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Attorney Mary Brigham

More GAL Fees!!!!

    For the skeptics who still think that Connecticut Family Court gives a shit about children, here is a newsflash that it is all about money.  Our favourite cancer cunt Attorney Mary Brigham has not been paid and Judge Anna ‘Pedo’ Ficeto is pissed.  Brigham is the guardian ad litem for trafficked little girls in the case of Evie and Sofie Grohs.  Two gifts from God who have not been allowed to hug their mother since 1 August 2017. The pedo Judge, Anna Ficeto, notorious for the protection of child abuser Matthew Couloute back in 2015 over in Hartford, continues her role as child trafficker in Waterbury along with jew Judge… Read More »More GAL Fees!!!!

    Debench Judge Schofield

      This Monday brings the jewish miscreant mistake of a pathetic human, Judge Marielouise Schofield before the anti-constitutional judiciary committee, where T shirts will be banned!!! Miscreant Marielouise is a dirty trickster of a judge.  She is most famous for the ‘sting’ she pulled on Mike Nowacki in a postjudgment family matter.  Schofield appointed AIPAC JAP (jewish american princess) Attorney Veronica Reich as GAL for the kids.  Directed by a wink and a nod from the bench, Reich improperly filed a motion to modify custody on behalf of Mike’s children.  A completely illegal filing as GALs have no standing in law to file any motions.  But don’t let rules of practice or… Read More »Debench Judge Schofield

      Lack of Principle Scully

        Time to take a look at how the corrupt pedophile enclave of Watertown, Connecticut uses the public school system to harm children in the destruction of parent/child bonds.  Yes, this is the never ending drama of pedo monster and child predator William J. Grohs, his dickhead lawyer Michael Fasano and the devil’s bitch GAL Attorney Mary Brigham.  Daddy Grohs has such a little dick and over inflated ego that he needs to use the two girls Evie and Sofie as weapons of vengeance against their own mother to prove his manhood.  Obviously the perpetual live in fiancée Vickie Frenzel is not putting out enough that William Grohs has to psychologically screw… Read More »Lack of Principle Scully

        GAL Steals Christmas

          Judge Wilson J. Trombley of the Waterbury JD in Connecticut did opine that Sofi and Evie Grohs should be able to hug their mother for Christmas, that Christian holiday in celebration of the birth of a saviour with beliefs of a god, love and family. Before the old bird’s bench was the great dickhead Michael Fasano and his demented pedo client and jailer of Sofi and Evie; William J. Grohs.  The mentally deranged William Grohs uses children was weapons to inflate is delicate ego.  If he is not hurting someone he just does not feel manly and his dick goes limp.  Also in the courtroom was the notorious pedo ally… Read More »GAL Steals Christmas

          Watertown Speech Police

            The thin blue thugs of the Watertown Police Department in rural Connecticut are executing the will of the state pedophile ring in hunting down free speech that brings light to the child trafficking game of Sophia and Evie Grohs. Our civilized society gives the people the First Amendment privilege of scrutinizing the corrupt activities of Judge Anna Ficeto, a puppet of the pedophile mafia of Corrupticut.  A family court judge who rips children from mothers so unscrupulous penis players like William J. Grohs can use two little girls for demented pleasures.  But the pedo muscle wears a badge, carries a gun, has an attitude and is mentally retarded.  Jerkoff Detective… Read More »Watertown Speech Police

            Emergency GAL Fees

              Judge Anna M. Ficeto of Connecticut Superior Court demonstrates the true purpose of Family Court today in her hearing on the outstanding fees for the evil Attorney Mary Brigham.  A mother with no money is dragged before the miscreant Judge Ficeto for an EMERGENCY hearing on paying the GAL over five thousand dollars for her role in vexatious litigation to strip the mother of her children.  Trading in child flesh is the core money making operation of the Family Court.  Judge Ficeto threatens a mother with jail for not paying the insane fees of the legal parasite who is nothing but a low life child trafficker of the court.  Judge… Read More »Emergency GAL Fees

              The Devil’s Custody Racket

                The devil lives among us, in family court. The evil attacking families one custody battle at a time, for the lucrative benefit of lawyers.

                The Mad Doctor is: IN

                  Mad Dr. Shawn Tittle is so delusional as to believe Dr. Laura Choi is the mother of his two children. Real mom erased.

                  William J. Grohs: Child Abuser

                    William J. Grohs relishes in isolating his daughters from their mother. Psychopath at large in Watertown, Connecticut.

                    Family Court Strangeness

                      What is the cause for the family court judge to restrict mother’s ability to take the kid to the pediatrician?

                      Kundry’s Revenge

                        How a cult secretly operates in the Connecticut judiciary to traffick children to a private agenda.

                        Dirty Judge Leo V. Diana

                          How Evey and Sofi Grohs are being trafficked through secretive family court by Judge Leo V. Diana, pedo judge and child broker.

                          Judge Anna Ficeto: Canon Failure

                            Judge Anna Ficeto refuses to state reason for trafficking two little girls and will not define ’emergency’. Child trafficker in black robe in the legal rape of children.

                            Facetime Only! (Apple)

                              Judge Anna Ficeto works to isolate the children from mother with the help of state employees. Town of Watertown facing court restraining order.

                              Simply Money

                                Cold hard cash is all that the judges of Family Court want to see. No law, just cash.

                                White Lynching

                                  Cracker lawyers, toasted cracker judge, cracker cancerous GAL gonna lynch white mother in a courthouse.


                                    Attorney Michael Fasano discovers there is Free Speech in America and it is on the internet.

                                    Cancerous Cunt Brigham…at it again!

                                      Another example of lawyers engaging in fictitious post judgment litigation to line their pockets. Cancerous Mary Brigham conspires with Michael Fasano in failed attempt to steal the kids and erase mom.