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Connecticut Family Court

Tong: A jew?

    Is the chink Attorney General of Connecticut a communist jew? Blog star William Tong acts as the lawyer for the state government, that institution ‘of the people, for the people, and by the people’, but it is closer to a terrorist organization designed to operate against ‘we the people’ by raping the kids. Time to ask the obvious question: Is Tong a jew? The blog finds nothing in Tong’s conduct to indicate he is not a jew. He does not love the nation, acts to disrupt society, supports all that is deviant, twisted, and immoral, does nothing to make life better for the population. Jews operate with purposeful deceit and… Read More »Tong: A jew?

    Adelman On Trial!

      The shit has hit the fan! Judge Gerard Adelman goes on trial before Judge Moukawsher for misconduct in the Ambrose case. The private star chamber of Regional Family Trial Docket, the dungeon where kids with rich parents go to be trafficked, is having a judge war. The heinous conduct of the Dark Lord himself has annoyed the elders of the Connecticut judiciary who are calling for an end to Adelman’s barbaric behaviour and the consequential child abuse. Bring popcorn!! Hearing is 22 November at 2pm in Middletown. Adelman issued the following order yesterday, out of the blue, with no hearing or motion before the court: “Given the complaints made about… Read More »Adelman On Trial!


        The Connecticut Judiciary expends huge money paying for retarded idiots to masquerade as family relations counselors in the cesspool of family court. To embellish the jewish charade of custody fights for no state interest, the public is tricked into paying ridiculous salaries to clowns in pretense of providing SERVICES to people in family court. In reality, it is a social welfare program to employ the unemployable performing job functions with no measurable efficacy. For this, Deborah Fuller is paid over $178k/yr to prance around as DIRECTOR of a cash burning operation with no product, other than fat paychecks and fatter pensions. Here is a listing of the SERVICES that are… Read More »Efficacy?

        Jew Venom

          The poison of jews in Connecticut Family Court has permanent harmful effects on children. Jew Judge Gerard Adelman, working with jews Stephen Dembo and Rhonda Morra destroyed mother-child bonds of three Thaner kids to the benefit of pedo blog star Robert Thaner. The oldest saved himself by running away, to the delight of Robert who hated this son. The case summary is fourteen years of pointless litigation in Connecticut for a couple divorced in New Jersey with joint custody of four kids and residence with mother. Connecticut post judgment litigation started in November 2007, where predatory jew vultures salivated over the large family bank of the parents. Court filings and… Read More »Jew Venom

          Ambrose: Part 10

            When will karma put an end to child predator Christopher Ambrose? Will jew Judge Grossman be floating in the Sound? Will jew Judge Adelman join her? Who are the people of Connecticut who allow jew state employees to abuse children by such horrific means? Cowards? The wrath of a righteous God will strike down those who do evil upon children … won’t even see it coming. See original on FrankReport. ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy Ambrose Pays October 30, 2021 This is the story of former TV writer Chris Alwyn Ambrose, 59, and his efforts to divorce his… Read More »Ambrose: Part 10

            Sharon Dornfeld

              It’s back! The dykish child predator has poked its ugly head out of its pedo hole in an attempt to wreak more havoc on a civilized society. Sharon Dornfeld thinks she should be on the Ridgefield Police Commission. Pedo cunt Dornfeld wants to team up with the thin blue child rapists under the pederasty command of Chief Jeffrey Kreitz. Children run scared! Blog fans remember Sharon Wicks Dornfeld from her notoriety in family court, taking on lucrative appointments by judges as a guardian ad litem for child victims, double billing parents while sitting in the courthouse lobby, picking her nose, waiting for case call; looting family bank. She was the… Read More »Sharon Dornfeld

              Adelman Deception

                Card tricks, sleight of hand, trickery, word salad, doublespeak, and sworn testimony by Judge Gerard I. Adelman share a common purpose … DECEPTION. The now-famous blog quotes sworn testimony from the chief jew child rapist of the Connecticut family court from his re-appointment hearing of January 2017. Judge Gerard Adelman “Custody cases that are prolonged are damaging to the children and they must be decided quickly and fairly. As a result, I’ve been the target of anti-Semitic and other complaints. My family has been threatened physically involving state police you know to protect them. And yet I still do the work because I believe it is my job and it… Read More »Adelman Deception

                Diverse Stupidity

                  The ruling elite of Connecticut provide great fanfare in declaring ‘diverse’ appointments to the Superior Court, but leave out the fact that the diverse are the stupid ones. Great leftist glee in appointing black skin, but what does skin have to do with it? The foundation of juris prudence lies in grey matter between the ears, not in the levels of pigment in the epidermis. White supremacists will be silenced by the jew for suggesting that the level of skin pigment is an incompetent selection criteria. Queer boy Dannel Malloy nominates the retarded Maureen Price-Boreland of Durham to prove brains don’t matter. Miscreant Boreland never practiced law a day in… Read More »Diverse Stupidity


                    If the judge appoints a state paid, guardian ad litem, then has that person write the divorce decree, must the court disclose that the court opinion was not written by the judge? Most folks are under the deception that a matter tried to a court is adjudicated by the court and the opinion is handed down by the judge. In Connecticut family court, the judge outsources the judicial function of writing the opinion to a pet attorney serving with immunity and funded by the state. But the court does not reveal this. The decision is issued with the signature of the judge, defrauding the public, by misrepresenting the guardian’s opinion… Read More »Disclosure?

                    Jew Schofield

                      Time to take a quick look at the jewish orders of Judge Marielouise Schofield that promote child abuse and parental conflict of the talmudic agenda of family court. Schofield isolates twins Skye and Scarlett from their mother, placing childhoods in the complete control of nutjob daddy Dana Harris. Daddy Dana is in control of mother’s phone access to the fruits of her womb, holding court powers to hang up on mom at anytime. The now-famous blog holds affinity to the publicly demonstrated parenting skills of black males, especially that black way of expressing love of women by beating them senseless. The Harris family is experiencing that special black man love… Read More »Jew Schofield