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First Amendment

Bye Bye Janet!

    The now-famous Blog bids farewell to the nutty chief judge of New York with the bad blonde dye job, whose lack of intellect, immaturity, petty vindictive behaviour, and ignorance of law create a pathetic legacy of what a judge should not be.  Disgraced, nipple pierced Andrew Cuomo put Janet’s dumb ass on the high bench in 2016, she was suppose to serve until 2025, but like all left wing moronic players, mental defect caught up with her; arrogance, attitude, lack of respect for the law got her in a tangle with union boss Dennis Quirk who called bullshit on Janet’s totalitarian order to jab all court workers with Fauci serum. … Read More »Bye Bye Janet!

    Hochul Hoax

      Happy Holohoax season!  New York pseudo governor, clown of the people, moron from Buffalo, heretic who acts on command of jews, Kathy Hochul, unleashes jewish wrath, victimizing school children, berating the education system for not working hard enough to convince goy that six million jews died in the showers soaking up Zykon B.  Oi vey, the justification of Israel is a lie, now New York State forces ‘high quality’ holohoax education on children, at taxpayers expense!!! Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation to ensure schools are providing high-quality Holocaust education. Let’s take it from the top.  Supreme Allied Psychological Warfare Division under command of Brigadier General Robert McClure, working with the… Read More »Hochul Hoax

      State Interest?

        The curiosity department of the now-famous Blog asks ‘what is state interest in Blog’?  What is the constitutional driving force that compels federal and state law enforcement agencies to expend significant resources over the last seven years to hunt free speech?  Who is behind the expenditure of public funds in attack of free expression? A list of public actors who have hunted Blog:  Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto;  USA Diedre Daly, AUSA Anastasia King, John Hughes, Willian Nardini, Nancy Gifford, Margaret Donovan, Neeraj Patel, Marc Silverman, Vanessa Avery, John Fahey, Jennifer Singer;  FBI Lisa Tutty, Richard Stallings, Marie Kuchay, Ron Offut;  Federal Magistrates Sarah Merriam, Joan Margolis, Theresa Buchanan;  USDJ Michael Shea,… Read More »State Interest?

        Reckless Robinson

          The now-famous Blog calls out the jewish mafia of Corrupticut for slaying First Amendment protections on ideology of American Law Institute’s private agenda.  Time to revisit the 2014 mugging of Ted Taupier by unscrupulous domestic terrorists undermining the Bill of Rights.  The big black man in the black robe is nothing more than a puppet on jewish strings advancing alien ideology in the land of the free and the home of the brave, agitating trigger fingers of the Second Amendment, .308 ball preferred. A private email promoting demise of dykish Elizabeth Bozzuto for destruction of families, severing of parent-child bonds, rape of childhood, plunder of savings, defiance of due process,… Read More »Reckless Robinson


            The now-famous Blog of the free speech kind identifies Toby J, Heytens, domestic enemy of the Constitution, enemy of ‘we the people’, a subversive jew working to undermine First Amendment, lest holohoax be exposed. Toby is the retarded fool who pens amicus brief for stooge Clarence Thomas to stand upon, lecturing goy on unacceptable speech. Redneck mountain justice patriots say ‘fuck you’!  First Amendment is purely American, it protects mutterings at the Green Dragon, promotes tea parties, it gives cause to slaughter twenty-thousand British troops, takes down a sovereign, is the essence of self-government, it even feeds the homeless, which is why Toby hates it. Can’t have goy populace governing… Read More »Toby!

            Audi A4 Quattro

              The now-famous Blog of the free speech kind, participating in public debate, the essence of self-government, makes note of whining by Connecticut miscreant Judge Jane Grossman who is shocked and appalled that the public knows she drives a 2018 Audi A4 Quattro, all wheel drive, four door sedan, VIN WAUDNAF46JA171248. Her irrational alarm over existence of her publicly taxed property manifested by untreated mental defect, suffering of delusions that tax rolls are a threat to her safety, that she is above the law, because she wears a black robe, traffics children, and that no one should know she drives a car registered in her name.  The lady has lost her… Read More »Audi A4 Quattro


                The now-famous Blog, participating in the marketplace of ideas, protected under the First Amendment, sez SORRY to blog star Christopher Ambrose of 381 Horsepond Road, Madision, Connecticut, where he cages Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer to satisfy his severe, undiagnosed, untreated, mental disorder, subliminal woman hatred, and lack of manliness. Sorry he is such a miserable person, blog copy staff are so sorry they lit Church candles for redemption of his miserable, blackened soul, so coveted by Satan. Blog legal department reviewed Mad Man’s civil lawsuits against EasterBasket Auntie and Frank Parlato; trite does not begin to describe the complaint.  Mad Man ‘prays’ for relief by asking the court to issue… Read More »Sorry!

                Shining Ambrose!

                  Advanced dementia and psychosis grips the insane mind of Christopher Ambrose of 381 Horse Pond Rd in Madison, where three gifts of God are held captive by purchased handywork of jew Judge Adelman and his synagogue pals, Grossman, Aldrich, Hurwitz, Caverly, in common ideological worship of faceless money god.  Having no other purpose in life than to abuse children, play drama victim, Chris spends all day at the kitchen table gazing into his laptop, a portal to altered reality, dancing demons, wrapped in delusional scripts, plots, make believe; mad man sues Easter Basket aunt and the FrankReport for hurting his feelings. The frivolous, meritless, vexatious lawsuits can be viewed here… Read More »Shining Ambrose!

                  Schoenhorn’s Folly

                    The legal department of the now-famous Blog shares analysis of Attorney Jon Schoenhorn’s joust at the Connecticut windmill of judicial oppression.  Blog staff applauds Schoenborn’s belief in First Amendment, people are sovereign, rights, due process, yada, yada, yada, but reality of Connecticut is that Jon is just another GULAG inmate, his petty political science education, coupled with a worthless UCONN law degree, only serves to confuse rational minds of how Corrupticut really works.  Jon’s approach to Judge William Bright’s appellate court with his 1A claim of access to family court records of Jen Dulos’ divorce is a trap, where ‘we the people’ will pay dearly.  Jon is totally unaware of… Read More »Schoenhorn’s Folly


                      The now-famous Blog highlights the professional legal incompetence of Darong Hultman, a so called lawyer, educated at George Mason Law, who cannot count to First Amendment.  Executing her official duties of her publicly funded prosecutor job, she commits an act of terrorism, fraudulently requesting sealing of a search warrant for 60 days to conceal government misconduct from ‘we the people’.  D’wrong signed court pleadings, certifying she read the papers, she made reasonable inquiry, matters are grounded in fact, warranted by good faith claim, and not interposed for any improper purpose … bullshit! D’wrong blew it out her ass in spectacular fashion, while shredding the First Amendment, conspiring with sworn law… Read More »D’wrong