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First Amendment

True Threat

    The cesspool of Corrupticut has gained the national spotlight once again. Donna Anischik Grossman was sitting in the audience next to Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto at Monday’s public hearing before the Judiciary Committee, where she texted the following to her daughter: “If I had a gun, I’d blow away Sampson and a large group of NRA”. See NRA fb post and comments here. Watch Grossman’s removal here. In Connecticut the high court has ruled that this is not protected speech. State case law of the Supreme Court, written by Chief Justice Robinson clearly states the standard of a “reasonable person would interpret the purported threat as a serious expression of an… Read More »True Threat

    Wordsmithing: Pro Gentile

      Attention all the propaganda artists, spin doctors, speech police and other Orwellian clowns of the modern cesspool of American society.  The term ‘anti-semitic’ is hereby replaced with the term ‘pro gentile’.  No longer can the jewish lords of Zionism play word games claiming prejudicial treatment because of the misuse of a term labeling ancient languages.  Enough with the Jew’s bullshit.  From now on the people who defend the teachings of the Church, uphold the tenets of a Jeffersonian Democracy and conduct themselves in a proper civilized manner cannot be labeled ‘anti-semetic’ as they are simply ‘pro-gentile’. People (jews) who use the term ‘anti-semitic’ from now on will be called out… Read More »Wordsmithing: Pro Gentile

      David J. Smith: Traitor

        Time to take another look at the anti-American David J. Smith of New London’s prosecutor’s office in gulag Connecticut.  This miscreant of a human demonstrates his disdain for the American Constitution in his persecution of a fellow citizen for exercising the right of free speech.  David J. Smith is persecuting free speech because he is a jewish tool acting out a nazi agenda of the state gestapo who must silence critics of the ruling jewidicial monarchy. Clown boy Smith slept through law school at William&Mary; the same school where Thomas Jefferson studied under George Wythe back in 1762. Smith learned nothing while in Virginia, he slithered to the cesspool of… Read More »David J. Smith: Traitor

        Express Yourself

          Are you American?  Have an opinion?  Hate family court?  Hate the judges?  Well, you have a right to express yourself; First Amendment.  Here is an example of how a free citizen in the land of the free and the home of the brave can express himself under the protections framed in the First Amendment. First, identify a judge to hate, say Elizabeth Bozzuto of the Connecticut Family Court.  A privileged dyke from a rich republican family whose appointment to the bench was purchased in the back room of political favouritism.  It is quite American to hate an individual for ascending to a position of responsibility on privilege of being in… Read More »Express Yourself

          Public Scrutiny Exception

            Good faith exception to gag order. Public scrutiny of corrupt court protects child welfare. Judge Sharon LoVallo is free speech terrorist.