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First Amendment

Domestic Terrorism

    The now-famous Worst Blog of the free speech kind provides public warning that John P. Doyle, Jr, state’s attorney for New Haven, GA23 is a domestic enemy of the Constitution, shredding protections of the Bill of Rights, a danger to society, a danger to himself, inciting imminent lawless action, angering deplorable mobs, as there is butthurt among public officials. Doyle is another state paycheck sponge executing terrorism by order of the disgraced Richard Colangelo, the ‘former’ chief prosecutor, who abandoned post because of unethical conduct, abuse of office, while being a jerk.  Doyle does not understand First Amendment jurisprudence, two hundred years of case law protecting expressions to tear down… Read More »Domestic Terrorism

    Deichert at it again!

      Connecticut Assistant Attorney General Robert Deichert is at it again!  Blog star Deichert is famous for arguing against Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer hugging mother. Fundamental right of children to mom hugs opposed in the name of a sovereign people, under the direction of communist chink William Tong.  Now Deichert argues against the right of the people to scrutinize the misconduct of Judge Donna Heller who illegally sealed transcripts in the Dulos case. Deichert acts as a domestic enemy of the Constitution, using public funds to undermine First Amendment. Attorney Reuben Midler conspires with Judge Heller to conceal the testimony of court whore Dr. Stephen Herman, MD, and his report. Herman… Read More »Deichert at it again!


        Jewdicial monsters of Connecticut have invented a new class of disobedient goy: miserable whining mothers who denounce jewdicial child separation orders are now labeled DISGRUNTLED FAMILY COURT LITIGANTS.  A label officially applied to victims of family court, those fit mothers, not allowed to hug fruits of their womb, who just can’t suck up to wrath of Kundry to find happiness in not being hugged by rugrats.  The jew muscle of the State Police under the fat donut belly of paedo protector Colonel Stavros Mellekas declares in sworn affidavits that disgruntled litigants are a societal danger, who often flock together, share thoughts, ideas, information, peaceably assemble, petition elected representatives for redress… Read More »Disgruntled

        AUSA Margaret Donovan

          The now-famous Blog of the Worst kind spotlights another free speech hunter of the Biden administration.  Margaret Donovan demonstrates her inability to respect the First Amendment by issuing search warrants from New Haven to identify American citizens exercising constitutional rights. A curious use of federal funds in the U.S. Department of Justice.  Merrick Garland is proud of his little minion’s heroic efforts to shred the Bill of Rights.  A federal search warrant seeking evidence of free speech, a horror story in itself, death of the Fourth Amendment.  Vanessa Avery is proud! Margaret Donovan works under Nancy Gifford and Neerja Patel of the major crimes unit of the criminal division under… Read More »AUSA Margaret Donovan

          Tiberi Outs Volpe

            Blog star dentist of Bridgeport, the manly Dr. Frank Tiberi, alcoholic, child abuser, drug addict, pedophile, outs freelance journalist Michael Volpe as being behind this now-famous worst Blog. After years of police investigations, search warrants, jewdicial snooping, Frank Tiberi has outed the Blog in his sworn testimony before Judge Eddie Rodriguez in Bridgeport. Yes, I know for a hundred percent fact that Michael Volpe is in part with family circus, this is– it’s right in there. We can show it to you. Frank Tiberi Trial Testimony The comedy section of Blog editorial staff notes that ‘spic boy Judge Eddie Rodriguez found manly Frank’s testimony to be CREDIBLE! Frank is in… Read More »Tiberi Outs Volpe


              Where is the statutory authority for retarded Judge Thomas Moukawsher to act as accuser, judge, jury, and executioner in the summary disbarment of a zealous advocate? Where is it? C’mon, someone who can count to Fourteenth Amendment draw a bead on Mouk’s retarded cranial cap; crack a skull, eliminate another terrorist from the bench. RIP moron! Why is society cursed with these self-chosen assholes? Is it Kundry’s revenge? Jewish deceit upon the goy? Judge Moukawsher can opine of fictitious helicopter door gunners mowing down little brown rice farmers, a twisted character in a twisted movie of no intelligent purpose, for some reason it sticks in Mouk’s mind spilling into a… Read More »Where?

              Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

                The now-famous worst blog calls out Ed Mahoney of the nation’s oldest continuously published newspaper for being a hapless shill to the jewdicial mafia of Connecticut, spinning a judicial corruption story into a heinous anti-semtic drama to shame the goy. Oi vey, only executive editor Helen Bennett could be proud of such journalistic hypocrisy, fictional writing played on the goy as ‘reporting’. Blog elders frown upon a newspaper dating to 1764 which today advocates censorship by ridiculing citizens for exercising First Amendment rights. Ed Mahoney plays the jew game of ‘hate speech’ being speech the jews hate. Poor Ed, a demented old man, detached from reality, promoting trickery on his… Read More »Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

                Hate Speech!

                  The now-famous worst Blog takes aim at the enemies of free speech in the Empire State of Jewism, gulag New York, and its interim warden the Irish-Catholic heretic Kathy Hochul, a jewish puppet from Buffalo who takes to her bully pulpit to attack the First Amendment on fabricated belief that HATE speech is not FREE speech. Blog civil liberties department reminds Kathy d’Huckster that democracy protects dissent, where unpalatable public policies implemented by jews is hated by the Christian majority, speech of such hatred is protected under the Constitution, where terrorists like Hochul become the enemy of the people by her attempts to muzzle criticism of jewish ideology in a… Read More »Hate Speech!


                    Democracy dies in darkness! Judge John Blawie, the magnificent bald terrorist shredding the Constitution from the foul bench of Connecticut Superior Court is leading the charge to turn out the lights. Blawie the Buffoon voids the First Amendment to protect another paedophile of the state ring of sexual deviancy, a jewish delicacy. The court’s servitude to child predators is painfully pronounced when prosecutor Daniel Cummings conspires with paedo muscle to thwart public right of scrutiny in a criminal proceeding. Connect the dots: paedo lady Hadley Palmer films children in deviant acts for pleasure of others, paedo psychologist Dr. Jerome Brodlie, PhD, conspires to conceal the crime, where upon arrest, arraignment,… Read More »Sealed!


                      The now-famous and Blog of the worst kind highlights dumb nigger in charge of the Connecticut Jewdiciary who conspires to conceal judgements from a sovereign people. Nigger Boy Robinson, Chief of the third branch of state government, a former slave, now Free At Last! Free At Last! Free At Last! is a mere tyrant worthy of a .50 cal to the head. The Tree of Liberty thirsts for judicial refreshment. The jewish perfidy of jackass Judge Patrick Carroll, a black-robed crook, undermines the First Amendment by concealing all family court trial judgements from public scrutiny. A government of the people, for the people, by the people, overturned by simple, overlooked… Read More »Nigger!