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First Amendment

Federal Clarification

    Time for some federal clarification of free speech under the First Amendment, despite what the jews of family court want you to believe. Not even Judge Bozzuto is above the law, but her paedophile protectors will twist it to all extents possible in retaliation against Christian critics. In the battle of good vs. evil there will be casualties on both sides, but the children of the light hold constitutional right to criticize the dark side with horrific prose that can terrify a monster like Elizabeth Bozzuto of Connecticut. Non-Satan worshipers will take note of rulings by the Second, Sixth, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuit Courts along with the opinion of seven… Read More »Federal Clarification

    Ninth Circuit Speech

      Take heed of the style manual provided by the Ninth Circuit while expressing displeasure with the jews of family court. Criticism of the jewdiciary will be met with retaliation by paedo muscle in blue, a.k.a. police. The justification for the clever use of the criminal justice system by the disciples of Zion is that the jew judges are scared, finding the words used to describe jewish conduct ‘threatening’. Yep, a page right out of the Talmud on how to fuck up the goy when they catch on to the jewish game. But now comes Judge Charles Breyer of D. Northern California in U.S. v Weiss to quote the Ninth Circuit… Read More »Ninth Circuit Speech

      Unequal Speech

        It is humourous to examine the un-equalness of law across the land of equal protection. This week, Justice Clarence Thomas, the only nigger on the U.S. Supreme Court, threw a fit over the denial of cert to a Kansas free speech case. Thomas exposes the fickleness of state interpretations of free speech under the First Amendment. The Attorney General in Kansas is all upset because his little supreme court in the Land of Oz said it is o.k. to rant about public officials being found dead in a ditch. Silly state statutes claiming ‘reckless disregard to cause fear’ by interpretation of others is overbroad and unconstitutional. The state supreme judges… Read More »Unequal Speech

        Contra Costa Bar Jews

          The Board of Directors of the Contra Costa Bar has delivered an attack on the First Amendment which would make Hitler and Stalin proud. Seventeen chosen domestic enemies of the Constitution conspire to defeat America’s beloved freedom of expression. Bound together by cause of a lawyer scam, this so-called professional organization holds cause to criticize those who exercise protected freedoms we hold so dear. The jews run family court and the Bar association, they are chosen, you are not. Criticize a jewish scam and watch the blowback. The Board, under the leadership of President Oliver Greenwood who claims himself to be a ‘decent person’ and a former Marine does attack… Read More »Contra Costa Bar Jews

          Special Unit

            Big Brother is watching! Now he is hunting! Now he has a special unit to hunt those whom he does not like…the far right. Not the far left, but the far right. Those people with political views and mindsets that Jew Big Brother does not like. Needless to say, there is nothing too far left for Big Brother, just the right. Meet the new unit of the New York Police Gestapo, the thin blue line of constitutional terrorism designed to undermine all that is American. R.E.M.E. It is very Jewish. Police thugs have formed a new unit within their ‘intelligence department’ called Racially and Ethnically Motivated Extremism or R.E.M.E. Mr.… Read More »Special Unit

            Blawie The Magnificent!

              Connecticut: where rights go to die. Save the date! Just two weeks before Christmas, the dregs of the legal fuck barrel will assemble in the Supreme Court of Retards to hold a public argument over free speech. Like what is there to argue about? Our fat bald retarded Judge John Blawie, the magnificent constitutional dotard in a black robe has created a tempest in a tea pot. On wink and nod request from scum State’s Attorney Richard Colangelo, the Blawie did brand Connecticut with the tyrant’s mark by issuing a GAG order on the case of murdered Jennifer Dulos. The Great Grey Ponytail and champion of rights, Norm Pattis has… Read More »Blawie The Magnificent!

              Domestic Enemy

                Eric J. Smith, Macomb County Prosecutor Time to spotlight the home grown terrorists of Macomb County, Michigan, the elite crackers of the County Prosecutor’s Office under the defective leadership of Eric J. Smith, the chief law enforcement official of the county. The mental retard misrepresents himself to the public by claiming he speaks for the the victims of crime and ‘fights’ for the protection of homes and families by providing the ‘finest legal representation’ to citizens and the thin blue line. Silly Eric claims he has a personal and professional [sic] mission to ensure justice is done. Too bad that silly boy Eric does not know the law nor the… Read More »Domestic Enemy


                  Connecticut: Where the Constitution goes to die! Here we go again. Just when you thought we had First Amendment rights, Judge John F. Blawie shreds the Constitution as a favor to his fellow prosecutor pal Richard Colangelo to railroad a convenient murder suspect for which the State lacks evidence to prosecute. Not citing any substantive reason nor sound case law, Blawie favors the prosecution’s beliefs and speculations over freedom of expression to tilt the scales of justice to the presumption of guilt. The great grey ponytail, Attorney Norm Pattis, smells a rat and has taken Blawie’s pseudo gag order to the State Supreme Court for review. Colangelo’s game is obvious.… Read More »BLAWIE!

                  Scrutiny Not!

                    Judge Donna Heller hides the jew trickery! Just when you thought the public had right to scrutiny of a public forum, along comes Judge Donna Heller of Corrupticut to sweep the First Amendment under the family court carpet. Here we go again! It is the old divorce case of Jennifer Dulos and her murderous hubby Fotis. Two years of senseless litigation, Dad knocks off Mom and that is the end of the case. But not really. The difference between a prostitute and a lawyer is that the hooker will stop fucking you when you are dead. Not so for the ‘family’ lawyers in the Dulos divorce case. Jewish trifecta of… Read More »Scrutiny Not!


                      Dig up all the skeletons in the court’s closet Here we go again! To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. In Macomb County, Michigan the rulers do not allow state employees in black robes to be singled out for putrid job performance. Meet Judge Rachel Rancilio a Catholic doing Satan’s work in a black robe by destroying parent child bonds under the color of ‘family law’. The national spotlight shines on Rancilio’s discretionary ruling to award ‘sole custody’ of little Killian Jake Vanderhagen to his whacked out mother, ignoring all the red flags that a common man would call ‘child abuse’.… Read More »Skeletons!