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Matthew Couloute

Couloute Restrained

    Blog star Matthew Couloute has been restrained by Judge Brinkworth of Erie County Family Court in protection of his abused daughter and battered ex-wife. The long arm of New York reached to Cumming, Georgia slapping a no-contact restraining order on the now-famous Blog star. Oi vey, the dumb nigger just can’t get enough Blog coverage, he has to flap his big nigger lips, threaten his daughter’s mother with elimination by hit squad, never see it coming, while he would be nowhere in sight, next his vodka soaked brain terrorizes his daughter, by threatening to drag mom back into court, whip his legal blackness on the white judge, and take the… Read More »Couloute Restrained


      Panic grips Kristen Macinni, attorney trying to save Bloomfield Puppy Cop Brendan Danaher who falsely arrested Matthew Couloute’s baby mamma in conspiracy with Ryan McGuigan, Daddy Judge Danaher, Chief Paul Hammick, State’s Attorney Danielle O’Connell and Judge Omar Williams. Brendan faces a federal jury of his peers who will not believe battered mother, in safehaven protecting sexually abused child is worthy of arrest by Connecticut on complaint of a resident of Georgia. Brendan is going down, everyone knows it, especially Kristen who knows where all the dogs are buried. Kristen’s latest legal trickery is to demand the State’s Attorney file on baby momma’s false interstate felony arrest, desperately hoping to… Read More »Panic!

      Malicious Prosecution

        The now-famous Blog legal department reviews Second Circuit ruling on malicious prosecution, predicting that rookie puppy cop Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield Predatory Police will go down before a jury on the arrest of Matthew Couloute’s baby momma. Place your bets, millions on the table as Brendan is the tip of the iceberg, the small cog in the wheel of Connecticut criminal justice machinery that Couloute and his paedo pal Ryan McGuigan put into illegal motion to steal a child for deviant usage. Spotlight obnoxious Attorney Kristen Maccini who has been lying to the world for four years that her puppy cop client did nothing wrong by penning an affidavit of… Read More »Malicious Prosecution

        Blue Rat

          The now-famous Blog can’t make this shit up! Code of silence of the thin blue line is breached, Bloomfield PD’s lowly puppy cop turned RAT! K9 Officer Brendan Danaher refuses to take the fall for paedo ring’s trafficking precious Sophie, sex toy of Ryan McGuigan and Matthew Couloute, by using arrest powers to extradite battered mother in safe haven under protective order of a New York Court. Not that pooper scooper rookie has the brains to pull it off, alone. Brendan tosses Detective Zachary Klomberg under the bus, filing today in federal court, claiming Judge Underhill fucked up by severing Chief Hammick, Detective Klomberg, Matthew Suplee and the Town of… Read More »Blue Rat

          Brendan’s Defense

            Pooper scooper K9 cop of Bloomfield Police, mother hunter and paedo operative Brendan Danaher has a bombshell defense exposed by his lawyer Kristan Maccini before Judge Stefan Underhill of U.S. District Court Connecticut … he was following orders of Detective Zach Klomberg!! No reasonable jury is going to believe little rookie puppy cop singularly manipulated machinery of Connecticut’s criminal justice system to obtain a felony extradition warrant of a battered mother in safe haven in another state on complaint of a resident of Georgia. The defense is perfect! How did a K9 cop know to void a restraining order of another state, take the word of Matthew Couloute, speaking for… Read More »Brendan’s Defense

            Brendan Goes To Trial

              Brendan Danaher, pooper scooper puppy cop of Bloomfield Police faces a federal jury for hunting a battered mother across state lines, nullifying court orders, perjury, executing directives of corrupt Connecticut lawyers, prosecuting a complaint of a mad man from Georgia, conspiring with prosecutors for abuse of the criminal justice system for private gain; child abuse, attempted kidnapping notwithstanding. Officer Danaher’s crooked daddy Judge John Danaher is upset his paedo ring has been outed … again. Today, pooper scooper cop’s lawyer, the obnoxious, hideous Kristan Maccini tortured USDJ Stefan Underhill with meritless, frivolous whining on why a sworn law enforcement officer should not face a jury for arresting mother on direction… Read More »Brendan Goes To Trial


                Blog star Annie Dranginis is proclaimed paedo protector, hag jew, best lawyer of next year award recipient, by the jew propaganda organization Best Lawyers, Inc. The jew game is obvious, create a fake organization of jew lawyers to confer awards on other jew lawyers fooling goy into thinking old cunts like Annie Dranginis have magic sauce at law. Lawyers praising other lawyers in promotion of looting in the name of the honorable profession, being nothing but ‘craft for plunder’.  Oi vey! Of great Blog attention is Best Lawyer Annie Dranginis in family law!!  The jew paedo scam praises Annie for her craft of raping childhood for shekels, a beacon to… Read More »Annie!

                Danaher Sacrificed

                  The jig is up, the word is out, Officer Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield PD, is being sacrificed for his conspiracy participation with Matthew Couloute and Attorney Ryan McGuigan for the illegal interstate felony arrest of Couloute’s baby mama.  The long drawn out paedo saga is coming to conclusion, the old story of manly Couloute using his pal McGuigan and friend Judge John A. Danaher to have Judge Omar Williams issue an interstate arrest warrant, on application sworn by K9 officer Danaher, endorsed by prosecutor Danielle O’Connell to retrieve child sex toy from Buffalo. Drama Recap:  Couloute abandons ex-wife and daughter, moves to Georgia with son Xavier to attend a weird,… Read More »Danaher Sacrificed

                  Matthew Couloute at it again!

                    Latest update on Matthew Couloute’s never ending drama of lies continues in mid-July where he has been summoned to appear in person before Erie County Family Court, Judge Thomas DiMillo, who will take up his petition to relocate daughter Sophie to Atlanta, because daddy is delusional, mom is bad, and daughter is a victim of sexual abuse, living in safe haven.  Thought LoVallo was bad, DiMillo is evil. Remember the story, Matthew Couloute is an attorney in good standing in Connecticut and New York, registered at 3210 Lakeheath Drive in Cumming, Georgia, but represents to the court that he is living at 574 King Street in Suwannee, in Gwinnett County,… Read More »Matthew Couloute at it again!

                    Summary Bullshit

                      The drama of Matthew C. Couloute and his paedo pals of Connecticut continues with the incompetent legal tricks of Kristan Maccini, the fat bottomed lawyer defending puppy cop, jew boy Brendan Danaher of the Bloomfield Blue Thug Club; guns, badges, attitudes, no brains but deviant love of children. Brendan Danaher is son of evil Judge John Danaher III, who destroyed every mother who appeared before his family court bench, the judge is not a jew, but married one. Puppy cop Danaher is the municipal clown who applied his lacking police skills to eschew the orders of a New York court in protection of a child, finding probable cause to arrest… Read More »Summary Bullshit

                      Expert Lies

                        In the fabricated reality of modern society, duped peasants are to believe a dumb kid with a gun, badge, and attitude, and a puppy on a leash, is omnipotent in matters of law, where mere suspicion of probable cause grants authority to void the power of New York State courts, in denial of the full, faith, and credit clause. Truly an amazing claim by Officer Brandon Danaher, a K9 officer of the thin blue donut whores of Bloomfield Police. Puppy cop is so stupid that his actions betray the obvious direction by Attorney Ryan McGuigan to arrest mom, forcing the surrender of Matthew Couloute’s abused daughter. McGuigan held cause to… Read More »Expert Lies

                        Jew Schofield

                          Time to take a quick look at the jewish orders of Judge Marielouise Schofield that promote child abuse and parental conflict of the talmudic agenda of family court. Schofield isolates twins Skye and Scarlett from their mother, placing childhoods in the complete control of nutjob daddy Dana Harris. Daddy Dana is in control of mother’s phone access to the fruits of her womb, holding court powers to hang up on mom at anytime. The now-famous blog holds affinity to the publicly demonstrated parenting skills of black males, especially that black way of expressing love of women by beating them senseless. The Harris family is experiencing that special black man love… Read More »Jew Schofield

                          Ficeto’s Dick

                            Time for the now famous blog to highlight Judge Anna Ficeto’s dick and what drives her to ram it in the ass of childhood. Ficeto lives in Wolcott, Connecticut in a big house at 13 Diamond Rock Rd. She is a miscreant of a human and a deviant child predator. She is a heretic, taking communion as a mislabeled Catholic, keeping her beastly tail tucked in, not to expose her Satanic inbreeding. Her allegiance to the dark side manifests in her legal representation of dykes who wanted to rub their tits and lips together, riding a double ended dildo, in claim of marriage. She represented two female sloths of such… Read More »Ficeto’s Dick

                            Police Privacy!

                              The now famous blog is even more famous, as Judge Sefan Underhill, the queer judicial authority of the federal District Court of Connecticut has ruled that police privacy needs to be protected from ravages of the First Amendment, the internet, and this blog!!! The blog takes this opportunity to thank the federal court for providing a bloglicious opinion that Bloomfield Police Officers need privacy protection, because their property records are on the internet, and Attorney Ryan McGuigan was Matthew Couloute’s escort the night of making the fabricated criminal complaint of custodial interference. Nothing like a Connecticut pedo child trafficking story to pique public interest in the criminal justice system that… Read More »Police Privacy!

                              Bloomfield Police Failure

                                The legal scholars of the now famous blog examine the gross errors of the Bloomfield Police and the Connecticut prosecutor’s office in their fabricated effort to retrieve a child sex toy from across state lines on the private claim of blog famous Matthew Couloute of Georgia and his private legal advisor Attorney Ryan McGuigan. The matter is presently before Judge Stefan Underhill of D. Connecticut on federal complaint of deprivation of rights. Blog aficionados know the story of how K9 puppy cop Brendan Danaher worked under the supervision of Chief Paul Hammick to get ASA Danielle O’Connell to accept an arrest application for signature by Judge Omar Williams to issue… Read More »Bloomfield Police Failure

                                Oh my: Williams

                                  Hang on to your BLM hat, the Biden White House needs a black pedophile on the federal bench, now nominating the blog famous Omar Williams. Oh my, pedos, niggers, and jews! It never stops. This past week the White House announced the nomination of Omar The Pedophile to replace a senior judge in the federal District of Connecticut. Of all the competent folks to choose from, Biden picks a pedophile who has been mentioned in the now famous blog in 25 posts over the last four years. Omar made his blog debut when he signed the fabricated arrest warrant to hunt a child sex toy across state lines for his… Read More »Oh my: Williams

                                  Private Claim

                                    Spoiler alert, this post is over the heads of most state and municipal employees. If you are a cop, forget it. The now famous blog breaks down how a pedo nigger dad from Georgia used the Connecticut criminal justice system to arrest his ex-wife in New York by his sole private claim to skirt family court jurisdiction, attempting to kidnap his sexually abused daughter, for more sexual abuse. Here is the quick synopsis of pedo dad’s dilemma. Matthew Couloute is broke, lives at his mom’s in Bloomfield, he packs his son of the other mother in the car, relocates to Cumming, Georgia, enrolls son in expensive private school, gets a… Read More »Private Claim


                                      Drop the tin foil hats! A real conspiracy has been uncovered in the drama of Bloomfield Police past efforts to retrieve a child sex toy from across state lines on behalf of the infamous, abusive Matthew Couloute. The story dates back to middle of October 2016 when Couloute loaded his suitcase and son Xavier into deceased dad’s van with expired Virginia tags and drove to Cumming, Georgia to take up residence at 3210 Lakeheath Drive, an unused house owned by his mother. The purpose of the move was to enroll his son in a curiously private and expensive school in the woods known as Lyndon Academy, not that Couloute had… Read More »Conspiracy!

                                      Zachary Klomberg

                                        The curious absence of professional oversight betrays the conspiracy of the Bloomfield Police Department in trafficking a child sex toy for the state paedo ring of Connecticut. Meet Detective Zachary Klomberg, a child rapist in police clothing who follows direction from above to recover a sex toy on behalf of lies made by the nefarious Matthew Couloute of Georgia. Detective Klomberg’s claim to professionalism is all things bullshit. He is accountable this, manages that, critical thinker, bullshit artist, traffic cop, patrol supervisor, accreditation this, certified that, intelligence this, evidence that, he is 100% walking bullshit with a badge, a gun, and an attitude. But he is just a jew from… Read More »Zachary Klomberg


                                          The insanity of the Connecticut criminal justice system is exemplified by exposing the incompetence of its individual players. Meet investigator Joseph M. McSweegan, a retard with an attitude and a badge who is paid by the state to provide professional investigative services to the blog famous nigger Gail Hardy, Hartford GA State’s Attorney. McSweegan works on the felony prosecution for custodial interference in the first degree of the mother of Sofi Couloute, brought by complaint of Matthew Couloute of Georgia. McSweegan sends an official letter to Matthew Couloute on letterhead of the state’s criminal justice system, which reveals fraud by Couloute and betrays misconduct by McSweegan while documenting malicious prosecution… Read More »McSweegan