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Six Million

    The moronic Connecticut State Senator John Kissel claims six million jews were systematically murdered in horrendous ways by the Nazi government in WW2. He states this in a public hearing of the Judiciary Committee of the legislature to prove to his masters that he will amplify propaganda for the private agenda of zionists, cuz ‘we the people’ are supposed to believe the holohoax shit so that Israel may exist. Blog calls bullshit! Here is the Dope from Windsor in action, captured on CTN video, licking the feet of jew cunt Jane Emons in her end of career hearing back on 2018. Kissel pronounces that the holohoax is true! Six million… Read More »Six Million


      A judicial welcome to family court, the raw truth from a jew judge who knows the scam. The chosen ideology of the jew defiles parents, children are mere creatures of the state, the trafficking creates revenue streams for the vultures of the court, money is the true god of the jew. Destroying families supports the jewish goal of destroying Christian societies. Credit

      FrankReport Interview

        FrankReport moves into video genre featuring interviews with victims of Connecticut Family Court. First in a series!! Hear the horror story of a dad of six kids with money, stripped of everything for lawyer feed by Attorney Marianne J. Charles and GAL Janis Laliberte, the obese sloth of best interests.

        Mother Mary

          The Theology Department of the now-famous Blog examines the underlying ideology of Connecticut Family Court to expose the doctrine on which judges rely to separate mothers from children. No where in the animal kingdom, the history of human kind is there natural cause to separate children from mothers. No religion in history ever held doctrinal faith that attacks the mother-child bond. Why is derogation of mothers so pronounced in the third Branch of state government led by Chief Justice Richard Robinson? Motherhood holds a special place in an enlightened society. Absent protection of mothers and infants, society ceases to exist. The next generation comes from the womb, it is the… Read More »Mother Mary

          Call For Papers!!

            Have a CAVERLY custody evaluation? FrankReport wants to hear your story!!! FR Seeking Victims of Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, CT Family Court’s Notorious Custody Evaluator Frank Report is investigating Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, a psychologist specializing in suspect custody evaluation reports for CT Family Court. If she’s done a custody evaluation report for you, you may be a victim of a crime. Contact me at 305-783-7083 or email I am currently studying 17 of her cases, and a shocking pattern of suspected racketeering is emerging. Even the footnotes are identical. Initial Findings Based on my study of Dr. Biren-Caverly’s custody evaluation reports and other information, the suspected racketeering involves specific types of… Read More »Call For Papers!!

            Bad Judge?

              The shit show of Connecticut judiciary holds another Oscar grade performance proving to the sheeple of the state that the Chief Justice is one dumb nigger. Judge Alice Bruno is dragged before the high bench of the seven dwarfs for her ability to draw a paycheck but not show up for work. Ed Mahony of the Courant rag spent his day covering judicial theater, like misconduct of state judges is now of public interest so his overlords allow him to report on it? Ed is a funny guy, he thinks a story about a disabled judge collecting $400k in salary over two years is newsworthy, but never writes about court… Read More »Bad Judge?

              Jewdicial Shit Show

                CT Family Court: The ‘Children’s Best Interest’ Is the Best Interest of Attorneys, Psychologists and Wealthy, Abusive Fathers Who Pay Them From the FRANKREPORT. The children’s best interest. That’s what the divorce and custody case of Chris Ambrose versus Karen Riordan is about. Ambrose has had legal and physical custody of the couple’s three adopted Latino children since April 24, 2020. On that date, almost two years ago, CT Family Court Judge Jane Grossman surprised the children and their stay-at-home mother, Riordan, by taking them from her and placing them with their father because the mother had alienated the children from their father. They had lived with their mother all… Read More »Jewdicial Shit Show

                Kevin Finch

                  What does a guardian ad litem do in a simple administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce? How can a clown like Kevin Finch run up a $50k bill for doing nothing? How does Kevin Finch ethically bill 140 hours of professional services consisting entirely of phone calls and reviewing pleadings of others? What is the magical, necessity of illusory representation of ‘best interests’ that consumes so much time and money? Why is this fictitious form of legal representation, absent a real client, worth $350/hr? Another jewdicial scam on the goy? Ever notice that poor folks don’t get GALs. Or if they do, the State only pays a flat fee of $500/kid? Why the… Read More »Kevin Finch

                  Fuck Off!

                    The now-famous Blog applies First Amendment scrutiny to discretionary matters in a public forum of Bridgeport Superior Court by jew Judge Elizabeth Stewart, in the cesspool of Connecticut. How jews override rule of law, shred the Constitution to fuck up goy children in an evil quest to destroy the concept of family, degrade motherhood, and herd four legged calves into the slaughterhouse of humanity. Oi vey, are there enough .50 cals for all the chosen heads in need of redemption? What other remedy remains to protect the children from the monsters in black robes and their pet flying monkeys? A no-fault divorce, a jewish invention, is only available from the… Read More »Fuck Off!

                    Reckless Incompetent Caverly

                      Dr. Jessican Biren Caverly, PhD is Connecticut jewdiciary’s favorite jewish opinion generator for the sole cause of trafficking children as sex toys of pedo perverts. Welcome to hell, where screams of children are silenced by the wrath of Kundry, a jewdicial Branch run by a Free At Last! Nigger a conspirator to childhood rape in defiance of the Constitution. Only question of legal import is how many child predators can swing from one branch of the Charter Oak? The now-famous FRANK REPORT splashes jewish infirmity on the internet, exposing jewdicial discretion in blessing RECKLESS INCOMPETENCE as societal expertise on families in the name of simple administrative no-fault divorce. The jews… Read More »Reckless Incompetent Caverly