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First Amendment

True Threat?

    The donut sheriffs of Lake County, Illinois did not get the memo on a .50 cal to the head from the federal courts. Big fat uneducated Deputy makes claim that a ranting victim of family court is making a ‘true threat’ to two judges who are not on the call. Here we go again!!! Nigger boy Sheriff John Idleburg and white judicial cocksucker prosecutor Eric Rinehart apply for an arrest warrant for Kash Jackson because he threatened to kill a judge to whom he never spoke, as interpreted by a donut whore with hemorrhoids. Of course another Lake County jew in a black robe issued the warrant, set bail at… Read More »True Threat?


      Connecticut’s jewish agenda is a gift that keeps on giving blog feed. Even the great grey ponytail, giant of the legal profession, and blog favorite, NORM PATTIS is in the fray! A nutjob Texas judge hands down a twisted decision against Alex Jones that shreds the First Amendment. Blog loves the First Amendment! The SandyHoax is a story about mass murder carried out with a powerful rifle by a skinny autistic kid who can not tie his shoes, but an excellent marksman, nerves of steel, unflinching when 144 high velocity rounds ripped thru victims at point blank range. Only 6 of his 150 rounds missed flesh during the ten minute… Read More »SandyHoax

      What if …

        Time for the pontificating, philosophizing, patriotic elders of the famous blog community to ask the ultimate civics question regarding the family court: What if … What if, the tyranny of child trafficking and suspension of rights is so deeply embedded in the jewdicial psyche under no fault divorce that the children are in danger, where the parents of the nation have no recourse in redress of grievances. No remedy in state court, state legislatures, federal court, nor Congress. The parents only have the Second Amendment to protect the nation’s children from harm, for the present, and future generations. So the ultimate ‘what if …’ comes before the blog for public… Read More »What if …


          Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules anti-semitic speech is constitutionally protected. Today’s ruling in Gerber v. Herskovitz recognized the free expression in a public place to criticize jewish deviancy. Welcome to ‘murika, the goy hold a protected right to hate da jews and the jews have no claim for relief in federal court. Hate the politics of jews, hate the political power of jews, hate U.S. funding of a jewish state, hate the holohoax, hate what jews do to Palestinians, hate jewish rape of children, hate that jews have nuclear weapons, hate chosen jews, hate how jews control family court, then express yourself! It is a First Amendment right. Jews… Read More »Newsflash

          Cesar Noble: Dicktater

            Judge Cesar Noble of the Hartford Superior Court was born a poor dumb Cuban who fled from the evil Dictator Castro, only to become a domestic terrorist as a judge in Connecticut. The whacked out jewdiciary is hunting free speech again! Judge-less-than-Noble entertains the whining of a local cop to pursue speakers of free speech, being the Castro he loves!! The attack on the First Amendment is brought by the thin skinned, ball-less, sexually inadequate, pedophile like, donut whore of the thin blue line in Hartford PD, Lt. Vincient G. Benvenuto, a thug. Vinnie does not like the internet, Vinnie does not like free speech, Vinnie does not like blogs,… Read More »Cesar Noble: Dicktater


              In a free society, ruled by the will of a sovereign people, there is a right to observe the shenanigans of family court, but Connecticut is no such society. The nutmeg people are victims of ‘POLICY’ handed down from a big dumb nigger in a black robe who masquerades as chief justice. In reality, Richard Robinson is just a puppet who betrays his oath by implementing POLICY directed by his masters for the third branch of government, a true fool. Jews of family court do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want; there is no rule of law, just jewdicial discretion to traffic children and drain family bank,… Read More »POLICY!


                Private speech police roam the land of the free and home of the brave. They are funded by the chosen who act to subdue criticism by four-legged animals. These uneducated morons licensed as ‘private investigators’ act as domestic terrorists to undermine the Bill of Rights. Their prime target is the First Amendment. Criticize the chosen and be hunted by their flying monkeys. Meet Brian Hedley, a California private investigator, license #26268, who works from a home office in Tracy, investigating free speech on the internet which his client, Lorie Nachlis, does not like. Nachlis achieved blog notoriety in a family case where father committed suicide after killing his nine year… Read More »PrivateEye

                Blawie d’Trickster

                  Oh, the sleight-of-hand tricks pulled by the bald goofball in a black robe are amazing! Today Judge John F. Blawie pulled a fast one, but not fast enough for the now famous blog not to spot. He ordered the State prosecutor to turn over a ‘sealed’ document to the defense in the criminal trial of horse face, Michelle Troconis da bitch, associated with Fotis Dulos and the death of the beautiful Jennifer. Something ‘sealed’ in a criminal matter? C’mon, who is going to buy that bullshit? Quick recap. Jen goes missing, New Cannan Police drop their donuts after urging from NYPD, Attorney Michael Meehan, the shiester GAL for the five… Read More »Blawie d’Trickster

                  No Scrutiny Allowed!

                    Sua sponte, the public right to scrutiny, in its own courts is thwarted by jewish rule of Judge Adelman! The goy are not allowed to observe the jewish pedo scam of child snatching. The family court trickery of citing jew psychobabble as ‘evidence’ in a divorce proceeding is hidden from public view by the Dark Lord himself, the dishonorable, unconstitutional, child molesting, disease ridden, moron in black, the blog famous Judge Gerard I. Adelman of Connecticut. Last Wednesday, Judge Adelman presided in his secret ‘star chamber‘ to hear the testimony of quackster Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD. The courtroom was closed to the public, as the secret testimony could not… Read More »No Scrutiny Allowed!


                      Hang a noose and watch the cops go nuts!!! Spray paint a Tibetan good luck symbol and the thin blue line hyper-ventilates, but hunt down conservative white folk for being white and the jews applaud. Oh the fun of performance art!! The constitutionally confused Police Chief in Windsor Connecticut is taking sedatives to overcome his overreaction to a ‘noose’ found hanging from a rafter in a new warehouse. The more technical term is that there is a bit of dangling string, which can be interpreted to be a noose, which is further interpreted by the NAACP and other Marxist race baiters to be a racist symbol against niggers implying ‘lynching’,… Read More »Noose!!!