Free Speech: Not in Connecticut
Connecticut uses public funds to attack the First Amendment.
Connecticut uses public funds to attack the First Amendment.
State Senator Paul Doyle’s law firm commits fraud on the court while he chairs the judiciary committee of the legislature. Racketeering at its finest.
The devil lives among us, in family court. The evil attacking families one custody battle at a time, for the lucrative benefit of lawyers.
How Angelo Farenga of Watertown conspires with child traffickers to swindle the state and the feds. Inside player of dirty greasey variety.
How a cult secretly operates in the Connecticut judiciary to traffick children to a private agenda.
Connecticut Judicial Marshals ordered to harass the public in courtroom by direction of Judge.
Cold hard cash is all that the judges of Family Court want to see. No law, just cash.
How the chosen ones use meaningless words to establish a rule of law for which only they understand…or not. Discretion holds no limits.
The secret Connecticut family court bench book cannot be seen by the public by jewdicial edict.
Connecticut family relations officers are mere child traffickers on the state payroll.
How the filings expose the money and the kids to rape.
Keep your powder dry, it is ok to hate and to make a speech about it.
How the Talmud is reshaping access to the courts.
Hiding GAL fees from the taxman
Jew Judge Gerard Adelman the evil dark lord of family court, pedo.
Jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon, king of the family court jews.
Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto working to defeat judicial accountability by rule of Talmud
Deviant miscreant Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto