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Mindy F . Mitnick

    Save the date! Make travel plans! The jew child predators of AFCC are gathering in the Marriott on the Magnificent Mile in Chicago to celebrate the rape of childhood and looting of family savings. The Windy City will host the highest concentration of child rapists in one hotel since the last AFCC child fuck fest. May 11-14 will be a perfect opportunity for death ray target practice from the space station, F35 smart bombing proficiency, and a magnet for BLM violent inequality protests as AFCC abhors nigger families with no money … niggardly discrimination is racist conduct by family court ‘professionals’. As infidels gather to preach against the Prophet’s protection… Read More »Mindy F . Mitnick


      Private speech police roam the land of the free and home of the brave. They are funded by the chosen who act to subdue criticism by four-legged animals. These uneducated morons licensed as ‘private investigators’ act as domestic terrorists to undermine the Bill of Rights. Their prime target is the First Amendment. Criticize the chosen and be hunted by their flying monkeys. Meet Brian Hedley, a California private investigator, license #26268, who works from a home office in Tracy, investigating free speech on the internet which his client, Lorie Nachlis, does not like. Nachlis achieved blog notoriety in a family case where father committed suicide after killing his nine year… Read More »PrivateEye

      Circle Jerk

        Family Court of Connecticut tries to present itself as some forum of expertise regarding children caught up in divorce. In reality, it is a cesspool of professional con-artists, charlatans, and cheats. The State does not care if you are married, if you are gay, if you want to cut off your dick, if you have kids or don’t have kids, if you go to swinger clubs, snort coke; the State just wants you to pay your taxes and die. But walk into family court, the state wants to give you a lifestyle enema to generate revenue for the judges, lawyers, and nasty vendors who provide ‘expert’ services to prolong litigation… Read More »Circle Jerk

        Evil of AFCC

          A new book is out on the evil doings of the AFCC. Nothing like a good fireside read covering six decades of the dark hand of evil players bound together in their sinister ‘NET’ for the sole purpose of destroying American families and draining bank accounts. The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts” – AFCC – is a self-proclaimed “network” whose operators conspired to take-over the government system that determines child custody known as “Family Court.”  AFCC’s network is massive. It has tentacles in almost every institution of authority. It has a public face and a private face. It masks itself as well-intentioned and innocuous – a non-profit association that exists… Read More »Evil of AFCC

          AFCC Goats

            Time to take a close look at the nefarious zionist child predator organization that calls itself an Association of Family Courts…the infamous AFCC. Nothing more than a national club of child traffickers and paedo protectors, this criminal enterprise is made up of judges, lawyers and court vendors who make their living plundering the savings of unsuspecting families who have the misfortune of walking into family court. The members are simply parasites, providing no useful purpose to a Christian society. They are so arrogant as to believe that their trafficking operations are exempt from federal and state taxes. No one knows why they are tax exempt, not even the IRS. But… Read More »AFCC Goats

            Bozzuto at it again!

              Just when you thought Elizabeth Bozzuto could do no more harm to Connecticut families, she shows up today in her role as chief family corrupter by hosting an AFCC mafia conference on destroying children. The bitch is back, more accurately she never left the game of family corruption, even though she was booted from the bench and relegated to administrative duties. Why is the Deputy Court Administrator involved in family court matters? Surely she has more to do in fixing contracts, taking kickbacks and otherwise undermining the integrity of the court system, but for some sinister reason she is hosting an AFCC conference of racketeering for vultures of the Bar… Read More »Bozzuto at it again!

              Court Whore: Dr. Liz Schockmel

                Time to spotlight another court whore with a psychology degree who sells personal opinions in the form of professional forensic services absent any published protocol in the cesspool of family court. The jewish brand of psychology portrays junk science as ‘forensic evaluation’.  More word salad for the feeble-minded who are scam victims of illegitimate court orders that appoint a quack to evaluate something to no standard for a hefty fee.  We little people call that racketeering.  Let’s examine how Dr. Elizabeth Critz Schockmel, Psy.D., of New York State peddles her wares with the support of family court judges. Liz was recently appointed by the top jew family judge of the… Read More »Court Whore: Dr. Liz Schockmel

                A Jew Judge Question

                  Why are child custody evaluations ordered by judges with regularity when there is no scientific evidence or accepted protocol to validate the study? Let’s put this question directly to the jew judges of family court.  The scientific community holds standards and methods for studies, none exist for the court appointed evaluator.  There is no case law in the country that defines standards and methodology for a custody evaluation.  So how can the court order something that does not exist? Here come the jews.  Psychology is junk science.  Opinions, biases, prejudices all rolled into the meaningless term ‘psychology’.  The jews invented this tool of social engineering in their promotion of Sigmund… Read More »A Jew Judge Question

                  AFCC Felony Tax Evasion

                    Why would a national racketeering operation of lawyers and judges be exempt from state and federal taxes?  A corporate entity set up to undermine the Constitution should be registered as an agent of the devil.  But the AFCC, under the leadership of head chosen president Attorney Annette T. Burns of Phoenix claims that the organization is not subject to tax. What if federal IRS agents raided the AFCC headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin?  Corner slime ball Executive Director Peter Salem, make him produce his tax exempt certificate…..he does not have it.  Drag the slime ball organization’s lawyers into court to tell a judge why the family court mafia front company is… Read More »AFCC Felony Tax Evasion

                    AFCC – The Anti Christ

                      Time to explain the structure of Family Court in America.  First off, it is not a court created by the federal Constitution.  State courts are of criminal and civil distinction.  The concept of a separate ‘family’ court was put forth by the AFCC long ago.  The AFCC is a jewish operation designed to attack the fundamental building block of Christian society….the family.  Western civilization has been built upon Christian values which embody the teachings of the Catholic Church and its spin-off protestants, episcopal, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.  The whole purpose of the Fourth Commandment to honor thy mother and father is to uphold the family as the bedrock of society. But… Read More »AFCC – The Anti Christ

                      Judge John Shirley – Debenched

                        The dark hand of the nationwide child trafficking consortium known as the AFCC has brought public outcry against one of its members, Judge John Shirley of Jackson, Mississippi.  The court insider organization founded by the chosen ones has a private agenda which denounces the Constitution along with any Christian beliefs regarding family or teachings of the church. The monster in black robe did wield his unchecked, limitless DISCRETION beyond the limits of law, beyond the limits of humanity and in perfect alignment with the Talmud of Babylon on how goyim get treated in a Rabbinical Court.  Miscreant of a human and a tyrant in black, John Shirley did separate a… Read More »Judge John Shirley – Debenched

                        Dirty Judge Leo V. Diana

                          How Evey and Sofi Grohs are being trafficked through secretive family court by Judge Leo V. Diana, pedo judge and child broker.

                          LoVallo’s Psychiatric Stability

                            Time to take a look at the jewdicial bias and prejudice played out in Family Court under the color of law.  Today we observe the perverted logic festering in the twisted legal mind of child predator in black, Judge Sharon LoVallo of New York. LoVallo, the crazy, takes aim at a mother.  Mother is a victim of domestic violence and has the broken bones to prove it.  LoVallo is confident that mother deserved the beating and bone cracking at the fist of the father.  After all, the State of Connecticut arrested mother as a fugitive from justice on the order of Governor Daniel Malloy for providing child care by seeking… Read More »LoVallo’s Psychiatric Stability

                            Court Labels

                              How the filings expose the money and the kids to rape.