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First Amendment


    Welcome to Gulag Connecticut, an open air prison, where the Constitution is suspended and the government tramples ‘we the people’. The now-famous blog highlights the specific acts of specific players who work to undermine the rights of the people, for the benefit of jews who profit from trafficking children in the mislabeled ‘family court’. Gulag Connecticut’s most powerful jew family court judge, Gerard Adelman recently flexed his talmudic muscle in the Ambrose case by issuing a GAG order to muzzle the peasants, preventing public discussion of the rape of the children: Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. Outside the Gulag, this is formally known as prior restraint which is unconstitutional, beyond the… Read More »Secrecy

    Ambrose: Part 12

      The FrankReport exposes the collusion among Attorneys Nancy Aldrich, Richard Callahan, and Jocelyn Hurwitz to traffic the Ambrose kids and fleece the family bank. Lawyers play for each other in Connecticut family court, protected by jew judges who work for pedophiles. There can be no public confidence in a court system that preys on children. Public warning: Stay away from the jews of Connecticut Family Court. Note that this form of free expression protected under the First Amendment is another willful violation of jew Judge Adelman’s gag order. [fuck you] __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ambrose #12: Hurwitz – the Wolf of Cohen and Wolf — ‘I’m the Guardian ad Litem; My Name Is… Read More »Ambrose: Part 12

      Ambrose: Part 11

        A free citizen made public comment on a blog about the Ambrose drama in direct violation of jew Judge Gerard Adelman’s gag order! Enjoy reading the defiance of the totalitarian, child trafficking family court of Connecticut! Civil disobedience comes before bullets fly, keep your powder dry! _________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #11: What Connecticut Family Court Did to the Children is a Travesty November 7, 2021 Edward Kim is Editor in Chief of He has over 30 years of experience in capital markets, corporate advisory, public policy and online media. Edward co-authored a series of studies on stock market structure that were presented to Congress and that informed The Jumpstart… Read More »Ambrose: Part 11


          The jewish word salad of Connecticut barristers betrays the feeble legal arguments played upon the goy in the name of trafficking children. The panic over the lack of immunity found by Judge Susan Cobb in the civil suit against Dr. Linda Smith, PhD catches the attention of blog legal and editorial seniors. Attorney Cara Joyce pleads that the undefined personal opinions of jewish psychologists in family court is a CRUCIAL function of the court in the jewish delicacy of fabricated custody fights holding no state interest. The choice of words in what is a jewish pleading, for a jewish cause, to protect a jewish financial interest is suggestive of the… Read More »Crucial

          Publicity Hurts

            The grand pedo psychobabblist Dr. Linda Smith is fighting for ‘absolute immunity’ to protect herself from a lawsuit for violating commercial terms of a professional services contract for the ‘custody evaluation’ on little Odin Sakon. Smith’s lawyer is Cara Joyce of the firm MorrisonMahoney representing the insurance company who foolishly underwrites Smith’s quackery. Attorney Joyce has a hearing on 15 November before Judge Susan Cobb to reargue that Smith cannot be sued for violating her commercial contract terms in the Sakon case, as Smith is a family court whore who must have ‘absolute immunity’ for the sole reason that jewish psychologists require bulletproof immunity, or else no charlatan would ever… Read More »Publicity Hurts


              The sloth from Westport, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, has filed for contempt because the internet exists, her client is a pedophile, and she is a shitty lawyer. The blog cannot make this stuff up. Aldrich writes like a chicken, blows smoke, obscures fact, tells lies, and violates Rules of Professional Conduct by pursuing meritless, frivolous, and vexatious litigation serving no purpose in law: why she is a blog star. She moves for contempt of court on behalf of her sensational client Christopher Ambrose of Madison. Attorney Aldrich claims that PRIVACY of abused children, Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, caught up in the public forum of family court, is cause to suspend the… Read More »CONTEMPT!

              Terrorist: Patrick Carroll

                Time to find a strong branch on the Charter Oak, strike a halyard from the mizzen, thirteen turns to the noose, peaceably assemble a mob of Patriots, torches lit, seize the fucktard in the dead of night, stuff a sock in his mouth, hoist the old fart on his own treacherous deeds, let gravity of a fat ass take its toll on crook’s neck, a sovereign people does its duty, a traitor swings. A righteous end to a soul so dark as to prey on children while betraying the trust of a sovereign people. Judge Patrick Carroll ($211k/yr) is the administrative judge of the Connecticut Judiciary, not that such a… Read More »Terrorist: Patrick Carroll

                Christopher Ambrose: Part 9

                  Connecticut’s jewish game of rape childhood and drain family bank continues its steady march to the drumbeat of Zionism. Jew Judge Adelman dishes out more pain and suffering for the goy from his high bench of family court. This time he attacks a free press, triggering blow back from Dolfecino claiming Adelman is fair game! A judge of delusional mind, who thinks he will muzzle the press by discretionary order? Surely Adelman begs the retort of the Second Amendment by a free people to eliminate tyrants in black robes. Come and get us, your honor … you will be dead before you hit the floor! Welcome to the land of… Read More »Christopher Ambrose: Part 9


                    Time to examine the jewish application of law in the pedo utopia of Connecticut, where children are raped and Annie Lamont applauds her husband’s participation. Jewish law is evident in Adelman’s rabbinical court victimizing three gifts from God: Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer Ambrose. Adelman has shredded the First Amendment on fabricated claim of children’s privacy; a jew’s game. A sovereign people hold duty to regulate and supervise a court system. The totalitarian sound byte that the judiciary is independent is jewish word salad to undermine the enlightened society of the goy. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, the people hold all the power. Everything… Read More »Expression


                      The blog has been gagged! Well, not really. But the jewish pedophile excuse of a judge, the Dark Lord himself, the wasting, soon to be dead, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, has proudly embarrassed the sovereign people of Connecticut by attempting an end run around the First Amendment to gag d’blog while he continues the rape of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. Oi vey, put a black robe on a jew and watch the Bill of Rights go up in flames. The now-famous blog herein, forthwiths documents its willful violation of fuckhead’s gag order. First, blog contributors just drove past the house of horrors at 381 Horse Pond Rd in Madison, the… Read More »GAG!