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William J. Grohs

FrankReport: Vicki Frenzel

    The trailer trash hair stylist from Watertown makes headlines on the FrankReport for the antics of Waterbury Family Court and what lecherous lawyers will do for money in front of a jewish judge. This ten year saga is the most expensive case of child trafficking and childhood rape by the jews of family court. The big nigger in the black robe and his side ‘ho Nancy are proud of this one. Makes the righteous of the world want to hang folks like Ficeto, Coleman, Agati, Cutsumpas, Fasano, Brigham from a tree. Read the detailed reporting of the FrankReport that show what jews and trailer trash will do for money. Richard… Read More »FrankReport: Vicki Frenzel

    Coleman Trafficking

      Nigger boy Judge Eric Coleman displays incompetent abilities from the bench today in the continuing child trafficking case of Evie and Sofi Grohs of Watertown. A divorce case fueled by money and the demented mind of William J. Grohs that has gone on for eleven years and continues past his death. What the family court does to children in the name of lawyer feed is truly barbaric. Nigger boy Coleman gave the children and their trust funds to trailer trash Vicki Frenzel just three days before dad’s death with the help of jew lawyer Steve Levi. Poor Vicki has no income, but expenses of $3,200 a week, forced to live… Read More »Coleman Trafficking

      Vicki Frenzel Again!

        The beauty of Connecticut plays out in the jewish cesspool of its family courts. Blog famous Vicki Frenzel displays her true colors again filing in probate court to seize control of trust funds of the daughters of deceased William Grohs. Family Court runs on money and the inbred jewish judges and lawyers of Waterbury will devour children, parents, and savings accounts to satisfy their appetite for cash and pedophilia. This is truly what Connecticut is all about. Bill Grohs croaked last March. Jew lawyer Steve Levy paid Judge Ficeto to direct nigger boy Judge Coleman to gift the daughters to sleazy cunt Vicki Frenzel instead of their real mother. Just… Read More »Vicki Frenzel Again!

        Bill Grohs Obit

          The world bids goodbye to blog famous William J. Grohs of Watertown, Connecticut. Bill has been a blog star since his debut in July 2017 in a post highlighting our favourite GAL, Mary Brigham. He has appeared in a total of 48 posts highlighting his ability to pay lawyers to use the court to abuse the mother of his two girls. Without Bill’s money and lecherous divorce attorneys from Woodbury, the blog would have never had DICKHEAD FASANO, arguably a clerks’ office favourite in Waterbury JD. A parade of paedo judges has kept this case going after a dissolution by agreement entered by Judge Bozzuto in July 2011, but since… Read More »Bill Grohs Obit

          Nigger Child Snatcher: Coleman

            Blog fans will remember the dumb nigger, Connecticut State Senator Eric D. Coleman. He sat on the judiciary committee for years, ignoring the abuses of the Family Court and protecting the state pedophile ring. He was playing along because his reward was a black robe and a fat pension. Pretty good for the dumb nigger who never practiced law, never filed a motion, wrote a brief or argued a point; not that he ever had a client or could find his way to the courthouse. He was a lackey ‘consultant’ to the insurance industry in Hartford. Big nigger dummy has made his Family Court debut by trafficking two gifts from… Read More »Nigger Child Snatcher: Coleman

            Bill Grohs: At it again!

              Just when you thought Connecticut Family Court could not get any worse, William Grohs, demented humanoid of pedophile proportions, goes before Judge Gould demanding that two daughters, Evie and Sofie, be isolated from their mother. Judge Gould, being a zionist foot soldier of King Jew Elliot Solomon is holding a hearing on the subject today in Bridgeport.  Family Court is showing its true colors again. Attorney Mary Brigham, the court appointed guardian ad litem for the girls is on the stand testifying under oath that it is in the best interests of children to be cut off from their mother. A truly Connecticut form of jewism. Note Brigham is billing… Read More »Bill Grohs: At it again!

              The Gould Conundrum

                The pedo players of Corrupticut Family Court have put Judge Mark Gould in a corner.  The illegal isolation game played by pedo Judge Anna Ficeto has blown up in Judge Gould’s courtroom, in full public view. Judge Ficeto illegally separated Evie and Sophie Grohs of Watertown from their loving mother and extended Christian family.  A jew’s trick on the gentiles.  Ignoring state law requiring constant hugs from parents, Ficeto did not document any reason for the child isolation, the state held no interest, no restraining order issued, just the discretion of a monster in a black robe working for the pedo ring.  Now a year on, Judge Gould had to… Read More »The Gould Conundrum

                Court Whore: Dr. Stephen M. Humphrey, Ph.D

                  The tentacles of the Connecticut pedo ring extend far and wide among the players of Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto’s deviant family court.  The child trafficking game is precise and expensive.  Time to examine the pedo strategy of the notorious GAL, Attorney Mary Brigham in the brainwashing of Evie and Sofie Grohs, new recruits in the child trafficking game of Connecticut. Remember last year, pedo Judge Anna Ficeto isolated Evie and Sofie from their mother and entire extended Christian family on 31 August 2017, the first day of school.  In violation of state law, Judge Ficeto isolated these two girls from their mother.  No active and consistent involvement of mom in the… Read More »Court Whore: Dr. Stephen M. Humphrey, Ph.D

                  Excommunicate Judge Anna Ficeto

                    What is the point of having a judge more unfaithful to God than she is to the law?  Judge Anna Ficeto is a notorious child trafficker of the Connecticut Family Court, who pretends to be of the Roman Catholic faith.  She goes to church on Sunday, she takes communion, she is seen kneeling, standing, sitting during the Mass, even praying.  But when she puts on a black robe, ascends to the bench, she becomes Satan’s hand. Why would a practicing Catholic find cause to use God’s gifts of children, as weapons in litigation?  The Fourth Commandment is effectively codified in the laws of Connecticut; protection of families, protection of children,… Read More »Excommunicate Judge Anna Ficeto

                    More GAL Fees!!!!

                      For the skeptics who still think that Connecticut Family Court gives a shit about children, here is a newsflash that it is all about money.  Our favourite cancer cunt Attorney Mary Brigham has not been paid and Judge Anna ‘Pedo’ Ficeto is pissed.  Brigham is the guardian ad litem for trafficked little girls in the case of Evie and Sofie Grohs.  Two gifts from God who have not been allowed to hug their mother since 1 August 2017. The pedo Judge, Anna Ficeto, notorious for the protection of child abuser Matthew Couloute back in 2015 over in Hartford, continues her role as child trafficker in Waterbury along with jew Judge… Read More »More GAL Fees!!!!

                      Lack of Principle Scully

                        Time to take a look at how the corrupt pedophile enclave of Watertown, Connecticut uses the public school system to harm children in the destruction of parent/child bonds.  Yes, this is the never ending drama of pedo monster and child predator William J. Grohs, his dickhead lawyer Michael Fasano and the devil’s bitch GAL Attorney Mary Brigham.  Daddy Grohs has such a little dick and over inflated ego that he needs to use the two girls Evie and Sofie as weapons of vengeance against their own mother to prove his manhood.  Obviously the perpetual live in fiancée Vickie Frenzel is not putting out enough that William Grohs has to psychologically screw… Read More »Lack of Principle Scully

                        GAL Steals Christmas

                          Judge Wilson J. Trombley of the Waterbury JD in Connecticut did opine that Sofi and Evie Grohs should be able to hug their mother for Christmas, that Christian holiday in celebration of the birth of a saviour with beliefs of a god, love and family. Before the old bird’s bench was the great dickhead Michael Fasano and his demented pedo client and jailer of Sofi and Evie; William J. Grohs.  The mentally deranged William Grohs uses children was weapons to inflate is delicate ego.  If he is not hurting someone he just does not feel manly and his dick goes limp.  Also in the courtroom was the notorious pedo ally… Read More »GAL Steals Christmas

                          Watertown Speech Police

                            The thin blue thugs of the Watertown Police Department in rural Connecticut are executing the will of the state pedophile ring in hunting down free speech that brings light to the child trafficking game of Sophia and Evie Grohs. Our civilized society gives the people the First Amendment privilege of scrutinizing the corrupt activities of Judge Anna Ficeto, a puppet of the pedophile mafia of Corrupticut.  A family court judge who rips children from mothers so unscrupulous penis players like William J. Grohs can use two little girls for demented pleasures.  But the pedo muscle wears a badge, carries a gun, has an attitude and is mentally retarded.  Jerkoff Detective… Read More »Watertown Speech Police

                            Mark Frenzel

                              Time to take inventory of the miscreant youth named Mark Frenzel of Watertown, Connecticut.  The kid is a pawn in an evil and expensive game of William J. Grohs, the madman psychopath hell bent on proving his manliness by isolating his daughters from their mother. William J. Grohs is the mentally deranged humanoid whose twisted ego drives him to destroy the lives of every person he ever attempted to hold a relationship; whether it is a woman, child, dog or other man, he can only wreak havoc on people.  His latest episode of deviant behavior was to drag Mark Frenzel into court to make false claims that the x wife… Read More »Mark Frenzel

                              Spotlight: Judge Wilson J. Trombley

                                Time to spotlight another terrorist in a black robe doing the work of the Connecticut state pedo ring.  Judge Wilson J. Trombley is still entertaining the case of the invisible stalker out of Watertown, Connecticut.  Remember Watertown?  The home of dyke on the byke Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, where Judge Gold determines that bullets can fly unobstructed through 900 feet of forest.  Where the pedo Police Chief John Gavallas arrests mothers for no reason other than simple cash in the pocket from pedo’s like William J. Grohs.  A strange place indeed. This nut job in a black robe, Trombley, having an unhealthy attraction to the back end of little boys is… Read More »Spotlight: Judge Wilson J. Trombley

                                Attempted TRO

                                  Quick update on the rantings of the self-appointed wicked step-mother Vicki Frenzel of Watertown, the famous village which is home to dyke on the byke Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto of the Connecticut Superior Court. Watertown is a strange place, inbred town management, crooked police, pedo chief, cops who steal from charities and where Judge Gold determines that bullets can fly unobstructed through 900 feet of forest.  The water supply is so toxic that it keeps the town mentality down around junior high level, even for the adults.  The child molestation drama surrounding Vicki’s kid Marc Frenzel, a sophomore at Watertown High, does not stop.  William J. Grohs of 227 Woodbury Road… Read More »Attempted TRO