Dirty Judge Leo V. Diana
How Evey and Sofi Grohs are being trafficked through secretive family court by Judge Leo V. Diana, pedo judge and child broker.
How Evey and Sofi Grohs are being trafficked through secretive family court by Judge Leo V. Diana, pedo judge and child broker.
Family Court Judge Sharon LoVallo rules that pedophile rings do not exist in society.
How one black judge connected to Governor Malloy, protects black attorney aslo so connected. No rule of law, just pedo protection.
How Judge Marielouise Schofield of Connecticut Family Court skillfully employs the GAL to inflame litigation for the enrichment of court players. Traffick the kids to make money for low life lawyers of the cesspool.
Judge Suarez the ‘spic goofball. Conspires to ignore perjury in his court to traffick a kid.
How the family law jews manipulate state case law to undermine SCOTUS, enabling child trafficking.
An unholy evil force unleashed on the American people.
Two state driver’s licenses, three residential addresses, false police reports, false affidavits, no tax returns, unregistered Cadillac, family court drama at its best.
How junk science comes to the aide of wife beater, bone cracker and child abuser….just an adjustment problem.
The jew judges undoing case law written by christian judges.