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Ed Mahony

    The jewish rag known as the Hartford Courant plays the ‘conspiracy’ card from the bottom of the word-salad deck to malign any goy who correctly observes jews of family court are up to no good. Remarking that jews are over-represented in the cesspool of family court brings out the wrath of Ed Mahony in labeling the observant as ‘conspiracy theorists’! The stench of kike poop permeates the editors desk. Mahony’s shit piece covering the lunacy of Judge Moukawsher’s wrath in defiance of the First Amendment weaves in the jewish message that accusations of kike mafia is labelled a ‘conspiracy’ and that is just nuts…right? Like the public is suppose to… Read More »Ed Mahony

    Jew Court

      The now-famous, WORST blog takes aim at the vagueness of Connecticut family court orders to expose the jewdical powers wielded by misplaced zealots sitting atop benches rooted in the Constitution. Another plain example that the family court is a jewish invention created to destroy the Christian concept of family, injecting jewish venom deep into the fabric of society for no humane purpose, just glee of the jew. Hats off and a night scope aim to the niggers, dykes, homos, paedos, queers, traitors of the nutmeg state government who condone and protect the rape of childhood, a jewish delicacy. What is vague and against public policy cannot be enforced by contempt… Read More »Jew Court

      Adel Liar!

        A simple way to discredit the jew hucksters is to use the word salad against them. Here is the disinformation Gerard Adelman provided to ‘we the people’ in 2009, before becoming one of the most inhumane judges of the family bench, his remarks at his appointment hearing. Good afternoon Chairman McDonald, Chairman Lawlor and members of the Judiciary Committee. My name is Gerard I. Adelman. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, I did my undergraduate work at Ohio State University graduating in 1970. After graduating from college, I married and my wife and I moved to Wallingford, Connecticut. We have resided in Meriden, Connecticut for almost 37 years and… Read More »Adel Liar!

        Well Said!

          Blog defers to opinion of Mr. Gray: Jeryl Gray P.O. Box 695, Stratford CT 06615  February 9, 2021 Testimony of Opposition to Labor And Public Employees Committee H.B. 6382 Raised Bill: AN ACT STRENGHTENING THE PROBATE COURT SYSTEM Honorable Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Ranking and Committee Members; I am respectfully herein submitting my opposition to the passage of H.B. 6382. I do so in my opposition to both the specific design and stated purpose of this instant Bill in seeking to have Connecticut’s Probate Court employees become Connecticut State Employees and additionally, in my comprehensive, wholesale, sweeping opposition to any direction of action that would serve to increase any of the powers of… Read More »Well Said!

          Torment Day

            The jewdicial mafia of Connecticut Family Court relishes in another day of torment passed in abuse of mothers and children. Top jewdicial miscreants Adelman, Grossman, Wetstone, Munro, Drainginis, Solomon, spent the weekend gloating that their chosen application of talmudic law has destroyed mothers across the years, the simple act of upholding recommendations of an immune jewish GAL that mothers not hug kids because daddy has money and a hard on for minors. The added value of a jew PhD recommending cash generating therapy leading to years of isolation is jewdicial celebration, using the people’s courts to fuck over the goy families for lucrative fees. The joy of Mother’s Day is… Read More »Torment Day


              Democracy dies in darkness! Judge John Blawie, the magnificent bald terrorist shredding the Constitution from the foul bench of Connecticut Superior Court is leading the charge to turn out the lights. Blawie the Buffoon voids the First Amendment to protect another paedophile of the state ring of sexual deviancy, a jewish delicacy. The court’s servitude to child predators is painfully pronounced when prosecutor Daniel Cummings conspires with paedo muscle to thwart public right of scrutiny in a criminal proceeding. Connect the dots: paedo lady Hadley Palmer films children in deviant acts for pleasure of others, paedo psychologist Dr. Jerome Brodlie, PhD, conspires to conceal the crime, where upon arrest, arraignment,… Read More »Sealed!


                Judge Antoni Truglia, the monster in black, mother hater, child predator, total asshole, claims it is a flagrant waste of precious jewdicial resources to grant fee waivers to mothers with no money to appeal draconian orders of the family court to the appellate court! Precious money, so loved by a jew like Truglia will not be squandered upon goy moms who are forbidden from hugging children by discretionary orders of jewdicial authority. Start boiling the tar, plucking feathers, gather the angry mob, Truglia is going to feel the wrath of a sovereign people, betrayed. Two moms, stripped of counsel, denied marital assets for replacements, dragged thru the cesspool of Bridgeport… Read More »Flagrant!

                Abort Katz!!

                  The now-famous worst Blog promotes abortion to an enlightened society, advocating freedom of choice up to and including when the fetus becomes a partner at ShipmanGoodwin. Never has there been such a compelling need to extinguish human life, but when Jewette Katz preaches talmudic edicts on behalf of a jewish law firm. As vacuum extractors cannot deal with her fat ass, the late term abortion for Katz employs the classic Connecticut woodchipper, disposal to Lake Zoar. Blog takes note of Jewette’s jewery in a state’s rights issue of a sovereign people, not a retarded jew, having no respect for humanity nor the Constitution. See her chicken scratch below. Hard to… Read More »Abort Katz!!

                  Summary Bullshit

                    The drama of Matthew C. Couloute and his paedo pals of Connecticut continues with the incompetent legal tricks of Kristan Maccini, the fat bottomed lawyer defending puppy cop, jew boy Brendan Danaher of the Bloomfield Blue Thug Club; guns, badges, attitudes, no brains but deviant love of children. Brendan Danaher is son of evil Judge John Danaher III, who destroyed every mother who appeared before his family court bench, the judge is not a jew, but married one. Puppy cop Danaher is the municipal clown who applied his lacking police skills to eschew the orders of a New York court in protection of a child, finding probable cause to arrest… Read More »Summary Bullshit


                      The now-famous worst Blog, scrutinizes the Ambrose decree rendered by due process of Connecticut family court. Three years of litigation, hundreds of thousand$ in legal fees, hundreds of pleadings, hours of hearings, destroyed childhoods, emotional harm, produced forty pages of double-spaced drivel by his highness, the soulless Dark Lord, Gerard Adelman, granting the simple, administrative, pointless, no-fault divorce for Mad Man Christopher Ambrose. A pound of flesh would have been less expensive and not as traumatic. Technically inclined Blog aficionados may review the annotated decision produced by Blog’s legal department, revealing Adelman’s pronounced mental psychosis, inhibiting his administration of justice. The main themes are that Adelman disrespects the First Amendment,… Read More »Adelshit