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Well Respected?

    Blog star jew judge of the Connecticut Family Court Gerard I. Adelman, the Dark Lord himself issued a ruling that the evil jew child trafficking court whore Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz is WELL RESPECTED! He further states that jew girl Jocelyn protects the best interests of Matthew, Mia, and Sawyer Ambrose who have not hugged their mother in two years while bleeding their college savings dry. Note how jew Adelman compliments jew Jocelyn in a court decision to impress upon the goy the proper standards of child rape. All foolish goy take note that a ‘well respected’ GAL is a jew, dutifully fucking up a goy family, inflicting financial and emotional… Read More »Well Respected?


      Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules anti-semitic speech is constitutionally protected. Today’s ruling in Gerber v. Herskovitz recognized the free expression in a public place to criticize jewish deviancy. Welcome to ‘murika, the goy hold a protected right to hate da jews and the jews have no claim for relief in federal court. Hate the politics of jews, hate the political power of jews, hate U.S. funding of a jewish state, hate the holohoax, hate what jews do to Palestinians, hate jewish rape of children, hate that jews have nuclear weapons, hate chosen jews, hate how jews control family court, then express yourself! It is a First Amendment right. Jews… Read More »Newsflash

      Recovering Queen

        The now famous blog introduces Attorney Misty Simmons, billed as the ‘RECOVERING QUEEN’ by the dykish firm of FreedMarcroft. Misty has taken over the Sakon case after the departure of blog favorite Attorney Jenn Shukla. Misty promises to be bloglicious as her childhood was even more fucked up than Jenn’s. Misty’s ingrained father hatred is rooted in her defective upbringing by her single mom, unwanted pregnancies, in a household headed by grandma. A worthless law degree from Quinnipiac secured her existence at the bottom of the legal food chain in family court. She claims great holiness in working with families in conflict and loves the cash from pitting mothers against… Read More »Recovering Queen

        Cesar Noble: Dicktater

          Judge Cesar Noble of the Hartford Superior Court was born a poor dumb Cuban who fled from the evil Dictator Castro, only to become a domestic terrorist as a judge in Connecticut. The whacked out jewdiciary is hunting free speech again! Judge-less-than-Noble entertains the whining of a local cop to pursue speakers of free speech, being the Castro he loves!! The attack on the First Amendment is brought by the thin skinned, ball-less, sexually inadequate, pedophile like, donut whore of the thin blue line in Hartford PD, Lt. Vincient G. Benvenuto, a thug. Vinnie does not like the internet, Vinnie does not like free speech, Vinnie does not like blogs,… Read More »Cesar Noble: Dicktater

          Goofy Goodrow

            How can Judge Karen Goodrow be so stupid? What is it with the dumb cunt in a black robe hired to do a specific job, who cannot grasp the concept of law? Her concept of judicial discretion amounts to nothing more than manifestation of mental defect and below average intelligence. Scary how jews like Goodrow always go further than they should in society, the damage inflicted is evil. The chosen one in a black robe handed down the divorce decree for Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen and his now ex-wife Miriam Benson, of New Haven, after four years of pointless litigation. The simple no-fault divorce of Connecticut is not simple, not quick,… Read More »Goofy Goodrow

            Tammy d’Retard

              Judicial manifestations of diminished mental capacity appear in the written babble of court decisions. Rational reasoning, application of law, juris prudence will all find root in properly written court decisions. It is demanded by a sovereign people for proper performance of the third branch of government. Judge Tammy Viet-Nguyen just published a decision exposing her deep rooted mental defects that disqualify her from the bench. The bitch is retarded. Tammy handed down a page of blither so outside the law that the now famous blog provides its standard disclaimer: can’t make this shit up! The Hartford Family Court has run a fuck-fest over little Odin Sakon for the last five… Read More »Tammy d’Retard


                In a free society, ruled by the will of a sovereign people, there is a right to observe the shenanigans of family court, but Connecticut is no such society. The nutmeg people are victims of ‘POLICY’ handed down from a big dumb nigger in a black robe who masquerades as chief justice. In reality, Richard Robinson is just a puppet who betrays his oath by implementing POLICY directed by his masters for the third branch of government, a true fool. Jews of family court do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want; there is no rule of law, just jewdicial discretion to traffic children and drain family bank,… Read More »POLICY!


                  Private speech police roam the land of the free and home of the brave. They are funded by the chosen who act to subdue criticism by four-legged animals. These uneducated morons licensed as ‘private investigators’ act as domestic terrorists to undermine the Bill of Rights. Their prime target is the First Amendment. Criticize the chosen and be hunted by their flying monkeys. Meet Brian Hedley, a California private investigator, license #26268, who works from a home office in Tracy, investigating free speech on the internet which his client, Lorie Nachlis, does not like. Nachlis achieved blog notoriety in a family case where father committed suicide after killing his nine year… Read More »PrivateEye

                  Protecting Children

                    The recent drama in Cook County involving a mother-child bond and the clot shot exposed the jews of family court in full splendor. The new revelation is that the little kid was represented by Attorney Michael Bender, who did absolutely nothing when jew Judge James Shapiro violated his client’s constitutional rights. In America, the free and the brave do not employ ten year old little boys as weapons of government punishment against their own mothers who do not partake of experimental genetic modifications. The now famous blog spotlights Attorney Bender and his defective legal abilities in what can only be a child trafficking case played out in full public view.… Read More »Protecting Children

                    Jew Shapiro

                      Judge James Shapiro of Cook County Circuit Court in Illinois promotes his jewness for all to see in direct violation of the Constitution. The self-chosen clown in a black robe rules from the Talmud rather than from within the constrains of law. Jew Boy James violates the Eighth Amendment by using a child as weapon of punishment against an un-vaccinated mother, violates the Fifth Amendment by abuse of process. The jews of family court don’t even try to hide it anymore. Jew James majored in beer pong at Trinity College in Hartford, then studied law at William&Mary, Thomas Jefferson’s alma mater. Needless to say the queer frat boy did not… Read More »Jew Shapiro