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Truglia Motherfucker

    Judge Anthony D. Truglia, Jr. miscreant of jewdicial proportions conspires with David Rookasin in battering Catherine Rookasin on the altar of mother hatred in Bridgeport Superior Court. The un-ending drama of mentally defective males exhibiting anti-maternal behaviours stands on the jewish concept of best interests of child sex toys in the public forum of ‘family court’. Blog disclaimer applies: can’t make this shit up! David Rookasin is a dangerous individual. In 2016, David proves his manliness to petite wife Catherine by beating the crap out of her, sexually assaulting her, brutally sodomizing her, tearing her hair out, cracking her neck, dislocating spinal disks, inflicting emotional, psychological trauma, and bruising on… Read More »Truglia Motherfucker


      Free speech about matters in a public forum involving state sponsored child abuse is now a cause of SUICIDE! The intertwined world of politics, humanity, and jewish love of pedophilia creates the deviant logic of Christopher Ambrose that his public antics on a public stage are going to cause his own SUICIDE! Mad Man Ambrose penned a letter to the world claiming that opinions of others will result in his self-inflicted death. Blog bids him farewell. The now-famous Blog is mentioned in what is essentially a suicide note demanding overturning First Amendment, scrubbing the internet, apologizing for Ambrose butt hurt, or there will be a SUICIDE! Twisted logic of Mad… Read More »SUICIDE!


        Oswald did not shoot JFK. Pearl Harbor was no surprise. Hiroshima was a demonstration. Russian Revolution was an invasion. Hitler was a good guy. Six Million gassed jews is a fable. Civil War was not about slavery. Gulf of Tonkin was a quiet night. Black lives don’t matter. Jews hate the First and Second Amendments. Sun rises in the East. Adam Lanza not an expert marksman. Spoons make people fat, guns kill people, guns and spoons are evil. Life is a jew matrix, reality is an illusion. Welcome to Connecticut, the land of make believe, not so Honorable Barbara Bellis presiding! The now-famous Blog laughs at the jews of Koskoff,… Read More »SandyHoax!

        Maureen Duggan

          The now-famous Blog spotlights how the jewdiciary insulates itself from interference of the executive branch in child abuse by subversive policy controlled by pedo pet lawyers in the form of Maureen Duggan, legal director of DCF. A subtle but powerful defeat of separation of powers, legislative intent, and public policy. Jews have a clandestine way of defeating principles of democracy for the purpose of raping children. Maureen Duggan is a lame individual of inferior intellect, holding a worthless law degree from Western New England Skool of Law, sucking up $146k/yr public salary. She is an opportunist who defeats the child centric mission of the Department of Children and Families. The… Read More »Maureen Duggan

          Truglia Predator

            The now-famous Blog spotlights Judge Anthoni Truglia, Jr. a monster in a black robe, lacking intellect, preying on children for deviant joy, the effects of kosher blood in his family tree. Truglia is a pedophile, a clown judge, relegated to family court with the scum of jewdicial scum. He is now Presiding Judge of family in the armpit of Bridgeport. Truglia’s latest abuse of office is to favor predator David Rookasin’s psychosis of obsessive need to malign the mother of his two daughters. There is an emergency requiring ex parte sole custody order of Gabrielle Rookasin, on complaint of a pedo dad. Truglia loves abusing mothers from his bully pulpit… Read More »Truglia Predator

            Aldrich Fired!

              The jewish whore of Westport, the nasty evil Nancy Aldrich has been fired by her client, pedo Christopher Ambrose in the pathetic jewish financial family court feast of Ambrose v Ambrose. Attorney Nancy Aldrich has been raping the Ambrose family bank since July 2019, a hot gravy train running for a thousand days finally comes to an abrupt stop. Christopher Ambrose filed his own appearance, kicking out the jew cunt who has done nothing but bleed the family dry while pretending to secure a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce for the minor attracted father. Christopher Ambrose and Nancy Aldrich were a match made in hell. A father of demented psychosis with… Read More »Aldrich Fired!


                Blog famous TAMMY!, family court judge in Hartford, Connecticut proves once again that no law will restrict the assumed absolute discretion of a monster in a black robe. TAMMY! willfully violated the civil rights protection of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ignoring an accommodation order issued by her boss, Presiding Judge Leo Diana, which provides for half-day trial sessions for father with circulatory disability. TAMMY! acts to induce a stroke on a litigant by protracted litigation. The family case is Sakon v Sakon, which has dragged on relentlessly for six years without a final custody determination for little Odin. The case is fueled by dark money, where a penniless,… Read More »Tammy!

                Inquisitorial Regime

                  The great grey ponytail of Connecticut calls out the jewdiciary for being a cesspool of talmudic bacteria eating away at the foundation of a free society, shredding the Constitution with glee. Attorney Norm Pattis skewers the chosen monsters in black robes for being jews in rape of the American adversarial process in destruction of zealous advocates who challenge the absolute discretion of family court jurisprudence. Norm’s ‘writ of error‘ delivers notice that the Connecticut Courts have gone rogue, that Judge Moukawsher is a constitutional terrorist wielding un-regulated powers of destruction from a tyrannical bench, begging his own destruction: Sic Semper Tyrannis! Norm claims the jewdiciary is creating a INQUISITORIAL REGIME!… Read More »Inquisitorial Regime

                  Fuckin’ Pay Me!

                    The now-famous Blog spotlights the power of the jewish lawyer mafia of Connecticut Family Court that controls their puppets in black robes, commanding power to scream at a judge, demanding payment to the jew. Meet Mariane J. Charles, a lecherous, foul, filthy excuse of a human, self-chosen above goy, who can scream at Judge Kenefick demanding orders tha her invoices be paid immediately. Famous Blog disclaimer: can’t make this shit up. The public will be horrified to realize that the judges are controlled by the jew mafia of the family Bar. Alexander Cuda is the mafia leader of the criminal enterprise which completely undermines public confidence in the judicial Branch,… Read More »Fuckin’ Pay Me!

                    Frank Tiberi: Liar

                      Frank Tiberi took the witness stand today in Bridgeport Superior Court to tell Judge Eddie Rodriguez that despite his application for a restraining order against the petite mother of his child, there is no pattern of physical abuse, no threat of physical injury, pain, bruises, broken bones or other violent acts required under the law to issue the order. Frank Tiberi is an absolute liar, his Attorney Lisa Knopf dropped her head in shame when he stated that the mother of his child did not pose a threat to him or their son. Jew girl Lisa quickly recovered her composure realizing that Frank’s petty games before Rodriguez lined her pocket… Read More »Frank Tiberi: Liar