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    The jewish word salad of Connecticut barristers betrays the feeble legal arguments played upon the goy in the name of trafficking children. The panic over the lack of immunity found by Judge Susan Cobb in the civil suit against Dr. Linda Smith, PhD catches the attention of blog legal and editorial seniors. Attorney Cara Joyce pleads that the undefined personal opinions of jewish psychologists in family court is a CRUCIAL function of the court in the jewish delicacy of fabricated custody fights holding no state interest. The choice of words in what is a jewish pleading, for a jewish cause, to protect a jewish financial interest is suggestive of the… Read More »Crucial

    Publicity Hurts

      The grand pedo psychobabblist Dr. Linda Smith is fighting for ‘absolute immunity’ to protect herself from a lawsuit for violating commercial terms of a professional services contract for the ‘custody evaluation’ on little Odin Sakon. Smith’s lawyer is Cara Joyce of the firm MorrisonMahoney representing the insurance company who foolishly underwrites Smith’s quackery. Attorney Joyce has a hearing on 15 November before Judge Susan Cobb to reargue that Smith cannot be sued for violating her commercial contract terms in the Sakon case, as Smith is a family court whore who must have ‘absolute immunity’ for the sole reason that jewish psychologists require bulletproof immunity, or else no charlatan would ever… Read More »Publicity Hurts


        The sloth from Westport, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, has filed for contempt because the internet exists, her client is a pedophile, and she is a shitty lawyer. The blog cannot make this stuff up. Aldrich writes like a chicken, blows smoke, obscures fact, tells lies, and violates Rules of Professional Conduct by pursuing meritless, frivolous, and vexatious litigation serving no purpose in law: why she is a blog star. She moves for contempt of court on behalf of her sensational client Christopher Ambrose of Madison. Attorney Aldrich claims that PRIVACY of abused children, Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, caught up in the public forum of family court, is cause to suspend the… Read More »CONTEMPT!

        Jew Venom

          The poison of jews in Connecticut Family Court has permanent harmful effects on children. Jew Judge Gerard Adelman, working with jews Stephen Dembo and Rhonda Morra destroyed mother-child bonds of three Thaner kids to the benefit of pedo blog star Robert Thaner. The oldest saved himself by running away, to the delight of Robert who hated this son. The case summary is fourteen years of pointless litigation in Connecticut for a couple divorced in New Jersey with joint custody of four kids and residence with mother. Connecticut post judgment litigation started in November 2007, where predatory jew vultures salivated over the large family bank of the parents. Court filings and… Read More »Jew Venom


            Time to call out the haters for hating, how hateful! Hypocrite jew Stephen Ginsburg sits atop the hateful jewish organization, the mislabeled ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, whose propaganda opposes the longstanding hatred of jews and parasitic behaviors. In the demented jewish mind, it is a crime for the goy to hate the jew, which is contrary to First Amendment protection of the right to hate. The land of the goy and home of the brave takes pride in its right to hate. If Ginsburg and his synagogue pals don’t like the hate, try a strip of land in Palestine. Wagner’s music is even banned there! The now-famous blog calls out Ginsburg for… Read More »HATE!


              The jewish psychobabblists of Connecticut family court are in a PANIC! Dr. Linda Smith, PhD is facing a lawsuit for breach of contract in that she cannot adhere to agreed terms of cost and schedule. Read complaint here. Dr. Smith lost her argument before Judge Susan Cobb that her self-described ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY protected her from suits in breach of contract. Judge Cobb ruled no absolute immunity, as Smith was contracted by the parties and not directly appointed by the court. PANIC has gripped the pschobabblist where Attorney Cara Joyce of Morrison Mahoney LLP blithers forth a motion to reargue claiming that Judge Cobb is all fucked up! The monsters of… Read More »PANIC!

              Ambrose: Part 10

                When will karma put an end to child predator Christopher Ambrose? Will jew Judge Grossman be floating in the Sound? Will jew Judge Adelman join her? Who are the people of Connecticut who allow jew state employees to abuse children by such horrific means? Cowards? The wrath of a righteous God will strike down those who do evil upon children … won’t even see it coming. See original on FrankReport. ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy Ambrose Pays October 30, 2021 This is the story of former TV writer Chris Alwyn Ambrose, 59, and his efforts to divorce his… Read More »Ambrose: Part 10

                Terrorist: Patrick Carroll

                  Time to find a strong branch on the Charter Oak, strike a halyard from the mizzen, thirteen turns to the noose, peaceably assemble a mob of Patriots, torches lit, seize the fucktard in the dead of night, stuff a sock in his mouth, hoist the old fart on his own treacherous deeds, let gravity of a fat ass take its toll on crook’s neck, a sovereign people does its duty, a traitor swings. A righteous end to a soul so dark as to prey on children while betraying the trust of a sovereign people. Judge Patrick Carroll ($211k/yr) is the administrative judge of the Connecticut Judiciary, not that such a… Read More »Terrorist: Patrick Carroll

                  Sharon Dornfeld

                    It’s back! The dykish child predator has poked its ugly head out of its pedo hole in an attempt to wreak more havoc on a civilized society. Sharon Dornfeld thinks she should be on the Ridgefield Police Commission. Pedo cunt Dornfeld wants to team up with the thin blue child rapists under the pederasty command of Chief Jeffrey Kreitz. Children run scared! Blog fans remember Sharon Wicks Dornfeld from her notoriety in family court, taking on lucrative appointments by judges as a guardian ad litem for child victims, double billing parents while sitting in the courthouse lobby, picking her nose, waiting for case call; looting family bank. She was the… Read More »Sharon Dornfeld

                    Adelman Deception

                      Card tricks, sleight of hand, trickery, word salad, doublespeak, and sworn testimony by Judge Gerard I. Adelman share a common purpose … DECEPTION. The now-famous blog quotes sworn testimony from the chief jew child rapist of the Connecticut family court from his re-appointment hearing of January 2017. Judge Gerard Adelman “Custody cases that are prolonged are damaging to the children and they must be decided quickly and fairly. As a result, I’ve been the target of anti-Semitic and other complaints. My family has been threatened physically involving state police you know to protect them. And yet I still do the work because I believe it is my job and it… Read More »Adelman Deception