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Jocelyn’s $194,000!

    The final jewish stab at the Ambrose family wallet comes from jew Jocelyn Hurwitz, the guardian of best interests for Mia, Mathew, and Sawyer, the sworn shekel certificate has been filed!  See it here.  The crazy cunt can’t comply with state law, her certificate of plunder is required by statute, §46b-12(c), to be filed in May, but jew cunt could not possibly comply with state law of the people, attorney admitted to the honorable profession, cannot be trusted to file on time. The accounting department of now-famous Blog notes that Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz swears to fraud by admitting charges for many hours of $210/hr retarded secretary downloading from the efile… Read More »Jocelyn’s $194,000!


      Legal scholars of the now-famous Blog throw down the gauntlet at the furry feet of Connecticut’s flying monkeys. Big dumb nigger boy Robinson cannot defend his opinion in State v Taupier, while Blog goes unpunished under jewdicial edict that scary speech is criminal. C’mon nigger boy, show the world your shit! Robinson shreds the First Amendment on jew ‘model penal code‘ of the American Law Institute, speech restricted by reaction of the most delicate listener, an un-American concept created, promoted, implemented by jews; upheld by a freed slave, whipped by his white masters ’til he proclaims Toby’s ideology.  Nigger boy Robinson ignores all rulings proving his black ass wrong in… Read More »Gauntlet


        We the people hold right of expression in matters of political import, immune from government regulation when it serves the high purpose of self-rule, especially in protection of children, necessary for freedom in future generations, advocating violence to preserve the land of the free and the home of the brave is a necessity of liberty for all; family court judges, not so much. A well-regulated parental militia, being necessary, with dry powder and shot, aims at black robed tyranny; a little blood today preserves tomorrow’s freedom. Free people hold cause to remedy jewdicial misconduct:  Robinson, Adelman, Grossman, Truglia, Rodriquez, and Moukawsher.  Chilling redress by disbarment for zealous advocacy is call… Read More »Expression


          The new jewdicial ruling of Hartford Family Court is REJECTED!  No practice book rule on rejected pleadings, no legislative approval of Judge Leo Diana’s new adjudication process, just REJECTED, without comment.  The goy get no access to court, no redress, no openness, without sale, denial or delay, justice is withheld from the peasants by the REJECTED ruling of the elite masters in black robes … now begging for a .50 cal freedom seed, passing between the ears. Even SCOTUS sez that courts are the alternative to violence, looks like Judge Diana prefers violence. By Diana’s rejection of a simple pleading, he violates redress clause of the First Amendment, where his… Read More »Rejected!

          Incompetent Mark Ferraro

            The incompetence of Connecticut family court continues to astound. The blunders of judges and attorneys expose jewdical danger to children and society. These clowns have no clue to limits of their insanity, prancing around courtrooms, in complete ignorance of rule of law. Dumb fucks just doing whatever they want while mocking goy criticism in condescending tone; jews all. Take Mark Ferraro, Esq. of Bristol, who deceives the public, claiming legal knowledge for hire of family matters, in reality he is just another hack, raping childhoods for shekels with jew bar pals.  Ferraro suckers a trusting client, charges big bucks, appears before Judge Jorge Simon, ‘spic idiot in a black robe,… Read More »Incompetent Mark Ferraro


              Connecticut paedo ring can’t run, can’t hide, have no protection from the truth of their victims.  A well regulated parental militia a necessity of child protection in a free state.


                The now-famous Blog of the First Amendment kind advances public right to dissociate from ideas floating in cyberspace, for whatever reason.  No one is forced to read Blog, there are no subscriptions, no broadcasts, no debate, just silicon wafers allowing voluntary inquiry via a browser. Blog staff does not care for personal butthurt, eschews claims of criminal conduct for protected speech; would rather those folks just fuck off! Freedom of Association for advancement of ideas is an inseparable aspect of ‘liberty’ ensured by Fourteenth Amendment’s due process. In equal and opposite constitutional terms, Blog suggests those applauding jewdicial family court, rape of childhood, paedophilia, plunder of savings, absolute jewdicial discretion,… Read More »Disassociate

                Samantha & George

                  The now-famous Blog has identified two peas in a pod who cannot count to First Amendment, idiots in clown costumes, sporting funny hats, badges, guns, no brains, and attitudes to violate rule of law on dog whistle commands from Kernel Stavros Mellekas of the Connecticut State Storm Troopers, all under commie commissioner James Rovella.  Meet Samantha McCord and George Jupin, two worthless state employees who double their salary every year by gobbling up overtime pay committing acts of terrorism against free citizens.  Blog parenting department notes poor upbringings, probably both abandoned at birth for noted mental defects. The state gestapo employs these two nuts at Computer Crime Lab, a black… Read More »Samantha & George

                  RFTD Work Is Done!

                    The grand evil childhood rapist, the Dark Lord, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, has declared ALL RFTD WORK IS DONE!  The Ambrose case is returned to the armpit of Bridgeport, where fellow jew faggot Judge Antoni Truglia, Jr. is left to pick over the carcass of the family, now depleted of savings, which Adelman doled out to synagogue pals, Aldrich, Hurwitz, Caverly, and Horowitz.  The WORK of RFTD is to plunder family bank, drag out pointless litigation, rape childhood, and deliver the purchased decision.  Adelman’s looting included orders for jew Jocelyn Hurwitz to sit in the gallery, watching the entire trial, billing $400/hr to fully deplete the college funds of Mia,… Read More »RFTD Work Is Done!

                    Ambrose Child Protection

                      Mad Man Christopher Ambrose is growing more insane, the organic disease drilling holes in his brain has penetrated the logic center, his reality has collapsed into his laptop, a fantasy world of his own thoughts, his own words, his own delusions, while pleasuring himself by isolating Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from hugs of mother and extended family.  Remember that Judge Nastri ruled kids hold a fundamental right to hug mom, which does not apply in jew boy Adelman’s rabbinical court; hallmark of jew ‘murika! Mad man files another pathetic pleading, claiming need of a order to protect children from EMOTIONAL DISTRESS caused by invasion of privacy of actors upon a… Read More »Ambrose Child Protection