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First Amendment

Fairfield Speech Police

    There is nothing more unconstitutional than using tax receipts to fund a local gestapo of uneducated, untrained thugs. Meet the Fairfield Police Department, a bunch of overpaid retards with guns, badges, and attitudes. Under the pathetic management of Chief Cracker Kalamarai, the thin blue bozos hunt down free speech and arrest speakers on probable cause that cops don’t like it. Oi vey, where has ‘murika gone, can’t even call a saltine a cracker or a black man a nigger any more. In Fairfield, the Constitution is suspended by the opinion of chief nut job to investigate and arrest protected speech, cuz he thinks it is bad. “This is something that… Read More »Fairfield Speech Police

    Jew Jokeness

      Time for some blog famous word salad to highlight the antics of the Connecticut family court in its constant efforts to fool the goy that the rule of law exists. We start with the constitutional term of ‘due process’, that special procedural path which upholds liberty and protects the rights of all. When the racketeers of the Bar get hold of it, the term morphs to ‘due jokeness’, as it truly has become a joke. The sale of legal services before the bench is just a criminal racketeering scam, where even the judges are out to fleece litigants; all judges having previously been lawyers fleecing clients. Judicial discretion is the… Read More »Jew Jokeness

      Happy .308 Day!

        Happy Day of 8th of March. Happy .308 day! More justice can be dispensed in one bullet than by all of Family Court. Celebrate the Second Amendment as protection from the pedophiles who run family court. Judicial discretion falls to the report of a rifle.

        True Threat?

          What is a true threat? What is free speech? What is a rant? What is criminal speech? What is reckless speech? In Connecticut, criminal speech is speech that the judges don’t like. Talk about dead judges in a ditch in Connecticut, go to jail. Talk about dead judges in a ditch in Kansas, have a nice day, just another form of free expression. Such un-equal treatment of the same speech under the same Constitution is a troubling disparity in the land of the free and the home of the brave. The Great Grey Ponytail of New Haven, the Giant of the Profession, the last of the slash and burn trial… Read More »True Threat?


            When the paedophiles get mad, the First Amendment goes out the window. Free speech for everyone, except those mothers who call out the perverted dicks that seek out little boys. Oi vey, here we go again. This time it is Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court upholding prior restraint to gag a mother’s free speech regarding what went on in family court, which was open to the public. Not even da famous blog can make this shit up!! A paedophile protecting judge by the name of Kim B. Clark, a black woman in a black robe with no brains between her ears gagged mother Susan Silver, M.D. and her lawyers from speaking about… Read More »Gag!

            Paid To Read Da Blog!

              Want to get paid to read da blog? Salary, benefits, pension, medical, dental, paid vacation, holidays? All for sitting on your ass in a comfy office! Just get a job working for Martin Libbin in the legal services department of the Connecticut Judiciary. When the morons in black robes get annoyed by public expressions on court matters, protected by the First Amendment, Marty gets tasked with seeking out ‘da blog’ and silencing its authors. The State of Connecticut uses public funds, deploying its agents to hunt down blog contributors, even crossing state lines to pursue persons suspected of blogging about the jewdicial cesspool of Corrupticut and its paedo players. Free… Read More »Paid To Read Da Blog!

              Dumb Judges

                Why does society entrust divorce/family matters to judges who can’t even count to First Amendment? The brainless wonders of family court across the nation just do whatever they want, however they want, claiming it is in the best interest of a kid. The Constitution does not apply. These clowns are jerks. The Florida Appeals Court just hammered another family court judge for being a complete idiot when it comes to the First Amendment, which begs the question, if family court is too inept to get the First Amendment correct, why trust them with kids? A jerk of a family court judge issued a set of gag orders on the parents,… Read More »Dumb Judges

                Je suis Charlie

                  The now famous blog pays tribute to those of Charlie Hebdo in Paris who died by the hands of the insane … no, not the jews, but their brethren muslim nut jobs who also believe they are better than the rest of us. The commonality between jews and muslims is that they both hate Christians and will take any terrorist action to harm the host society. The jews of old helped get the cult of islam off the ground, as it provided the jews an ally against Christianity. The jews won’t tolerate criticism of israel nor jokes about the holohoax; they get all hot an bothered like it is blasphemy… Read More »Je suis Charlie

                  Connecticut Speech Police

                    The jews who control the State of Connecticut have redefined speech for the peasants they rule. The high court, under the very black leadership of Chief Justice Richard Robinson decided today that black people are so oppressed that referring to them as ‘niggers’ is no longer protected speech under the First Amendment. According to fucking nigger boy Robinson’s court, you will be jailed for calling him a fucking nigger, as it is jewdicially equal to slapping him in the face and causing him direct and immediate injury. Now shut up and get in the boxcar! The Connecticut Supreme Court’s new opinion finds that the word ‘nigger’ is now the nastiest,… Read More »Connecticut Speech Police

                    Reasonable Person

                      Ever notice when the jews have lost the argument they default to the ‘reasonable person’ claim? This mysterious individual of no identity, no religious affiliation, no cultural context is the last card to be played by the jew in the defeat of the goy in a court of law. The jew resorts to fallacy argument tactics while executing parasitic attacks on the host society. The jewish form of reason has little to do with American culture, Christianity, or human decency … it is just jewish. According to the zionist jew, a reasonable person would not own a gun, would not voice an opinion, would not shoot the monarch’s troops, would… Read More »Reasonable Person