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Jennifer Dulos

Milking Overtime

    What could be better than having a job where all the best doughnut shops are visited daily, where glazed and powdered sugar brighten the morning and the evening. Oh, the joys of being a cop in Connecticut! Smother the jelly donuts with overtime and enjoy the ride. Law enforcement milks a simple murder for an extra million dollars worth of doughnuts, while feigning a murder investigation, overtime is such a racket that only police can get away with it. Jen Dulos was mutilated in her garage in New Cannan back in May 2019. Pretty simple case to solve. Mopped up blood stains in garage defined the murder scene, amount of… Read More »Milking Overtime

    Dead Yet?

      Is she dead? Maybe she is not dead? What is the evidence to show she is not dead? What is the evidence to show she is dead? Preponderance of evidence? Beyond a reasonable doubt? The jews of Connecticut display their games of arguing to generate billable hours for Bar members. Judge Evelyn Daly plays along to ring up profits for her Bar pals and to pocket her commission for orchestrating the scam. Meet nut job and human miscreant Evelyn Daly, a total moron with a law degree from the diploma mill known as the Western New England School of Law, a borderline mental institution catering to the intellectually challenged who… Read More »Dead Yet?

      Oh, Jen!

        Let’s have an accountability discussion about the cesspool known as Connecticut Family Court and five kids who lost their mother. Recently Nigger Boy Robinson, the Chief Justice of the Cesspool sent an email to all the overpaid twits of the judiciary, making obscure claim that the department and its judges had to do a better job. What the fuck? Like can they perform their jobs any more incompetently? Let’s examine the simple divorce function of the family division of Superior Court and how it failed Jen Dulos, costing five kids their mother. Having had it with being married, Jen applied to the State to dissolve the union. All states issue… Read More »Oh, Jen!

        Victim Robinson

          Nigger Boy Robinson comes out whining about race, lynching, and injustice while he sits on top of the most unjust state court system in America. Playing the role of ‘victim’, Robinson pens a letter to employees of the judicial branch about ‘racial upheaval’, whatever the fuck that means. Robinson is using his position as Chief Justice of Connecticut to fan the flames of racial tensions for the parasitic jewish goal of creating discourse in the host society. Chief Justice Robinson’s putrid prose starts by stating that there is ‘racial injustice’ in America. No shit? The Indian tribes that once ruled Connecticut know this full well. White man shows up, Indians… Read More »Victim Robinson

          Bozzuto Propaganda

            Propaganda will always exist in a society run by tyrants. No need for the truth, just need to ‘spin’ things to confuse the populace. The family court of Connecticut recently executed Jen Dulos by dragging her through 705 days of tortuous and pointless litigation for the sole purpose of enriching her lawyer, Reuben Midler. Now, Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto tries to throw up a smoke screen of ‘domestic violence’ as the failure of the court and introduces a new scam to victimize more families before the most corrupt bench in the land. Lisa Backus pens an artificial article about Jen’s demise quoting the State’s most stupidly dykish judge, the infamous Elizabeth… Read More »Bozzuto Propaganda

            Jen Dulos Mediation Center

              The State of Connecticut funds a Family Mediation Center in Hartford headed by king jew Judge Elliot Solomon. The purpose of the center is to spare families the trauma and financial pain of trial to obtain a simple no-fault divorce. The King Jew spoke in detail, under oath, today about his work in the mediation center. See it here on CT-N. Needless to say, Jen Dulos did not get any mediation assistance. She was dragged through 705 days of pointless litigation until she was murdered as a consequence of court induced conflict. So let’s name the Family Mediation Center the Jennifer Dulos Family Mediation Center and put a picture of… Read More »Jen Dulos Mediation Center

              Target: Heller

                Time for the women of Connecticut to stand in solidarity for Jennifer Dulos, the murdered mother of five, abused by the family court for the singular fault of having money. The family court seeks money from litigants to reward court vultures. Family savings accounts fund the entire cadre of divorce lawyers in the state. These parasites operate to make money, not to obtain justice. Judge Donna Heller is a ring leader of the birds of prey. Judge Heller is the proximate cause of the death of Jen Dulos. The proof of the premise that family court is singularly focused on the assets of the parties is shown by comparing Baby… Read More »Target: Heller


                  Time for the famous blog to pull back the curtain on the tragedy that has taken the parents of Petros, Theodore, Christiane, Constantine and Cleopatra Noelle. Five perfect gifts from God who are the remaining survivors of the devil’s hand wielded from the bench of the anti-christ herself, Judge Donna Heller of Connecticut’s gruesome family court. In June of 2017, Jen filed with the State for a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce from her adulterous husband Fotis. Unfortunately, she was a resident of Connecticut and the family court quickly realized there was lots of money to be made from her family and their five kids. There was nothing of substance to… Read More »Post-Mortem

                  Custody Eval: Murder Clues?

                    When a mother of five goes missing, blood is found in the garage, over a million dollars has been spent on a divorce, how brilliant must one be to go arrest hubby? The LAPD went right to O.J.’s house, pretty simple. Well, welcome to Connecticut. Meet Sergeant Peter Condos of the New Canaan Police Department and his side kick Joe Farenga, two Keystone cops who have been fooling town residents into thinking cops have brains for the last three decades. Five days after Jennifer Dulos ‘disappeared’, leaving her purse in the house, her blood on the garage floor and her cell phone in her abandoned car in Wavenley Park, this… Read More »Custody Eval: Murder Clues?

                    Heller Won’t Stop

                      Judge Heller won’t stop! She dragged Jen Dulos through two years of pointless litigation with an adulterous husband making her pay over $1.6M not to obtain a ‘no fault’ divorce, ultimately ending in Jen’s murder by Fotis. But it has not ended. On 7 January, Connecticut declared Jen dead by arresting her murderer, hubby Fotis. But Judge Heller, presiding stooge over the divorce trial has a hearing scheduled on 21 January regarding a pleading by the foul, ugly and rather obese Attorney Reuben Midler for his motion to invade the children’s trust funds for another helping of undeserved legal fees to keep the divorce litigation going … a.k.a. his gravy… Read More »Heller Won’t Stop

                      Midler has no argument!

                        The latest twist in the Jennifer Dulos divorce drama before Judge Donna Heller is that there is no drama and no money left for big fat jewish lizard Reuben S. Midler, Esq. The scam is up for our favorite jewish judge of the family court, Donna Heller. She refused to issue Jen a simple and quick no fault divorce, preferring to drag out the family drama to allow lawyers Michael Meehan and Reuben Midler to run up their bills to drain Jen’s bank. As lawyers can only bill by the hour, it takes a lot of hours to get a million bucks out of Jen. Hubby Fotis is moving to… Read More »Midler has no argument!

                        Michael Meehan: Con Artist

                          The practice of family law in Connecticut is nothing more than a con game under the supervision of a judge. Litigants with money get fleeced. Fotis Dulos is no exception. Yesterday, in the civil trial, before Judge Noble, the sealed financial affidavit from family court was introduced into evidence. Originally filed two weeks before Jennifer ‘disappeared’ [murder], the financial affidavit shows Fotis had no income, was in debt to the tune of $5M and owed Attorney Michael Meehan over $40k for Guardian Ad Litem services in the divorce case….by order of the nefarious Judge Donna Heller. The public is curious to know what services Meehan provided for the princely sum… Read More »Michael Meehan: Con Artist


                            Who is the next woman with money to be swindled and murdered in Connecticut Family Court? Jennifer Farber Dulos, 50 year old, mother of five was murdered on 24 May 2019 by her adulterous, psycho hubby Fotis Dulos. A tragic dark tale played out under the twisted jewish game of Connecticut family court. Jen filed for divorce on 20 June 2017, two years before her bloody murder in the garage of her home at 69 Welles Lane in New Canaan. A simple application to the State for a ‘no fault’ divorce from an adulterous and abusive husband should have been granted in less than three months. The case was simple,… Read More »NEXT!


                              Connecticut: Where the Constitution goes to die! Here we go again. Just when you thought we had First Amendment rights, Judge John F. Blawie shreds the Constitution as a favor to his fellow prosecutor pal Richard Colangelo to railroad a convenient murder suspect for which the State lacks evidence to prosecute. Not citing any substantive reason nor sound case law, Blawie favors the prosecution’s beliefs and speculations over freedom of expression to tilt the scales of justice to the presumption of guilt. The great grey ponytail, Attorney Norm Pattis, smells a rat and has taken Blawie’s pseudo gag order to the State Supreme Court for review. Colangelo’s game is obvious.… Read More »BLAWIE!

                              Scrutiny Not!

                                Judge Donna Heller hides the jew trickery! Just when you thought the public had right to scrutiny of a public forum, along comes Judge Donna Heller of Corrupticut to sweep the First Amendment under the family court carpet. Here we go again! It is the old divorce case of Jennifer Dulos and her murderous hubby Fotis. Two years of senseless litigation, Dad knocks off Mom and that is the end of the case. But not really. The difference between a prostitute and a lawyer is that the hooker will stop fucking you when you are dead. Not so for the ‘family’ lawyers in the Dulos divorce case. Jewish trifecta of… Read More »Scrutiny Not!