions for the parasitic jewish goal of creating discourse in the host society. Chief Justice Robinson’s putrid prose starts by stating that there is ‘racial injustice’ in America. No shit? The Indian tribes that once ruled Connecticut know this full well. White man shows up, Indians… Read More »Victim Robinson

                            Bill Grohs Obit

                              The world bids goodbye to blog famous William J. Grohs of Watertown, Connecticut. Bill has been a blog star since his debut in July 2017 in a post highlighting our favourite GAL, Mary Brigham. He has appeared in a total of 48 posts highlighting his ability to pay lawyers to use the court to abuse the mother of his two girls. Without Bill’s money and lecherous divorce attorneys from Woodbury, the blog would have never had DICKHEAD FASANO, arguably a clerks’ office favourite in Waterbury JD. A parade of paedo judges has kept this case going after a dissolution by agreement entered by Judge Bozzuto in July 2011, but since… Read More »Bill Grohs Obit

                              Bozzuto Propaganda

                                Propaganda will always exist in a society run by tyrants. No need for the truth, just need to ‘spin’ things to confuse the populace. The family court of Connecticut recently executed Jen Dulos by dragging her through 705 days of tortuous and pointless litigation for the sole purpose of enriching her lawyer, Reuben Midler. Now, Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto tries to throw up a smoke screen of ‘domestic violence’ as the failure of the court and introduces a new scam to victimize more families before the most corrupt bench in the land. Lisa Backus pens an artificial article about Jen’s demise quoting the State’s most stupidly dykish judge, the infamous Elizabeth… Read More »Bozzuto Propaganda

                                Christmas Visit?

                                  Here is a shout out to all those divorced parents in Connecticut who will not be seeing their children this Christmas, courtesy of the Grinch-in-Chief of the Family Court, the jew Elliott Solomon. Remember, he trained all the family court judges in the Cesspool. The jewish legal theory of visitation subsequent to ‘no fault’ divorce is of course jewdicial discretion. Whatever the jew in the black robe feels like, that is what you get for visitation. No law, no standards, no equal protection, just whim which will vary from judge to judge depending on the foul mood of the moron in black. The zionists love this part because they can… Read More »Christmas Visit?

                                  Bozzuto at it again!

                                    Just when you thought Elizabeth Bozzuto could do no more harm to Connecticut families, she shows up today in her role as chief family corrupter by hosting an AFCC mafia conference on destroying children. The bitch is back, more accurately she never left the game of family corruption, even though she was booted from the bench and relegated to administrative duties. Why is the Deputy Court Administrator involved in family court matters? Surely she has more to do in fixing contracts, taking kickbacks and otherwise undermining the integrity of the court system, but for some sinister reason she is hosting an AFCC conference of racketeering for vultures of the Bar… Read More »Bozzuto at it again!

                                    CSSD Gestapo

                                      Just when we begin to fear our government, the Connecticut Judiciary scares the living shit out of us! The thought police are on the hunt for the now famous blog. Three henchmen of the Court Support Services Division of the Jewdiciary were shaking down citizens this week for information on the journalistic masterminds behind the annoying source of annoyance which the jewidicial masters don’t like…da blog! The State of Connecticut, acting with public funds, by private vendetta within the judiciary is actively investigating free speech which annoys its ruling elite. The state gulag does not allow criticism of public matters in a public forum by the public. The First Amendment… Read More »CSSD Gestapo


                                        The self-appreciating culture of the Connecticut Bar Association is demonstrating its inbred characteristics once again. This time it is the awarding of fictitious awards to incompetent persons under a veil of professionalism which conceals the true colors of the sinister game of lawyers. Clowns of Connecticut College are falling over themselves because their corrupt and diseased alumna, Lynda Batter Munro, Class of ’76 is getting an AWARD!!! Most reputable colleges would distance themselves from such a corrupt miscreant dyke like Munro. But have a laugh and read their article here. Munro’s greatest game was her nurturing of trusted attorneys to take up lucrative GAL appointments. Hundreds upon hundreds of attorneys… Read More »Awards

                                        True Threat

                                          The cesspool of Corrupticut has gained the national spotlight once again. Donna Anischik Grossman was sitting in the audience next to Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto at Monday’s public hearing before the Judiciary Committee, where she texted the following to her daughter: “If I had a gun, I’d blow away Sampson and a large group of NRA”. See NRA fb post and comments here. Watch Grossman’s removal here. In Connecticut the high court has ruled that this is not protected speech. State case law of the Supreme Court, written by Chief Justice Robinson clearly states the standard of a “reasonable person would interpret the purported threat as a serious expression of an… Read More »True Threat