Blog fans will remember the dumb nigger, Connecticut State Senator Eric D. Coleman. He sat on the judiciary committee for years, ignoring the abuses of the Family Court and protecting the state pedophile ring. He was playing along because his reward was a black robe and a fat pension. Pretty good for the dumb nigger who never practiced law, never filed a motion, wrote a brief or argued a point; not that he ever had a client or could find his way to the courthouse. He was a lackey ‘consultant’ to the insurance industry in Hartford.
Big nigger dummy has made his Family Court debut by trafficking two gifts from God by direction of She Devil Cunt Anna Ficeto. Remember Ficeto is the devil’s bitch who has been trafficking Evie and Sophie Grohs to the tune of rich boy Bill Grohs‘ wallet. Well Billy Boy is dying of brain cancer and his concubine Vicki Frenzel filed for custody of the two girls because she claims to be the ‘psychological mother’ of the heiresses of Billy’s fortune. Follow the money!!! On cue, Judge Nigger Boy Coleman transfers the kids and the trust funds to Vicki Frenzel of the Pure Platinum hair salon in Oxford. Once Billy Boy’s brain cancer eats through some more grey matter and Vicki gets the death certificate, the kids freeze to death in the garage, while Vicki dances all the way to the bank with the trust funds and title to the house!
But wait!!! Nigger Boy Coleman has made a legal error. There are two fit parents, so the State cannot award sole custody of the two girls to a third party. Only way ‘psycho step mom’ gets the kids is to knock off the real mom, smother Bill in with a pillow then fight the grandparents, aunts, uncles and nieces in probate court. Guess jew boy Steve Levy of Conti, Levy and Salerno of Torrington did not count on anyone noticing that the jew, the nigger and the GAL were all conspiring with Vicki to strip two little girls of their trust funds and inheritance. Oi vey, the jews are so obvious. Read the dumb nigger’s order here.
Get the popcorn! Nigger Boy Coleman failed to cite any statute or case law which allows him to interfere with fit parents on behalf of Vicki da Bitch. The State of Connecticut has not petitioned for unfitness and no trial has been held to challenge either parent’s parental rights. Ooops! Nigger fucked up and jew boy Levy could not hide it. Coleman did write the following in his two page ‘note’ on why he is trafficking two little girls.
First, Coleman relies on the RECOMMENDATIONS of the guardian ad litem, the infamous child trafficker and pedo ring member Attorney Mary Piscatelli Brigham out of Woodbury. When judges don’t want to be obvious about their pedo ring connections, they ask the GAL for recommendations, then enter orders on whatever a pedo cunt like Brigham tells the court to do. Not law, but pedophile mafia running the courts. Two little white girls with big trust funds are very valuable to the pedophile friends of Vicki Frenzel and Bill Grohs.
Next Judge Nigger Boy cites ‘evidence’. Bill’s death is ‘imminent’! He has been dying for the last year or more, but now it is going to happen soon. The court under orders of Judge Ficeto has isolated Evie and Sophie from mom and the extended family for the last two and a half years, but Judge Nigger Boy blames mom for that. No visitation schedule issued by the court, no active and consistent involvement of both parents as required by law, no hugs, not even a child support order … all by the hand of the devil herself, Judge Anna Ficeto. See how the pedo judges work? One judge isolates a child from a parent, wait a year or two, add heavy sedative drugs, do some brainwashing, then cut that parent out of the picture for good because there has been no ‘meaningful’ contact by order of the court. Oh, so slick, so jewish!! (niggerish too) Just federal child abuse by pedophiles of Connecticut.
The court claims that Vicki, the concubine of dying Bill Grohs, has a relationship with the two girls that is ‘akin to that of a parent’. Like all mothers standby and watch their son molest their daughters. Oi vey, Coleman glossed over that one. Mark Frenzel, the son of Vicki was molesting the girls … Vicki has such a motherly touch (finger). Bill and Vicki went nuts when the real mom found out and took the girls to the pediatrician. Judge Ficeto got mad too and took it out on mom for caring. Pedos hate when the abused kids get identified by medical professionals. The reaction is predictable. Maybe Coleman has been promised a piece of the girls as well? A piece of Mark Frenzel?
Coleman betrays his pedo nature by finding that awarding custody to a fit mother would be detrimental to the girls. He does not state why, nor does he even care. Coleman was ordered by the pedo ring of Connecticut to turn these girls into ring pleasure tools and he is going to have his turn in them.
Coleman’s icing on the pedo pie is that awarding sole custody to Vicki Frenzel is in the children’s best interests. Cutting their real mother out of the picture with a stroke of his pen is a sick game and a grotesque violation of law. Coleman is an obvious pedophile.
Only problem for Vicki and friends is that the family court does not have the authority to do what Nigger Boy Coleman did. Ooops, like no one was going to notice? Pedophiles, jews, niggers got together in a court room in Waterbury to traffic kids and no one was watching? Oi vey, the pedos never stop!
Editor’s Note: Mary Brigham was the GAL in 2011 when Bill Grohs divorced his second wife by an agreement including joint custody. Bill spent the last nine years and over a half a million dollars on lawyers trying to undo his own decision. Mary Brigham, Mike Fasano, Rose Marie Guiliano have been riding a gravy train making money by fueling conflict over two little girls. Very Connecticut, very jewish.