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Christopher Ambrose

Christopher Ambrose: Part 9

    Connecticut’s jewish game of rape childhood and drain family bank continues its steady march to the drumbeat of Zionism. Jew Judge Adelman dishes out more pain and suffering for the goy from his high bench of family court. This time he attacks a free press, triggering blow back from Dolfecino claiming Adelman is fair game! A judge of delusional mind, who thinks he will muzzle the press by discretionary order? Surely Adelman begs the retort of the Second Amendment by a free people to eliminate tyrants in black robes. Come and get us, your honor … you will be dead before you hit the floor! Welcome to the land of… Read More »Christopher Ambrose: Part 9


      Time to examine the jewish application of law in the pedo utopia of Connecticut, where children are raped and Annie Lamont applauds her husband’s participation. Jewish law is evident in Adelman’s rabbinical court victimizing three gifts from God: Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer Ambrose. Adelman has shredded the First Amendment on fabricated claim of children’s privacy; a jew’s game. A sovereign people hold duty to regulate and supervise a court system. The totalitarian sound byte that the judiciary is independent is jewish word salad to undermine the enlightened society of the goy. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, the people hold all the power. Everything… Read More »Expression

      Adelman Unglued!

        The Dark Lord has come unglued! Judge Gerard Adelman appeared more than distraught in yesterday’s Ambrose hearing. It appears that he is in trouble with the state pedo ring for failing to deliver on Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, while drawing too much public attention to the jewish efforts of draining the family bank. Adelman ranted about the publicity and berated mom’s lawyer in a nonsensical barrage for no legal purpose. To the casual observer, Adelman is scared. He cancelled all pending trial dates, issued a flurry of temporary orders, keeping the kids isolated from mom, then ended the session in a huff. The now-famous blog speculates that the Ambrose case… Read More »Adelman Unglued!

        Chris Ambrose: Part 8

          The blog editors applaud the FrankReport on its continuing series exposing homosexual, pedophile Chris Ambrose and the doting jewish pedo players of the Connecticut Family Court who are victimizing Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, while sucking the family bank dry. Read directly at FrankReport, see the latest art-work depicting the jews of family court and their evil terror played out on innocent children. Satan is alive and well in the Connecticut judiciary. When headless bodies of child predators float down the Connecticut River, will anyone be surprised? Anyone think that Judges Rodriguez, Grossman, Adelman, and Albis not getting a cut of all this money? Anyone still fooled into believing the jews… Read More »Chris Ambrose: Part 8

          Chris Ambrose: Part 7

            No shortage of cringe-able drama from Christopher Ambrose of Madison, Connecticut. Part 7 of the series by the FrankReport is published, it is frightening! Big fat pedo daddy continues to keep Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer prisoner at 381 Horse Pond Road, under gestapo protection of the thin blue pedophile police commanded by chief child rapist Jack Dunn and doting piggalo First Selectwoman Peggy Lyons. Pedophilia is alive and well protected in Madison!! _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #7: Forensic Examiner Investigating Image of Ambrose’s Hard Drive – Charges May Be Coming for Father Who Allegedly Abuses Children October 16, 2021 {Portrait of a monster? Or is that Chris Ambrose?  What kind… Read More »Chris Ambrose: Part 7

            FrankReport #6

              The FrankReport has published its SIXTH installment of public scrutiny into the pedophile affairs of the Connecticut Family Court in the matter of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. The Chief Family Judge Michael Albis remains hidden in his Middletown chambers, hoping no one notices his complacency to child abuse under the color of state dissolution law, while hoping he does not become a headless floater in the nearby river. The now-famous blog compliments Frank’s creative artwork provided in the Ambrose series.

              State Extortion

                The over-educated blog staff has cause to explain the extortion racket run by the jewdiciary of Connecticut involving GAL fees. Recent publicity in the Ambrose case spotlights jew Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz of the jewish law firm of Cohen&Wolf; her $180k+ worth of billed fees for providing nefarious legal representation of child’s best interest. No representation of due process, equal protection, or human decency, Jocelyn just represents the concept of best interests, not the children themselves. A jew scam. The GAL appointment is made by the ‘discretion’ of the court; whatever da fuck that means in legal terms will never be known. But over-educated blog staff observe that GALs are never… Read More »State Extortion

                Part 3: Unspecified Disorder

                  The third part in the drama of pedo dad Christopher Ambrose and the court system that abuses children, while lawyers get rich, families go broke, and pedophiles are protected. Read on Frank Report. The jewish psycobabblist Jessica Biren Caverly is cited for diagnosing mother with an ‘unspecified disorder’ for which the jew magic of family court finds cause for isolation of children from mom, as ordered by jew Judge Jane Grossman, applauded by jew GAL Jocelyn Hurwitz to the glee of daddy’s jew attorney Nancy Aldrich. Note that jew girl Jocelyn normally charges $500/hr, but gave the Ambrose family a 20% discount for her valuable ‘services’. Hurwitz retainer letter here.… Read More »Part 3: Unspecified Disorder

                  Frank Report: Chris Ambrose

                    The evils of Connecticut family court are not difficult to spot. Read the first in a series of articles on the jewdicial conspiracy to protect a pedophile and traffic children: FRANK REPORT. Looks like CJ Richard Robinson and Judge Michael Albis have some explaining to do. Judges Adleman and Grossman should be in federal custody along with Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz. Law enforcement and state child protective services have betrayed the trust of a sovereign people. Connecticut: screams of children are silenced. The Ambrose Papers Part 1: ‘Secrets and Lies’: TV Writer Chris Ambrose and the Connecticut Family Court Puts Children in Danger October 3, 2021 This is part one of… Read More »Frank Report: Chris Ambrose

                    Search & Destroy

                      The Fourth Amendment must now be surrendered to obtain a ‘no-fault’ divorce in the State of Connecticut. In the star chamber of Judge Gerard Adelman of the family court, jewdicial discretion acts upon the unsuspecting goy to seize a mother’s computer for no legal purpose. Instead of a search warrant seeking fruits of a crime, the court calls it ‘discovery’, citing no due process. The fifth day of the Ambrose trial spent hours arguing about the need to seize mom’s hard drive for a forensic search seeking evidence of a crime, where Adelman, J stated he would pursue criminal prosecution of mom through the State’s Attorney Office, if anything was… Read More »Search & Destroy

                      Close the courtroom!!

                        Scary words, free expression, public scrutiny, lions and tigers and bears … oh no!!! Pay attention to the man on the screen, not the man behind the curtain! Welcome to the matrix of Oz. Our enlightened society witnessed another example of how the racketeers of the Connecticut Bar Association conspire to defeat the First Amendment and the right of a sovereign people of scrutiny of matters in a public forum. The now blog famous whore of Westport, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, pleaded before Judge Adelman to close the courtroom in the Ambrose case this morning, as her jew sibling Jocelyn Hurwitz is suffering from butthurt, after reading the post Adelman’s Money… Read More »Close the courtroom!!

                        Jewish Restraint

                          In the bizzarro family court of the jewish cesspool of Connecticut, the application of chosen prior restraint is pointedly unconstitutional, but played upon the goy as jewdicial discretion. Forget the Bill of Rights, forget the parchment known as the Constitution, this is Connecticut where jews rule, the four legged barnyard goy animals exist only for kosher slaughter, their kids too. The nutmeg goy enter the mis-named ‘family court’ to obtain a simple no-fault’ divorce, an administrative action of the state government, hijacked by jews to drain family savings. The now famous blog cites a strange order issued by blog famous jew judge Jane Kupson Grossman, a retarded dyke in a… Read More »Jewish Restraint

                          Free Treatment

                            The Department of Children and Families of Connecticut is giving out free treatment services to fathers caught up in protracted pointless litigation in obtaining a ‘no fault’ divorce. DCF’s own Nieka Thompson, a staff attorney, announced today that DCF provides treatment service to a dad who requires help recognizing the emotional needs of children impacted by expensive and drawn out family court litigation in which he employs kids as weapons of litigation maliciously seeking to erase mother from the lives of his children. The service does not involve kids or mom, just focuses on dad, provided by state social workers. The service is also termed a ‘treatment’. Unfortunately, a search… Read More »Free Treatment


                              Twenty years ago there was a cute cartoon movie called Monsters Inc. A twisted double script story about monsters who scare kids because they care, something goofy about terrorizing kids to get energy for the evil utility to sell and make money. Not that making money off of scaring kids is funny, but it does have a direct parallel to the jews of family court who will scare the shit out of everyone to make a sheckel. Connecticut family court famous Dr. Deborah Gruen has been called out as a Monster Among Us for her abusive treatment of the Ambrose kids under barbaric orders of jew Judge Grossman and odorous… Read More »Monsters!

                              Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, Ph.D

                                Meet another jew with an attitude, a hatred of Christian motherhood, a demented desire to harm children and a love for money; Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, a self appointed expert on goy children, adored by jew judges and lawyers of the Connecticut family court for her ability to espouse kike opinions to undermine the concept of family in a Christian society. Jessica is the star expert in the jewish court of Judge Jane Grossman in the Ambrose case with regard to Mia, Matthew and Sawyer, three special needs kids for whom Jessica has recommended isolation from their mother as a form of ‘therapy’, which holds no credibility in any professional… Read More »Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, Ph.D

                                Madman: Christopher Ambrose

                                  Another story of a madman, his lawyer and too much money. Meet Christopher Ambrose, a demented narcissist, self-denying homosexual, with less than high school level of maturity, masquerading as a father of three, special needs, adopted children, whom he enjoys torturing with the aid of his expensive lawyer, and doting GAL, in the perverted family court of Connecticut, before Judge Jane Grossman. Christopher now lives in Madison, after filing for divorce and selling the marital home in Westport. He is the subject of an ongoing child sexual abuse investigation by Madison Detective William DeGoursey, who recently had the children examined at Yale Children’s Clinic, which resulted in an emergency seizure… Read More »Madman: Christopher Ambrose

                                  The $100k GAL

                                    Here is a quick look at the money games played by family court of Connecticut by use the the notorious Guardian Ad Litem in a divorce matter and how lawyers and judges conspire to defeat the state statutes governing the role of the court appointee. Meet Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz of the evil jewish law firm of Cohen&Wolf. Jocelyn is the GAL in the Ambrose case, appointed in September of 2019 for three children for two unemployed parents. Jocelyn normally charges $500/hr for her jewdicial services, but she has graciously discounted her fee to $400, for no stated reason. Curious point is that state law applies a fee schedule for GALs… Read More »The $100k GAL

                                    Predator: Jocelyn Hurwitz

                                      Time to take a peak at the child trafficking game of evil guardian ad litem Jocelyn Hurwitz of the nasty jewish law firm of Cohen&Wolf. The jewdiciary feigns belief that a GAL is needed to dissolve a marriage. In reality, the GAL is only appointed when there are parents with money. Deceptively designed to represent the ‘best interests of the children’, the true role of the GAL is to wink at the judge, inflame conflict, and collect huge fees for purchased decisions. In the ongoing slugfest of Ambrose v Ambrose, Jocelyn is doing just that, while destroying the lives of her three wards in the process. Jocelyn works in the… Read More »Predator: Jocelyn Hurwitz