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Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto

Radio Robinson

    Just when the people were beginning to suspect that Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson was a complete idiot, he opened his mouth and removed all doubt. Our beloved bird brain of the Sad State Supreme Court recently took to the airwaves to scare the shit out of We the people, that the head of the judiciary is a retarded moron. Listen to his blither here, on WNPR radio. The surprise that Robinson is chief justice after the demented Chase Rogers is of no surprise. When it was obvious that Connecticut was not going to have Malloy’s gay boy, fudge packer, gender confused, dick sucking pal, Andrew McDonald as chief pedophile… Read More »Radio Robinson

    Jew Judge Albis

      Well, if it was unclear what team Judge Michael Albis is playing for, he has removed all doubt in his recent zionist decision in the Taupier case. Nothing like some good old New Haven jewery to toss the kids, Gabriel and Sara in the middle of litigation, then call it ‘best interest’ of the child. Jew Judge Albis is on the receiving end of the puppet strings from Tanya Taupier’s money grubbing sleeze of a jew lawyer, the infamous, grande dame, pedo battle axe, Judge Annie Dranginis. Albis knows his dick and balls will end up down his throat if he disobeys Dranginis and the state pedo ring. A brief… Read More »Jew Judge Albis

      Nigger Robinson

        The black man in the black robe is at it again.  Nigger Judge Richard A. Robinson, chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court is making up new law on direction from his masters; the jews that run Corrupticut.  The spade and his six crackers will face review by the Supreme Court of the United States for their fuckery of the First Amendment.  In the land of the free and the home of the brave, judicial cause is to protect the First Amendment.  Jake Baker, Gill Valle, Douglas Elonis and Ted Taupier walk into a bar, order some beers and have an American Yankee Doodle discussion of the corruption of the… Read More »Nigger Robinson

        Terrorizing The Terrorists

          Connecticut’s big black man in the black robe, Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson has declared himself a terrorist, a domestic enemy of the Constitution, a black tyrant in a black robe.  The gauntlet has been thrown. The descendent of a slave has conspired with another black man and five crackers to defeat the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  In Connecticut v Taupier, the seven dwarfs of Corrupticut’s highest court have ruled that speaking ill of your masters is not protected speech.  Ranting and raving among friends about the terroristic conduct of the Family Court will now be silenced.  The niggers, jews and faggots of Connecticut have joined forces to… Read More »Terrorizing The Terrorists

          Bozzuto Barf

            The propaganda ministry of Corrupticut never sleeps.  The worst, nastiest, evil, foul, miscreant, retarded and disgustingly dykish Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto has been kicked off the bench for cause, but the Law Tribune has to spoon feed the public cover story in an incompetent bit of prose by Robert Storace, @RobertSCTLaw, 203-437-5950. This blog’s favorite dyke on the byke, chief child trafficker and disciple of the great king jew Elliott N. Solomon is gone from the bench….there is a God!  Now, if he can only hit the bitch with a good bolt of lightning as penance for all the damage she has done to Christian families through the Zionist game of… Read More »Bozzuto Barf

            Res Judicata NOT!

              Time to review a little history to see how the jewish sponsored custody fights became the main revenue generator for family court lawyers.  Remember, family court is designed by jews, operated by jews and serves the zionistic principle of destruction of families; the building blocks of a Christian society.  The AFCC is a jewish organization operated to advance a very Zionist and anti-Christian agenda. The judges and the lawyers, joined at the hip through the mafia bosses of the Family Bar Association, hold a sole purpose to protect and expand revenue flows from family savings accounts to private pockets;  also known as theft.  The court players are expert at fanning… Read More »Res Judicata NOT!

              Cesspool Swirl: CT Judicial Assignments

                It is that time of year again, musical chairs in the Connecticut judiciary.  The new assignment list is out.  There are some surprises and some surprises.  Looks like the new Chief Justice, Richard Robinson is making some changes.  Let’s examine how the black man in the black robe is cleaning up the jewish stains on family court. Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, the dyke on the byke, deviant miscreant head of family court is dethroned.  No court needs such an incompetent judge, so she has been given the desk job of Deputy Administrator under Judge Carroll.  (sorry Pat, no blow jobs for you, she does not do dick). Bozzuto is displacing King… Read More »Cesspool Swirl: CT Judicial Assignments

                Court Whore: Karen Florin

                  Time to focus on another court whore, Karen Florin of The New London Day newsrag.  Karen is a self-labeled ‘court reporter’ who is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the jewdicial mafia that runs the Judiciary of Connecticut.  Her latest piece on the shit canning of Judge Jane Emons  by ‘we the people’ is just sour grapes disguised as news. Jane Emons was kicked off the bench on 4 May because she was not reconfirmed, because she was a terrible judge.  Old news. On 17 June, Florin publishes a rehash of the demise of the bad judge.  Really old news.  The whiners and complainers are pedo puppet Judge Patrick… Read More »Court Whore: Karen Florin

                  The Troubling Editorial of The New London Day

                    The Jewish Mafia of Corrupticut is hopping mad that the gentiles shit-canned their girl Jane Emons.  The Jews are mad.  The chosen ones do not take the will of the people lightly, they get their puppets at the New London Day newspaper to spew forth anti-gentile propaganda to strike back at a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Five stooges of the Day’s self appointed ‘editorial board’ want the gentiles to believe that their government somehow ‘failed’ its duty by flushing Judge Jane Emons down the judicial toilet for being a bad judge.  The Editorial clowns want ‘We The People’ to believe that their duly… Read More »The Troubling Editorial of The New London Day

                    The Inadequate Judge Green

                      Judge Ernest Green, Jr. is a pathetically inadequate excuse for a judge.  Another faggot friend of Gov. Dannel Malloy, nominated to the bench for his expertise in homosexual activities, deviant conduct and of course for being black.  Not a brain in this boy’s head that has not been fucked out his ass by fellow sodomites of the Connecticut deviant elites. Draping a black sodomite with a judicial robe does not bring forth justice; just the opposite.  Green is a puppet of the white jewish overlords of the Connecticut Judiciary.  Judge Elliot Solomon pulls the stings on the indebted judges of the trial courts to promote talmudic edicts in support of… Read More »The Inadequate Judge Green

                      Court Whore: James Joseph Connolly, Ph.D

                        Time to spotlight another COURT WHORE of the family court cesspool of Corrupticut.  Another lecherous creep of the chosen, who is so detached from reality as to believe he is an ‘expert’ on your kids.  A certifiable pedophile who preys on vulnerable families, plundering savings accounts, raping children and acting by order of a chosen judge, wreaking  havoc on a Christian society to the glee of the jewdicial authority. James Connolly is a demented nut job who inflates his own ego by claiming he is an ‘expert’ who can ‘evaluate’ parents, who can make ‘professional’ opinions, who is appointed by ‘judges’ as a matter of law, that ‘forensic’ means something… Read More »Court Whore: James Joseph Connolly, Ph.D

                        Connecticut GAL Scam

                          12 MYTHS THE CT JUDICIAL BRANCH USES TO BLAME GAL ABUSE ON FAMILY COURT VICTIMS! 1.  The work of GALs and AMCs reduces conflict and keeps the cost of cases down. There are approximately 11,000 post judgment cases each year where litigants return to court because they are dissatisfied with the agreements in their cases.  That is approximately 1/3 of the cases settled each year.  These numbers do not represent a success rate.  Further, the GAL is supposed to consider in their “analysis” information gleaned from third party sources such as school records, medical providers, and law enforcement, GALs often do no or little “research” into the real cause of… Read More »Connecticut GAL Scam

                          Hate McDonald

                            Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears….It is o.k. for citizens of the Empire to hate.  The left can hate the right and the right can hate the left.  It is perfectly legal to hate those who seek to rape your children.  It is a proud boast of the empire to hate pedophiles.  It is a proud boast of the empire to look with disdain on perverted male sodomites who label themselves ‘gay’. Society can draw the line, it is the will of the majority.  Raping children in the name of rights is crossing the line.  Promoting the queer and sexually deviant agenda under a veil of equality is tyranny. … Read More »Hate McDonald

                            Lack of Principle Scully

                              Time to take a look at how the corrupt pedophile enclave of Watertown, Connecticut uses the public school system to harm children in the destruction of parent/child bonds.  Yes, this is the never ending drama of pedo monster and child predator William J. Grohs, his dickhead lawyer Michael Fasano and the devil’s bitch GAL Attorney Mary Brigham.  Daddy Grohs has such a little dick and over inflated ego that he needs to use the two girls Evie and Sofie as weapons of vengeance against their own mother to prove his manhood.  Obviously the perpetual live in fiancée Vickie Frenzel is not putting out enough that William Grohs has to psychologically screw… Read More »Lack of Principle Scully

                              Strobel Pedo Orders

                                The jewdicial mafia of the Connecticut Pedo Utopia created a clever way to deny a parent access to the court in the nefarious case of Strobel v Strobel.  A constitutional violation concocted by our favorite titless jewdicial wonder and pedo puppet Judge Holly Abery Wetstone.  Claiming that a mother filing papers in court to expose the jewdicial pedo game harms a child and must be stopped!!! Below is a reprint of a well written description of how the pedo jew judges of Connecticut defeat the rule of law, destroy the Constitution and traffic little boy ass to the demons of society….all in public view.  Note Judges Elizabeth Bozzuto, Holly Wetstone,… Read More »Strobel Pedo Orders

                                Watertown Speech Police

                                  The thin blue thugs of the Watertown Police Department in rural Connecticut are executing the will of the state pedophile ring in hunting down free speech that brings light to the child trafficking game of Sophia and Evie Grohs. Our civilized society gives the people the First Amendment privilege of scrutinizing the corrupt activities of Judge Anna Ficeto, a puppet of the pedophile mafia of Corrupticut.  A family court judge who rips children from mothers so unscrupulous penis players like William J. Grohs can use two little girls for demented pleasures.  But the pedo muscle wears a badge, carries a gun, has an attitude and is mentally retarded.  Jerkoff Detective… Read More »Watertown Speech Police

                                  David J. Smith: Traitor

                                    Time to take another look at the anti-American David J. Smith of New London’s prosecutor’s office in gulag Connecticut.  This miscreant of a human demonstrates his disdain for the American Constitution in his persecution of a fellow citizen for exercising the right of free speech.  David J. Smith is persecuting free speech because he is a jewish tool acting out a nazi agenda of the state gestapo who must silence critics of the ruling jewidicial monarchy. Clown boy Smith slept through law school at William&Mary; the same school where Thomas Jefferson studied under George Wythe back in 1762. Smith learned nothing while in Virginia, he slithered to the cesspool of… Read More »David J. Smith: Traitor


                                      Let’s take a moment to discuss family court and thanksgiving.  Pour the gravy, pass the stuffing, bow your head, give thanks for the Second Amendment and the right to shoot the bird on the plate. Let’s give thanks for having Judge Lloyd Cutsumpas of Connecticut.  He is a turkey who deserves stuffing.  The terrorist won’t let a mother see her kids until he has evidence of good mental health.  So let’s bang Lloyd’s head on the bench a few times, spread the grey matter out to examine what exactly good mental health looks like.  Life, liberty and the pursuit of all who threaten it, bagging a Lloyd bird at the… Read More »Thanksgiving

                                      Connecticut RFTD: Star Chamber

                                        How does the third branch of government create a special star chamber without judicial purpose?  In Connecticut, the state is divided into judicial districts, each with a courthouse replete with judges, magistrates and additional senior judges known as judge trial referees who are semi-retired judges on staff to handle caseload.  For the family division of the Superior Court, each district has a family relations division, staffed with ‘family relations officers’ who evaluate cases and make recommendations to the court.  On top of all this publicly funded infrastructure, guardians ad litem, lecherous attorneys are appointed by judges at the expense of the parents to provide more opinions.  By statute, a divorce… Read More »Connecticut RFTD: Star Chamber

                                        Express Yourself

                                          Are you American?  Have an opinion?  Hate family court?  Hate the judges?  Well, you have a right to express yourself; First Amendment.  Here is an example of how a free citizen in the land of the free and the home of the brave can express himself under the protections framed in the First Amendment. First, identify a judge to hate, say Elizabeth Bozzuto of the Connecticut Family Court.  A privileged dyke from a rich republican family whose appointment to the bench was purchased in the back room of political favouritism.  It is quite American to hate an individual for ascending to a position of responsibility on privilege of being in… Read More »Express Yourself