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Judge Donna Heller

Schoenhorn’s Folly

    The legal department of the now-famous Blog shares analysis of Attorney Jon Schoenhorn’s joust at the Connecticut windmill of judicial oppression.  Blog staff applauds Schoenborn’s belief in First Amendment, people are sovereign, rights, due process, yada, yada, yada, but reality of Connecticut is that Jon is just another GULAG inmate, his petty political science education, coupled with a worthless UCONN law degree, only serves to confuse rational minds of how Corrupticut really works.  Jon’s approach to Judge William Bright’s appellate court with his 1A claim of access to family court records of Jen Dulos’ divorce is a trap, where ‘we the people’ will pay dearly.  Jon is totally unaware of… Read More »Schoenhorn’s Folly

    Deichert at it again!

      Connecticut Assistant Attorney General Robert Deichert is at it again!  Blog star Deichert is famous for arguing against Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer hugging mother. Fundamental right of children to mom hugs opposed in the name of a sovereign people, under the direction of communist chink William Tong.  Now Deichert argues against the right of the people to scrutinize the misconduct of Judge Donna Heller who illegally sealed transcripts in the Dulos case. Deichert acts as a domestic enemy of the Constitution, using public funds to undermine First Amendment. Attorney Reuben Midler conspires with Judge Heller to conceal the testimony of court whore Dr. Stephen Herman, MD, and his report. Herman… Read More »Deichert at it again!

      Public Policy

        An enlightened society holds common cultural beliefs which in today’s morass of ‘murikan dystopia is referred to as public policy. There is benevolent structure in most policies, letting a bunch of uneducated, purposeless morons from third world shit-holes illegally cross the border is not an example of public policy, but domestic terrorism wielded by the jews who seek to eliminate the white Christian race. The disconnect between law and policy is a dead give away that jews are involved. Let’s take a look at family court discretion that violates public policy. In Connecticut there is a statute which requires ‘active & consistent’ involvement of both parents in the lives of… Read More »Public Policy

        Neal Graber

          Dr. Neal Graber works on teeth, as a dentist, but destroys childhood by deep rooted paedo psychosis where he treats children in manners that would be animal abuse to puppies. Another tragic story of humanity proving the world would be a better place if this nutjob daddy was hit by a bus. In the herd of humans, culling can be a good thing. Blog spotlights another jew job by Judge Donna Heller, ignoring state law, public policy, and human decency to inflict the wrath of Kundry on mothers and children, while enriching fellow jews like Jill Plancher, who knows what is best for children! The case detail tells the story… Read More »Neal Graber

          Daddy Rape!

            The FRANKREPORT exposes the jewish game of Daddy Rape protected by the Connecticut Family Court. The usual jewish suspects protect Geoff Herzog’s sexually deviant behaviours: Judge Donna Heller, Judge Thomas Colin, Judge Mark Gould, GAL Jill Plancher, Attorney Leslie Lax. Raping childhood is a jewish delicacy. CT. Family Court: Rich Daddy Role Plays as Teen Girl Having Sex With Father, Gets Custody of Teen Daughter It’s not a crime to role play. And in Connecticut Family Court it’s a decided advantage. This is a case where the father of three children, including a teenage girl, role plays online as a teenage girl, who has sex with her father. Be assured,… Read More »Daddy Rape!

            Jooish Family Court

              The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

              Ms. Magazine

                The now-famous Blog spotlights the pathetic journalism that covers the evil of family court. A bizare puff piece written by Amy Polacko, a self described ‘divorce coach’ babbles on about family court without identifying the cause. More kafkaesque allusions the ‘broken system’. Newsflash: Family Court works exactly as designed, it is not broken. Goy sheeple just cannot recognize the jewish purpose to destroy families and loot their savings, while enriching the chosen. Amy’s pathetic prose starts out with a pull quote stating that it is wrong to think the court will protect children. Well no shit! The court exists to devour children. Ancient jewish parasitic practices of sacrificing Christian babies… Read More »Ms. Magazine


                  Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules anti-semitic speech is constitutionally protected. Today’s ruling in Gerber v. Herskovitz recognized the free expression in a public place to criticize jewish deviancy. Welcome to ‘murika, the goy hold a protected right to hate da jews and the jews have no claim for relief in federal court. Hate the politics of jews, hate the political power of jews, hate U.S. funding of a jewish state, hate the holohoax, hate what jews do to Palestinians, hate jewish rape of children, hate that jews have nuclear weapons, hate chosen jews, hate how jews control family court, then express yourself! It is a First Amendment right. Jews… Read More »Newsflash

                  Boo hoo!

                    Boo hoo, so sad, blog gonna cry!!! Connecticut State Senator Alex Kasser has resigned from government as the three year slug fest in family court takes its toll. Judge Heller is doing her dirty deeds on Bergstein v Bergstein, a rich jewish family out of Greenwich providing lawyer feed to six law firms, fighting over money, while draining the family bank. It is a lawyer’s buffet. A gravy train. But alas, the psychological trauma induced by the family court and its jew players has taken a grim toll on Alex Kasser. She pens her cause for resignation: It is with deep sadness that I announce my resignation as State Senator.… Read More »Boo hoo!

                    Psycho Testing

                      The jews running the psychobabble game of family court have a great racket for fooling the goy into believing there is meaning to psychological testing performed on unsuspecting victims of the jewdicial scam. But every now and again, something pops out of the script that catches the famous blog’s attention. The jew producers at Lifetime put on a two-hour show about Jen Dulos, glossing over every significant detail of her tragic drama with Fotis, completely ignoring the abuse of family court. Of great curiosity is the mislabeled ‘documentary’ which further obscured the criminal details. The blog focuses on the slip up by the incompetent divorce attorney Rich Rochlin, a half… Read More »Psycho Testing

                      Judiciary ’21

                        Let’s hear it for the next session of Connecticut Judiciary Committee! Announcing that the favorite committee of government corruption will be chaired by a nigger and a jew. Oi vey, a match made in the backrooms of Corrupticut politics to thwart rule of law, undermine the Constitution and preserve jewish control of the people’s courts. Big black boy from New Haven, Gary Winfield will be kept in check by his jewish overlords to make sure that disgruntled family court litigants do not use the committee to highlight the injustices committed by the jewish family court under the control of king jew, Judge Elliot Solomon. Old news, Winfield is worthless and… Read More »Judiciary ’21

                        Mohammad’s Children

                          Christian societies who insult Islam tend to lose their heads, attract gunfire, have churches burned, and other unfortunate occurrences. Such are the consequences of culture clash and differing beliefs. We Americans can make fun of any religious people, other than the Jews, they are our masters and cannot be criticized. Draw a cartoon of Mohammad, but don’t dare deny that Hitler’s Holohoax exterminated six-million chosen ones. See how the game is played? Take a hard look at the American ‘Family Court’ system. A division of the state judiciary focused on terminating religious marriages and dividing up kids, while looting family savings. There is a belief system behind this secular charade… Read More »Mohammad’s Children

                          Lost Birthday

                            Today would have been Jennifer’s 52nd birthday, if not for the jews of Connecticut Family Court and their rabid desire to drain her bank account under the guise of a ‘no-fault’ divorce. A painful reminder that jewish control of the Family Courts is deadly. Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would agree that the State of Connecticut discriminated against Jen, by denial of a proper and timely ‘no-fault’ divorce. Dragging Jen and her bank account through purposeless litigation over the course of two years is judicial misconduct outside statutory powers. A deprivation of rights under color of state law, as codified in federal statute. The mafioso styled family law profiteers of… Read More »Lost Birthday

                            Words That Wound/Judges Who Kill

                              The Connecticut Supreme Court is fascinated with the use of the word ‘nigger‘, as it wounds the black person. What the fuck is this shit? The judges have established a class of speech that causes wounds when spoken? Yeah, right. What about judges who kill? Connecticut Family Court is under the singular control of jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon. This court has killed a number of its victims over the years, but there is no Supreme opinion to check the damage or limit the discretion of the sloths on the bench from inflicting more harm on families. What gives? Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson is a jew in black face.… Read More »Words That Wound/Judges Who Kill

                              Negligent John Hughes

                                The conspirators of family court work under the color of state law to deprive citizens of rights protected under the Constitution. Everyone knows that. It is obvious to the most casual observer, but it continues unchallenged with the blessing of federal overseers. In Connecticut, the overseer is John B. Hughes, head of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut. Connecticut Family Court is a racketeering operation run by a conspiracy of unscrupulous state actors and private lawyers to fleece families where one parent seeks a simple ‘no-fault’ divorce. The application for the divorce is purely administrative, the court cannot deny any request to… Read More »Negligent John Hughes

                                Oh, Jen!

                                  Let’s have an accountability discussion about the cesspool known as Connecticut Family Court and five kids who lost their mother. Recently Nigger Boy Robinson, the Chief Justice of the Cesspool sent an email to all the overpaid twits of the judiciary, making obscure claim that the department and its judges had to do a better job. What the fuck? Like can they perform their jobs any more incompetently? Let’s examine the simple divorce function of the family division of Superior Court and how it failed Jen Dulos, costing five kids their mother. Having had it with being married, Jen applied to the State to dissolve the union. All states issue… Read More »Oh, Jen!

                                  Victim Robinson

                                    Nigger Boy Robinson comes out whining about race, lynching, and injustice while he sits on top of the most unjust state court system in America. Playing the role of ‘victim’, Robinson pens a letter to employees of the judicial branch about ‘racial upheaval’, whatever the fuck that means. Robinson is using his position as Chief Justice of Connecticut to fan the flames of racial tensions for the parasitic jewish goal of creating discourse in the host society. Chief Justice Robinson’s putrid prose starts by stating that there is ‘racial injustice’ in America. No shit? The Indian tribes that once ruled Connecticut know this full well. White man shows up, Indians… Read More »Victim Robinson

                                    St. Simon of Trento

                                      Historical events from medieval times are relevant to today’s family court. Back in 1475 the jews created St. Simone the martyr, by ritual sacrifice of the toddler. In 2015, Connecticut Jew Barry Pinkus created Baby Aaden the martyr. In 2019 Connecticut Jew Donna Heller created Jen Dulos, the martyr. The family court of Connecticut today is no different than the the jews of Trento, Italy of 1475. The people of Trento burned fifteen jews at the stake for the death of little Simon. Connecticut martyrs of family court are simply forgotten, just the way King Jew Solomon wants it. Perhaps it is time for the good people of Connecticut to… Read More »St. Simon of Trento

                                      Bozzuto Propaganda

                                        Propaganda will always exist in a society run by tyrants. No need for the truth, just need to ‘spin’ things to confuse the populace. The family court of Connecticut recently executed Jen Dulos by dragging her through 705 days of tortuous and pointless litigation for the sole purpose of enriching her lawyer, Reuben Midler. Now, Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto tries to throw up a smoke screen of ‘domestic violence’ as the failure of the court and introduces a new scam to victimize more families before the most corrupt bench in the land. Lisa Backus pens an artificial article about Jen’s demise quoting the State’s most stupidly dykish judge, the infamous Elizabeth… Read More »Bozzuto Propaganda

                                        Jen Dulos Mediation Center

                                          The State of Connecticut funds a Family Mediation Center in Hartford headed by king jew Judge Elliot Solomon. The purpose of the center is to spare families the trauma and financial pain of trial to obtain a simple no-fault divorce. The King Jew spoke in detail, under oath, today about his work in the mediation center. See it here on CT-N. Needless to say, Jen Dulos did not get any mediation assistance. She was dragged through 705 days of pointless litigation until she was murdered as a consequence of court induced conflict. So let’s name the Family Mediation Center the Jennifer Dulos Family Mediation Center and put a picture of… Read More »Jen Dulos Mediation Center