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Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson


    The now-famous Blog notes the free expression of American Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina calling for the assassination of Vlad The Invader for world good. If children are the future of the world, then their protection is good. Applying the same logical principles of good to Connecticut Family Court’s tyrannical conduct, d’Blog calls for the ASSASSINATION of Chief Judge Richard Robinson, Chief Family Judge Michael Albis; senior tyrants: Adelman, Wetstone, Ficeto, Heller, Grossman, Moukawsher, Gould, Bozzuto along with GALs Hurwitz, Laliberte and Fay … for starters. Call it a purge. Senator Graham alludes to Brutus, public hero eviscerating tyranny on the steps of the Roman senate. Spilling black guts… Read More »Assassination?


      The First Amendment protects the marketplace of ideas, being the essence of a free people engaged in self-governance. The now famous-Blog proposes some ideas for the marketplace to remedy the evils of child trafficking in the Connecticut family courts. First and foremost, a mob of self-governing philosophers raid the State Supreme Court, drag all the judges out to the middle of Capitol Avenue and behead them. The brainless skulls can be placed on pikes as a form of expression of what happens to domestic enemies of the Constitution. Think of said action as public redress to the abomination of liberty scripted by Robinson in State v Taupier. What is protected… Read More »Marketplace


        In a free society, ruled by the will of a sovereign people, there is a right to observe the shenanigans of family court, but Connecticut is no such society. The nutmeg people are victims of ‘POLICY’ handed down from a big dumb nigger in a black robe who masquerades as chief justice. In reality, Richard Robinson is just a puppet who betrays his oath by implementing POLICY directed by his masters for the third branch of government, a true fool. Jews of family court do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want; there is no rule of law, just jewdicial discretion to traffic children and drain family bank,… Read More »POLICY!

        Nigger Law

          The judicial cesspool of Connecticut has collapsed into the darkness of nigger law. Gone are the constitutional protections of the white radical right. White privilege of rule of law is now deemed racist and thwarted by the Black Law Matters movement championed by head spear chucker Nigger in Chief Richard Robinson. The sovereign people of Connecticut have had their statutes erased by the whim of niggers in black robes who act against white people by ignoring their racist laws designed to protect rights and ensure due process for all. When nigger boy Judge Eric Coleman sits on the bench, totally ignorant of statutes and case law, there is nigger treason… Read More »Nigger Law

          Bang, bang …

            Bang! Bang! Another sad story of a mother wanting out of a marriage, entangled with the drawn out family court process, ends up with a bullet instead of a decree. Oi vey, what the jews of family court will do to make a few scheckles from suffering goy. Divya Misra, a 55 year old mother from India, living in Norwalk, filed for divorce from her 56 year old husband Rajneesh in October of last year. Applying for the simple, administrative, ‘no-fault’ divorce in Connecticut can be costly, even deadly!!! News story here. Mother Divya was represented by the low life lawyer Neal Rogan out of Westport. Dad Rajneesh had the… Read More »Bang, bang …

            Racist Family Court

              Wokey! Wokey! Time to woke-up and identify the racist operation of Connecticut’s Family Court. Everything about it is WHITE! A cesspool of white supremacy defined by white supremacist judges to rule over white people in the image of being white, as long as the white litigants have kids and money! Poor folk who lack white skin need not apply. The ‘family court’ came on the national scene back in the ’60s, where the jewish overlords of the goy structured a system to break up families and damage the kids to benefit white lawyers. All was done to the standards of WHITENESS. Families had a mother and father, some kids, a… Read More »Racist Family Court

              That’s A Fact!

                Connecticut judges do not want to hear your family case, that is a fact! Pretend all you want that there is sincerity in the judicial branch, that judges are dedicated public servants acting on their oaths … nothing could be further from the truth. The judges of Connecticut do not want to hear your family case and a judge of the Superior Court stated such, under oath before the Judiciary Committee … and no one raised an eyebrow. Watch hearing here. Judge Gerard Adelman stated: “Quite frankly, in our state, most judges do not want to hear family cases … that’s a fact. Judge Suarez does not want to hear… Read More »That’s A Fact!

                She’s A Witch!

                  The Connecticut Family Court holds the modern day version of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Rather than accusations of witchcraft, today’s court applies claims of mental defect. Like what is witchcraft in the first place? What is a mental defect? Deep in the bowels of the Bridgeport Courthouse, Judge Jane Grossman opines from the bench in the Ambrose case that the mother of Mia, Matthew and Sawyer is suspected of having an untreated psychiatric mental defect that will soon manifest itself as a bipolar manic episode, which is of paramount concern to the court. Simply put, Grossman has accused the mother of being a Witch. The State of Connecticut… Read More »She’s A Witch!


                    The showdown is here! The gauntlet has been thrown! The Jews of the Connecticut Judiciary have been targeted! The will of the people faces off against rabbinical opinion! The whim of morons in black robes versus accountability of We The People! Chief Justice Robinson is shaking! Patrick Carroll is trembling! Elliot Solomon is shitting bricks! The will of the people is bringing the hammer down on the rigged game of family court and the infamous Guardian Ad Litem racket run by the judges themselves. A Bill is raised to formally deny the ‘absolute immunity’ conferred on GALs of the family court by Jewette Katz and her pals at the State… Read More »Showdown!

                    Cert Granted!

                      The Connecticut Supreme Court has granted certiorari in mother’s criminal conviction for her four children’s fear of the father. The blog’s favorite nigger judge, Richard Robinson, has thrown the gauntlet at the feet of pedo cops, judges, and prosecutors who put mom in jail for the fact that Bob Thaner is such an ass that his own kids ran away from him in fear. Mother Lori Thaner of Glastonbury was arrested by charge of nigger pedo cop Jermaine Nash of Norwalk PD, because pedo sloth buddy Bob Thaner terrified his four kids so badly that they refused to leave mom’s house. Glastonbury Police witnessed no evidence of a crime, but… Read More »Cert Granted!

                      Words That Wound/Judges Who Kill

                        The Connecticut Supreme Court is fascinated with the use of the word ‘nigger‘, as it wounds the black person. What the fuck is this shit? The judges have established a class of speech that causes wounds when spoken? Yeah, right. What about judges who kill? Connecticut Family Court is under the singular control of jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon. This court has killed a number of its victims over the years, but there is no Supreme opinion to check the damage or limit the discretion of the sloths on the bench from inflicting more harm on families. What gives? Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson is a jew in black face.… Read More »Words That Wound/Judges Who Kill

                        Oh, Jen!

                          Let’s have an accountability discussion about the cesspool known as Connecticut Family Court and five kids who lost their mother. Recently Nigger Boy Robinson, the Chief Justice of the Cesspool sent an email to all the overpaid twits of the judiciary, making obscure claim that the department and its judges had to do a better job. What the fuck? Like can they perform their jobs any more incompetently? Let’s examine the simple divorce function of the family division of Superior Court and how it failed Jen Dulos, costing five kids their mother. Having had it with being married, Jen applied to the State to dissolve the union. All states issue… Read More »Oh, Jen!

                          Victim Robinson

                            Nigger Boy Robinson comes out whining about race, lynching, and injustice while he sits on top of the most unjust state court system in America. Playing the role of ‘victim’, Robinson pens a letter to employees of the judicial branch about ‘racial upheaval’, whatever the fuck that means. Robinson is using his position as Chief Justice of Connecticut to fan the flames of racial tensions for the parasitic jewish goal of creating discourse in the host society. Chief Justice Robinson’s putrid prose starts by stating that there is ‘racial injustice’ in America. No shit? The Indian tribes that once ruled Connecticut know this full well. White man shows up, Indians… Read More »Victim Robinson

                            Beat The Children!

                              Connecticut Judiciary says BEAT THE CHILDREN to enforce family court orders!!! The new head of the Connecticut Appellate Court, Judge William H. Bright, Jr. ruled today that if kids have a problem with the visitation schedule, or if there is a relationship issue, family discord or the like, that it is all mom’s fault and she will be arrested and jailed for not beating the children. Hats off to Judge Bright’s mom for raising an idiot!! Even more comical is the cold shoulder Judge Billy is going to get from his wife Jennifer for telling mothers of Connecticut to beat their children to follow orders of hubby’s court. Who is… Read More »Beat The Children!

                              Terrorizing The Terrorists

                                Connecticut’s big black man in the black robe, Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson has declared himself a terrorist, a domestic enemy of the Constitution, a black tyrant in a black robe.  The gauntlet has been thrown. The descendent of a slave has conspired with another black man and five crackers to defeat the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  In Connecticut v Taupier, the seven dwarfs of Corrupticut’s highest court have ruled that speaking ill of your masters is not protected speech.  Ranting and raving among friends about the terroristic conduct of the Family Court will now be silenced.  The niggers, jews and faggots of Connecticut have joined forces to… Read More »Terrorizing The Terrorists

                                The Gould Conundrum

                                  The pedo players of Corrupticut Family Court have put Judge Mark Gould in a corner.  The illegal isolation game played by pedo Judge Anna Ficeto has blown up in Judge Gould’s courtroom, in full public view. Judge Ficeto illegally separated Evie and Sophie Grohs of Watertown from their loving mother and extended Christian family.  A jew’s trick on the gentiles.  Ignoring state law requiring constant hugs from parents, Ficeto did not document any reason for the child isolation, the state held no interest, no restraining order issued, just the discretion of a monster in a black robe working for the pedo ring.  Now a year on, Judge Gould had to… Read More »The Gould Conundrum

                                  Chief Justice Robinson’s Manifest For Baby Aaden

                                    Justice Richard A. Robinson is the next Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court, the first black man to take on the role in the state’s history.  Here is his manifesto to clean up the family court cesspool left to him by his white jewish predecessors.  Jewdicial discretion will be removed from the lucrative custody battles; absent an interest by the state, raised by the executive branch through Department of Children and Families, joint custody will be awarded. State law will be upheld.  CGS 46b-56(b) requiring active and consistent involvement of both parents will be enforced.  The judges will not be allowed to employ children as weapons in litigation. GALs, if… Read More »Chief Justice Robinson’s Manifest For Baby Aaden