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Child Trafficking


    Judge Jeffrey D. Wait of Saratoga Springs, child abuser! Time to spotlight the devil who walks among us. Cloaked in a black robe, with duty to protect children and uphold the law, Satan himself presides in Saratoga Springs City Court, Judge Jeffrey D. Wait. A moronic excuse of a human, holding no intellect along with a worthless law degree from Western New England School of Law, this miscreant cannot spell rule of ‘l-a-w’ when it lands on his bench. A simple matter of child support came before Wait. A child involved in a case before his bench lacks the legally required support order. A motion was made to remedy the… Read More »Wait!

    Why You Wanna Be A Judge?

      Attorney Barbara Aaron, a recent nominee to the Superior Court of Connecticut for a judge position in the family court, puts on a great display of stupidity when asked why she wants to be a judge.  Thirty years as an attorney fleecing parents to line her pockets, she looks like a deer in the headlights when asked WHY YOU WANNA BE A JUDGE? Watch the question and the delayed incoherent response here.  She took 15 seconds for formulate a total bullshit answer.  The reality is that she is a jew in family law who King Jew Judge Solomon needs on the bench to keep up the Zionist agenda of family… Read More »Why You Wanna Be A Judge?

      What if…

        What if there was a natural force that reacted to the tyranny of family court.  In nature, there are equal and opposite reactions; a physical trait of the universe.  In family court there is only jewdicial discretion from a tyrant in a black robe with a un constitutional and anti Christian attitude.  No rule of law, just absolute discretion. So if Judge Bozzuto cuts a parent out of the life of a child against the law of the people, an equal and opposite force would necessarily cut one of her kids out of her life.  Such is the application of natural law.  Put another way, if Judge Bozzuto threw rocks through… Read More »What if…

        Matthew Couloute: Con Man

          Couloute’s peculiar demands for no financial disclosure and prohibition of mom taking daughter to doctor? Hiding what?

          Shipman & Goodwin Terrorists

            Ignorant black female attorney creates civil rights violation for her client, Watertown Board of Education. Incompetence by Bar.

            The Devil’s Custody Racket

              The devil lives among us, in family court. The evil attacking families one custody battle at a time, for the lucrative benefit of lawyers.

              Red Flags

                Red flags and simple profiling of cases and the players identifies the corruption in Connecticut Family Court

                Four Minutes!

                  Wiiliam J. Grohs allows four minute call for two isolated, abused, trafficked girls. What a dad!!

                  Dirty Judge Leo V. Diana

                    How Evey and Sofi Grohs are being trafficked through secretive family court by Judge Leo V. Diana, pedo judge and child broker.

                    The Boogey Man!

                      Family Court Judge Sharon LoVallo rules that pedophile rings do not exist in society.

                      Spotlight: Judge Schofield

                        How Judge Marielouise Schofield of Connecticut Family Court skillfully employs the GAL to inflame litigation for the enrichment of court players. Traffick the kids to make money for low life lawyers of the cesspool.

                        Cleveland v Halvey

                          How the family law jews manipulate state case law to undermine SCOTUS, enabling child trafficking.


                            An unholy evil force unleashed on the American people.


                              Two state driver’s licenses, three residential addresses, false police reports, false affidavits, no tax returns, unregistered Cadillac, family court drama at its best.

                              Jewish Adjustment Disorder

                                How junk science comes to the aide of wife beater, bone cracker and child abuser….just an adjustment problem.